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the fortunes of oliver horn-第51章

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 was Richard's in reality; as were all the boy's gesturesand the fine speech he had just made to his wife; proved it。 Instantly the instinctive doubt of the Puritan questioning the sincerity of whatever is gracious or spontaneous; was roused in Silas's mind。 From that moment he became  suspicious of the boy's genuineness。

The old lady; however; was still gazing into the boy's face; unconscious of what either her husband or her guest was thinking。

〃I am so glad you like our mountains; Mr。 Horn;〃 she continued。 〃Mr。 Lowell wrote his beautiful lines; 'What is so Rare as a Day in June;' in our village;  and Mr。 Longfellow never lets a summer pass without spending a week with us。 And you had a comfortable ride down the mountains; and were the views enjoyable?〃

〃Oh; too beautiful for words!〃 It was Margaret  this time; not the scenery; he could not take his eyes from her; as he caught the beauty of her throat against the soft white of her dress; and the exquisite tint of the October rose in contrast with the autumnal browns of her hair。 Never had he dreamed she could be so lovely。 He could not believe for one moment that she was the Margaret he had known; any one of the Margarets; in fact。 Certainly not that one of the Academy school in blue gingham with her drawing…board in her lap; alone; self…poised; and unapproachable; among a group of art…students; or that other one in a rough mountain…skirt; stout… shoes; and a tam…o'…shanter; the gay and fearless  companion; the comrade; the co…worker。 This Margaret  was a vision in white; with arms bare to the elbow oh; such beautiful arms! and the grace and poise of a duchessa Margaret to be reverenced as well as loveda woman to bend low to。

During this episode; in which Silas sat studying the various expressions that flitted across Oliver's face; Mr。 Grant shifted uneasily in his chair。 At last his jaws closed with a snap; while the two tufts of cotton…wool; drawn together by a frown; deeper than any which had yet crossed his face; made a straight line of white。 Oliver's enthusiastic outburst and the gesture which accompanied it had removed Silas Grant's last doubt。 His mind was now made up。

The young fellow; however; rattled on; oblivious now of everything about him but the joy of Margaret's  presence。

〃The view from the bend of the road was especially  fine〃 he burst forth again; his eyes still on hers。 〃You remember; Miss Margaret; your telling  me to look out for it?〃 (he couldn't stand another  minute of this unless she joined in the talk)。 〃In my own part of the State we have no great mountains nor any lovely brooks full of trout。 And the quantity of deer that are killed every winter about here quite astonishes me。 Why; Mr。 Pollard's  son Hank; so he told me; shot fourteen last winter; and there were over one hundred killed around Moose Hillock。 You see; our coast is flat; and many of the farms in my section run down to the water。 We have; it is true; a good deal of game; but nothing like what you have here;〃 and he shrugged his shoulders; and laughed lightly as if in apology for referring to such things in view of all the wealth of the mountains about him。

〃What kind of game have you got?〃 asked Mr。 Grant; twisting his head and looking at Oliver from under the straight line of cotton…wool。

Oliver turned his head toward the speaker。 〃Oh; wild geese; and canvas…back ducks and〃

〃And negroes?〃 There was a harsh note in Silas's voice which sounded like a saw when it clogs in a knot; but Oliver did not notice it。 He was too happy to notice anything but the girl beside him。

〃Oh; yes; plenty of them;〃 and he threw back his head; laughing this time until every tooth flashed white。

〃You hunt them; too; don't you? With dogs; most of the time; I hear。〃 There was no mistaking the bitterness in his voice now。

The boy's face sobered in an instant。 He felt as if someone had shot at him from behind a tree。

〃Not that I ever saw; sir;〃 he answered; quickly; straightening himself; a peculiar light in his eyes。 〃We love ours。〃

〃Love 'em? Well; you don't treat 'em as if you loved 'em。〃

Margaret saw the cloud on Oliver's face and made a step toward her father。

〃Mr。 Horn lives in the city; father; and never sees such things。〃

〃Well; if he does he knows all about it。 You own negroes; don't you?〃 The voice was louder; the manner a trifle more insistent。 Oliver could hardly keep his temper。 Only Margaret's anxious face held him in check。

〃No; not now; sirmy father freed all of his。〃 The tones were thin and cold。 Margaret had never heard any such sound before from those laughing lips。

Silas Grant was leaning forward out of his chair。 The iron jaw was doing the talking now。

〃Where are these negroes?〃 he persisted。

〃Two of them are living with us; sir。 They are in my father's house now。〃

〃Rather shiftless kind of help; I guess。 You've got to watch 'em all the time; I hear。 Steal everything  they get their hands on; don't they?〃 This was said with a dry; hard laugh that was meant to be conciliatoryas if he expected Oliver to agree with him now that he had had his say。

Oliver turned quickly toward his host's chair。 For a moment he was so stunned and hurt that he could hardly trust himself to speak。 He looked up and saw the expression of pain on Margaret's face; and instantly remembered where he was and who was offending him。

〃Our house…servants; Mr。 Grant; are part of our home;〃 he said; in a low; determined voice; without a trace of anger。 〃Old Malachi; who was my father's  body…servant; and who is now our butler; is as much beloved by everyone as if he were one of the family。 For myself; I can never remember the time when I did not love Malachi。〃

Before her father could answer; Margaret had her hand on Oliver's shoulder。

〃Don't tell all your good stories to father now;〃 she said; with a grateful smile。 〃Wait until after dinner; when we can all hear them。 Come; Mr。 Horn; I know you want to get the dust out of your eyes。〃 Then in an aside; 〃Don't mind him; Ollie。 It's only father's way; and he's the dearest father in the world when you understand him;〃 and she pressed his arm meaningly as they walked to the door。

Before they reached the threshold the gate swung to with a click; and a young man with a scythe slung over his shoulder strode up the path。 He was in the garb of a farm…hand; trousers tucked into his boots; shirt open at the throat; and head covered by a coarse straw hat。 This shaded a good…natured; sun… burnt face; lighted by two bright blue eyes。

〃Oh; here comes my brother John;〃 Margaret cried。 〃Hurry up; Johnhere's Mr。 Horn。〃

The young man quickened his pace; stopped long enough to hang the scythe on the porch…rail; lifted his hat from his head; and; running up the short flight of steps; held out his hand cordially to Oliver; who advanced to meet him。

〃Glad to see you; Mr。 Horn。 Madge has told us all about you。 Excuse my rigwe are short of men on the farm; and I took hold。 I'm glad of the chance; for I get precious little exercise since I left college。 You came from East Branch by morning stage; I suppose? Oh; is that your trunk dumped out in the road? What a duffer I was not to know。 Wait a minuteI'll bring it in;〃 and he sprang down the steps。

〃No; let me;〃 cried Oliver; running after him。 He had not thought of his trunk since he had helped stow it in the boot outside Ezra Pollard's gatebut then he had been on his way to Margaret's!

〃No; you won't。 Stay where you aredon't let him come; Madge。〃

The two young men raced down the path; Juno scampering after them。 John; who could outrun any man at Dartmouth; vaulted over the fence and had hold of the brass handle before Oliver could open the gate。

〃Fair…play!〃 cried Oliver; and they each grasped a handleeither one could have held it out at arm's length with one handand brought it up the garden… path; puffing away in pantomime as if it weighed a ton; and into the house。 There they deposited it in the bedroom that was to be Oliver's during the two days of his visit at Brookfield Farm; Margaret clapping  her hands in high glee; and her mother holding back the door for them to pass in。

Silas Grant watched the young fellows until they disappeared inside the door; 
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