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the fortunes of oliver horn-第7章

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t  like it nowadays。 He raved about her。 You know it is Uncle John Tilghman's grandmother when she was a girl。〃 His voice suddenly dropped to a more serious tone as he imparted this last bit of information。

Miss Clendenning knew whose grandmother it was; and knew and loved every tone in the canvas。 It had hung in the Tilghman Manor…House for years and was one of its most precious treasures; but she did not intend to stop and discuss it now。

〃Mr。 Crocker wants me to copy it just as soon as I draw a little better。 Uncle John will let me; I know。〃

Miss Clendenning tapped her foot in a noiseless tattoo upon the stool; and for a time looked off into space。 She wanted to draw him out; to know from what depth this particular enthusiasm had sprung。 She was accustomed to his exuberance of spirits; it was one of the many things she loved him for。 If this new craze were but an idle fancy; and he had had many of them; it would wear itself out; and the longer they talked about it the better。 If; however; it sprang from an inborn taste; and was the first  indication of a hitherto undeveloped talent forcing itself  to the surface; the situation was one demanding the greatest caution。 Twigs like Oliver bent at the wrong time might never straighten out again。

〃And why did you come to me about this; Ollie; why don't you talk to your father?〃

〃I have。 He doesn't object。 He says that Mr。 Crocker is one of the rare men of the time; and that only inexperience among the people here prevents him from being appreciated。 That's what he goes to see him for。 It isn't father that worries me; it's mother。 I know just whet she'll say。 She's got her heart set on my studying law; and she won't listen to anything else。 I wouldn't object to the law if I cared for it; but I don't。 That's what makes it come so hard。〃

〃And you want me to speak to your mother?〃

〃Yes; of course。 That's just what I DO want you to do。 Nobody can help me but you;〃 he cried with that coaxing manner which would have seemed effeminate until one looked at his well…built; muscular  body and the firm lines about his mouth。 〃You tell her of all the painters you knew in London when you lived there; and of what they do and how they are looked up to; and that some of them are gentlemen  and not idlers and loafers。 Mother will listen to you; I know; and maybe then when I tell her it won't be such a shock to her。 Do you know it is incomprehensible to me; all this contempt for people who don't do just the same things that their grandfathers  did。 And how do I know; too; that they are right about it all? It seems to me that when a man is born a gentleman and is a gentleman he can follow any occupation he pleases。 Instead of his trade making  him respectable he should make IT so。〃 He spoke with a virility she had never suspected in him before; this boy whom she had held in her arms as a baby and who was still only the child to her。

〃But; Ollie;〃 she interrupted; in some surprise; 〃you must never forget that you are your father's son。 No one is absolutely independent in this world; everyone has his family to consider。〃 She was becoming  not only interested now; but anxious。 Mr。 Crocker had evidently been teaching the boy something  besides the way to use his pencil。 Such democratic  ideas were rare in Kennedy Square。

〃Yes; I know what you mean。〃 He had sprung from his seat now and was standing over her; she looking up into his face。 〃You mean that it is all right for me to go into old Mr。 Wardell's counting… house because he sells coffee by the cargo; but that I can't take a situation in Griggson's grocery here on the corner because he sells coffee by the pound。 You mean; too; that it is possible for a man to be a professor  or president of a college and still be a gentleman;  but if he teaches in the public school he is done for。 You mean; too; that I could saw off a patient's leg and still be invited to Uncle Tilghman's house to dinner; but that if I pulled out one of his teeth I could only eat in his kitchen。〃

Miss Clendenning threw back her head and laughed until the combs in her side…curls needed refastening; but she did not interrupt him。

〃I can't get this sort of thing into my head and I never will。 And father doesn't believe in it any more than I do; and I don't think that mother would if it wasn't for a lot of old people who live around this square and who talk of nothing all day but their relations and think there's nobody worth knowing but themselves。 Now; you've GOT to talk to mother; I won't take no for an answer;〃 and he threw himself  down beside her again。 〃Come; dear Midget; hold up your right hand and promise me now; before  I let you go;〃 he pleaded in his wheedling way that made him so lovable to his intimates; catching her two hands in his and holding them tight。

Of course she promised。 Had she ever refused him anything? And Oliver; a boy again; now that his confessions were made; kissed her joyously on both cheeks and instantly forgetting his troubles as his habit was when prospects of relief had opened; he launched out into an account of a wonderful adventure  Mr。 Crocker once had in an old town in Italy; where he was locked up over…night in a convent  by mistake; and how he had slept on his knapsack  in the chapel; and what the magistrate had said to him the next day; and how he had to paint a portrait  of that suspicious officer to prove he was a painter and a man of the best intentions。 In his enthusiasm he not only acted the scene; but he imitated the gesture and dialect of the several parties to the escapade so perfectly that the little lady; in her delight over the story; quite forgot her anxiety and even the musicale itself; and only remembered the quartette when Malachi; bowing obsequiously before her; said:

〃Dey's a…waitin' for you; Miss Lavinia。 Mister Unger done come and Marse Richard say he can't wait a minute。〃

When she and Oliver entered the drawing…room the 'cellist was the centre of the group。 He was stripping off the green baize cover from his instrument  and at the same time was apologizing; in his broken English; for being so late。 Richard was interrupting  him with enthusiastic outbursts over the new score which still lay under the wax candles lighting  the piano; and which he and Nathan; while waiting  for the musician; had been silently practising in sundry bobs of their heads and rhythmic beatings of their hands。

〃My dear Max;〃 Richard continued; with a hand on the musician's shoulder; patting him in appreciation  as he spoke; 〃we will forgive you anything。 You have so exactly suited to the 'cello the opening theme。 And the flute passages!they are exquisitely introduced。 We will let Miss Clendenning decide when she hears it〃 and he turned Unger's head in the direction of the advancing lady。 〃Here she comes now; you; of course; know the fine quality of Miss Clendenning's ear。〃

Herr Unger placed his five fat fingers over his waist…baud; bowed as low to Miss Lavinia as his great girth would permit; and said:

〃Ah; yes; I know。 Miss Clendenning not only haf de ear she haf de life in de end of de finger。 De piano make de sound like de bird when she touch it。〃

The little lady thanked him in her sweetest voice; made a courtesy; and extended her hand to Max; who kissed it with much solemnity; and Richard; putting his arm around the 'cellist's fat shoulders; conducted him across the room; whereupon Nathan; with the assumed air of an old beau; offered his crooked elbow to Miss Clendenning as an apology for having reached the house before her。 Then; seating her at the piano with a great flourish; he waved his hand to Oliver; who had drawn up a chair beside his mother; and with a laugh; cried:

〃Here; you young love; come and turn the leaves for Miss Lavinia。 It may keep you from running over other people in the dark; even if they are accused of hiding behind sun…dials。〃

With the beginning of the overture Mrs。 Horn laid down her work; and drawing her white gossamer shawl about her shoulders gave herself up to the enjoyment  of the music。 The overture was one of her favoritesone she and Richard had often played together as a duet in their younger days。

Leaning back in her easy…chair with half…closed eyes; her clear…c
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