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the fortunes of oliver horn-第84章

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tell her of the long years of anxiety; of the sleepless nights; of his utter loneliness; without a friend to guide him; while he was trying to solve the problems that had blocked his path; of the poverty of these late years; all the more pitiful because of his inability at times to buy even the bare materials and instruments needed for his work; and; again; of his many disappointments in his search for the hoped…for link that was needed to make his motor a success。

Once; in lowered tones and with that eager; restless  expression which so often came into his face when standing over his work…bench in his little shop; baffled by some unsolved problem; he told her of his many anxieties lest some other brain groping along the same paths should reach the goal before him; how the Scientific Review; the one chronicle of the discoveries  of the time; would often lie on his table for hours before he had the courage to open it and read the list of patents granted during the preceding months; adding; with a voice full of gentleness; 〃I was ashamed of it all; afterward; my dear; but Mrs。 Horn became so anxious over our daily expenses; and so much depended on my success。〃

This brave pioneer did not realize; nor did she; that they were both valiant soldiers fighting the good fight of science and art against tradition and  provincialismpart of that great army of progress which was steadily conquering the world!

As she listened in the darkening shadows; her hand in his; her fingers tight about his own; he; reading the sympathy of her touch; and fearing to have distressed  her by his talk; had started up; and in his cheery; buoyant voice cried out:

〃But it is all over now; my child。 All past and gone。 The work of my life is finished。 There's plenty now for all of us。 For my dear wife who has borne up so bravely and has never complained; and for you and Oliver。 Your waiting need not be long; my dear。 This last happiness which has come to me〃 and he smoothed her hair gently with his thin hand and drew her closer to him〃seems the greatest  of them all。〃

The two were seated in this way one afternoon; Margaret resting after a day's work; when Oliver opened the door。 She had made a sketch of Richard's  head that very morning as he lay back in a big chair; a strong; vigorous piece of work which she afterward finished。

Richard looked up and his face broke into a joyous smile。

〃Bring a chair; my son;〃 he cried; 〃and sit by me。 I have something to say to you。〃 When; a few moments later; Margaret had left the room to give some directions to Mrs。 Mulligan; he added: 〃I have been telling Margaret that you both do wrong in putting off your marriage。 These delays fret young people's lives away。 She tells me it is your wish。 What are you waiting for?〃

〃Only for money enough to take care of her; father。 Madge has been accustomed to more comforts  than I can give her。 She would; I know; cheerfully  give up half of her income; small as it is; to me if I would let her; but that is not the way I want to make her happy。 Don't worry; dear old dad; the Fish portrait will pull us out〃and he leaned down and put his arms about his father's neck as he used to do when he was a boy。 〃I shall get there before long。〃

Oliver did not tell his father what a grief it had been to him to keep Madge waiting; nor how he had tried to make it up to her in every way while he had made his fight alone。 Nor did he tell Richard of the principal cause of his waitingthat the mortgage to which his mother had pledged her name and to which he had morally pledged his own was still unpaid。

Richard listened to Oliver's outburst without interrupting  him。

〃I only wanted to do the best I could for you my son;〃 he answered; laying his fingers on Oliver's hand。 〃I was thinking of nothing but your happiness。  During the last few days; since I have become assured that this negotiation would go through; I have decided to carry out a plan which has long been in my mind and which; now that I know about Margaret;  makes it all the more necessary。 I am going to make provision for you immediately。 This; I hope; will be to…morrow or the next day at farthest。 The contracts are all ready for our signatures; and only await the return of one of the attorneys who is out of town。 The cash sum they pay for the control of the patents is; as you know; a considerable one; then I get nearly half of the capital stock of the new company。  I am going to give you; at once; one…third of the money and one…third of the stock。〃

Oliver raised his hand in protest; but Richard kept on。

〃It is but just; my son。 There are but three of us your mother; yourself; and I。 It is only your share。 I won't have you and Margaret waiting until I am gone〃and he looked up with a smile on his face。

Oliver stood for a moment dazed at the joyous news; his father's hand in his; the tears dimming his eyes。 While he was thanking him; telling him how glad he was that the struggle was over and how proud he was of his genius; Margaret stole up behind him and put her hands over his eyes; bidding him guess who it wasas if there could be another woman in the whole world who would take the liberty。 Oliver caught her in his arms and kissed her; whispering in her ears the joyous news with her cheek close to his; and Margaret looked from one to the other; and then put her arms around Richard and kissed him without a wordthe first time she had ever dared so much。

Oh; but there were joyous times that followed!

Mrs。 Mulligan; at a whispered word from her mistress;  ran down…stairs as fast as her old legs could carry her and came back with her arms full of bundles;  which she dumped upon her small kitchen…table。 And Margaret put on a clean white apron; white as snow; and rolled up her sleeves; showing her beautiful  arms above her elbowsOliver always vowed that she had picked them up where the Milo had dropped themand began emptying the contents of a bowl of oysters; one of Mrs。 Mulligan's packages; into a chafing…dish。 And Oliver wheeled out the table and brought out the cloth; and dear old Richard; his face full of smiles; placed the napkins with great  precision beside each plate; puckering them up into little sheaves; 〃just as Malachi would have done;〃 he said; and then Margaret whispered to Oliver if he didn't think 〃it would be just the very thing;〃 they were 〃so anxious to see him〃and Oliver thought it wouldhe was cutting bread at the moment; and getting it ready for Mrs。 Mulligan to toast on her cracker…box of a range; and Margaret; with her arms and her cheeks scarlet; ran out in the hall and down the corridor; and came back; out of breath; with two other girlsone in a calico frock belted in at her slender waist; and the other in a black bombazine and a linen collar。 And Richard looked into their faces; and took them both by the hand and told them how glad he was to be permitted to share in their merrymakings; and then; when Oliver had drawn out the chairsone was a stool; by the waythe whole party sat down; Oliver at the foot and Richard on Margaret's right; the old gentleman; remarking; as he opened his napkin; that but one thing was wanting to complete his happiness; and that was Oliver's mother; who of all women in the world would enjoy the occasion the most。

But the happiest time of all was over the soup; or rather over the tureen; or rather what was inside of itor worse still; what was not。 This wonderful soup had been ordered at the restaurant across the way; and was to be brought in smoking hot at the appointed  time by a boy。 The boy arrived on the minute;  and so did the tureena gayly flowered affair with a cover; the whole safely ensconced in a basket。 When the lid was lifted and Margaret and the two girls looked in; a merry shout went up。 Not a drop of soup was in the tureen! The boy craned his head in amazement; and Mrs。 Mulligan; who stood by with the plates; and who had broken out into violent gestures  at the sight was about to upbraid the boy for his stupidity; when Margaret's quick eye discovered a trail of grease running down the table…cloth; along the floor and out of the door。 Whereupon everybody got up; including Richard; and with roars of laughter followed the devious trail out into the hall 
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