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the fortunes of oliver horn-第4章

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be drawn out from its corner and the lid propped up; so that Max Unger of the 〃Harmonie〃 could find a place for his 'cello behind it; and there still be room for the inventor with his violina violin with a tradition;  for Ole Bull had once played on it and in that same room; too; and had said it had the soul of a Cremona which was quite true when Richard Horn touched its strings。

On all the other nights of the week Mrs。 Horn was at home to all who came。 Some gentle old lady from across the Square; perhaps; in lace caps and ribbons;  with a work…basket filled with fancy crewels; and whose big son came at nine o'clock to take her home; or Oliver's young friends; boys and girls; or old Doctor  Wallace; full of the day's gossip; or Miss Lavinia Clendenning; with news of the latest Assembly; or Nathan Gill with his flute。

But then it was Nathan always; whatever the occasion。  From the time Malachi unlocked the front doors in the morning until he bolted them for the night; Nathan came and went。 The brick pavements were worn smooth; the neighbors said; between the flute…player's humble lodgings in a side street and the Horn house; so many trips a day did the old man make。 People smiled at him as he hurried along; his head bent forward; his long pen…wiper cloak reaching  to his heels; a wide…brimmed Quaker hat crowning  his head。

And always; whenever the night or whatever the function or whoever the guests; a particular side…table was sure to be moved in from Malachi's pantry and covered with a snow…white cloth which played an important  part in the evening's entertainment。 This cloth was never empty。 Upon its damask surface were laid a pile of India…blue plates and a silver basket of cake; besides a collection of low glass tumblers with little handles; designed to hold various brews of Malachi's  own concoctions; which he alone of all the denizens  of Kennedy Square could compound; and the secret of which unhappily has perished with him。

And what wondrous aromas; too!

You may not believe it; but I assure you; on the honor of a Virginian; that for every one of these different  nights in the old house on Kennedy Square there were special savory odors emanating from these brews; which settled at once and beyond question the precise function of the evening; and all before you could hand your hat to Malachi。 If; for instance; as the front door was opened the aroma was one of hot coffee and the dry smell of fresh wafer…biscuit mingled  with those of a certain brand of sherry; then it was always to be plain whist in the parlor; with perhaps  only Colonel Clayton and Miss Clendenning or some one of the old ladies of the neighborhood; to hold hands in a rubber。 If the fumes of apple…toddy mingled  with the fragrance of toasted apples were wafted your way; you might be sure that Max Unger; and perhaps Bobbinette; second violin; and Nathanwhatever  the function it was always Nathan; it must be rememberedand a few kindred spirits who loved good music were expected; and at the appointed hour Malachi; his hands encased in white cotton gloves; would enter with a flourish; and would graciously beg leave to pass; the huge bowl held high above his head filled to the brim with smoking apple…toddy; the little pippins browned to a turn floating on its top。

If the occasion was one of great distinction; one that fell on Christmas or on New Year's; or which celebrated  some important family gathering; the pungent odor of eggnog would have greeted you even before you could have slipped off your gum…shoes in the hall; or hung your coat on the mahogany rack。 This seductive  concoctionthe most potent of all Malachi's beverageswas always served from a green and gold Chinese bowl; and drunk not from the customary low tumblers; but from special Spode cups; and was; I must confess; productive of a headfor I myself was once tempted to drink a bumper of it at this most delightful of houses with young Oliver; many years ago; it is true; but I have never forgotten itproductive  of an ACHING head; I think I said; that felt as big in the morning as the Canton bowl in which the mixture had been brewed。

Or; if none of these functions or festivals were taking place; and only one or two old cronies had dropped in on their way from the Club; and had drawn up their chairs close to the dining…room table; and you had happened to be hanging up your hat in the hall at that moment; you would have been conscious of an aroma as delicate in flavor as that wafted across summer seas from far…off tropic isles; of pomegranates; if you will; ripening by crumbling walls; of purple grapes drinking in the sun; of pine and hemlock; of sweet spices and the scent of roses。 or any other combination of delightful things which your excited imagination might suggest。

You would have known then just what had taken place; how; when the gentlemen were seated; Malachi  in his undress blue coat and brass buttons had approached his master noiselessly from behind; and with a gravity that befitted the occasion had bent low his head; his hands behind his back; his head turned on one side; and in a hushed voice had asked this most portentous question:

〃Which Madeira; Marse Richard?〃

The only answer would have been a lifting of the eyebrow and an imperceptible nod of his master's head in the direction of the mahogany cellaret。

Malachi understood。

It was the Tiernan of '29。

And that worthy 〃Keeper of the Privy Seal and Key;〃 pausing for an instant with his brown jug of a head bent before the cellaret; as a Mohammedan bends his head before a wall facing Mecca; had there… upon unlocked its secret chambers and had produced a low; deeply cut decanter topped by a wondrous glass stopper。 This he had placed; with conscious importance;  on a small table before the two or three devotees  gathered together in its honor; and the host; removing the stopper; had filled the slender glasses with a vintage that had twice rounded the Cape a wine of such rare lineage and flavor that those who had the honor of its acquaintance always spoke of it as one of the most precious possessions of the town a wine; too; of so delicate an aroma that those within the charmed circle invariably lifted the thin glasses and dreamily inhaled its perfume before they granted their palates a drop。

Ah; those marvellous; unforgettable aromas that come to me out of the long ago with all the reminders they bring of clink of glass and touch of elbow; of happy boys and girls and sweet old faces。 it is forty years since they greeted my nostrils in the cool; bare; uncurtained hall of the old house in Kennedy Square; but they are still fresh in my memory。 Sometimes it is the fragrance of newly made gingerbread; or the scent of creamy custard with just a suspicion of peach…kernels; sometimes it is the scent of fresh strawberriesstrawberries that meant the spring; not the hot…house or Bermudaand sometimes it is the smell of roasted oysters or succulent canvas…backs! Forty years agoand yet even to…day the perfume of a roasted apple never greets me but I stand once more in the old…fashioned room listening to the sound of Nathan's flute; I see again the stately; silver…haired; high…bred mistress of the mansion with her kindly greeting; as she moves among her guests; I catch the figure of that old darkey with his brown; bald head and the little tufts of gray wool fringing its sides; as he shuffles along in his blue coat and baggy white waistcoat and much…too…big gloves; and I hear the very tones of his voice as he pushes his seductive tray before me and whispers; confidentially:

〃Take a li'l ob de apple; sah; dat's whar de real 'spression oh de toddy is。〃



It was one of those Friday evenings; then; when the smell of roast apples steeping in hot toddy came wafting out the portals of Malachi's pantrya smell of such convincing pungency that even the most infrequent  of frequenters having once inhaled it; would have known at the first whiff that some musical function  was in order。 The night was to be one of unusual interest。

Nathan Gill and Max linger were expected; and Miss Lavinia Clendenning; completing with Richard a quartette for 'cello; flute; piano; and violin; for w
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