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father goriot(高老头)-第61章

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 superb toilette; and Anastasie ought not to be outshone by her younger sister。 And thenshe was drowned in tears; poor girl! I felt so humbled yesterday when I had not the twelve thousand francs; that I would have given the rest of my miserable life to wipe out that wrong。 You see; I could have borne anything once; but latterly this want of money has broken my heart。 Oh! I did not do it by halves; I titivated myself up a bit; and went out and sold my spoons and forks and buckles for six hundred francs; then I went to old Daddy Gobseck; and sold a year's interest on my annuity for four hundred francs down。 Pshaw! I can live on dry bread; as I did when I was a young man; if I have done it before; I can do it again。 My Nasie shall have one happy evening; at any rate。 She shall be smart。 The banknote for a thousand francs is under my pillow; it warms me to have it lying there under my head; for it is going to make my poor Nasie happy。 She can turn that bad girl Victoire out of the house。 A servant that cannot trust her mistress; did any one ever hear the like! I shall be quite well to…morrow。 Nasie is coming at ten o'clock。 They must not think that I am ill; or they will not go to the ball; they will stop and take care of me。 To…morrow Nasie will come and hold me in her arms as if I were one of her children; her kisses will make me well again。 After all; I might have spent the thousand francs on physic; I would far rather give them to my little Nasie; who can charm all the pain away。 At any rate; I am some comfort to her in her misery; and that makes up for my unkindness in buying an annuity。 She is in the depths; and I cannot draw her out of them now。 Oh! I will go into business again; I will buy wheat in Odessa; out there; wheat fetches a quarter of the price it sells for here。 There is a law against the importation of grain; but the good folk who made the law forgot to prohibit the introduction of wheat products and food stuffs made from corn。 Hey! hey! 。 。 。 That struck me this morning。 There is a fine trade to be done in starch。〃

Eugene; watching the old man's face; thought that his friend was light…headed。

〃Come;〃 he said; 〃do not talk any more; you must rest〃 Just then Bianchon came up; and Eugene went down to dinner。

The two students sat up with him that night; relieving each other in turn。 Bianchon brought up his medical books and studied; Eugene wrote letters home to his mother and sisters。 Next morning Bianchon thought the symptoms more hopeful; but the patient's condition demanded continual attention; which the two students alone were willing to givea task impossible to describe in the squeamish phraseology of the epoch。 Leeches must be applied to the wasted body; the poultices and hot foot…baths; and other details of the treatment required the physical strength and devotion of the two young men。 Mme。 de Restaud did not come; but she sent a messenger for the money。

〃I expected she would come herself; but it would have been a pity for her to come; she would have been anxious about me;〃 said the father; and to all appearances he was well content。

At seven o'clock that evening Therese came with a letter from Delphine。

  〃What are you doing; dear friend? I have been loved for a very   little while; and I am neglected already? In the confidences of   heart and heart; I have learned to know your soulyou are too   noble not to be faithful for ever; for you know that love with   all its infinite subtle changes of feeling is never the same。   Once you said; as we were listening to the Prayer in Mose in   Egitto; 'For some it is the monotony of a single note; for   others; it is the infinite of sound。' Remember that I am   expecting you this evening to take me to Mme。 de Beauseant's   ball。 Every one knows now that the King signed M。 d'Ajuda's   marriage…contract this morning; and the poor Vicomtesse knew   nothing of it until two o'clock this afternoon。 All Paris will   flock to her house; of course; just as a crowd fills the Place de   Greve to see an execution。 It is horrible; is it not; to go out   of curiosity to see if she will hide her anguish; and whether she   will die courageously? I certainly should not go; my friend; if I   had been at her house before; but; of course; she will not   receive society any more after this; and all my efforts would be   in vain。 My position is a very unusual one; and besides; I am   going there partly on your account。 I am waiting for you。 If you   are not beside me in less than two hours; I do not know whether I   could forgive such treason。〃

Rastignac took up a pen and wrote:

  〃I am waiting till the doctor comes to know if there is any hope   of your father's life。 He is lying dangerously ill。 I will come   and bring you the news; but I am afraid it may be a sentence of   death。 When I come you can decide whether you can go to the   ball。Yours a thousand times。〃

At half…past eight the doctor arrived。 He did not take a very hopeful view of the case; but thought that there was no immediate danger。 Improvements and relapses might be expected; and the good man's life and reason hung in the balance。

〃It would be better for him to die at once;〃 the doctor said as he took leave。

Eugene left Goriot to Bianchon's care; and went to carry the sad news to Mme。 de Nucingen。 Family feeling lingered in her; and this must put an end for the present to her plans of amusement。

〃Tell her to enjoy her evening as if nothing had happened;〃 cried Goriot。 He had been lying in a sort of stupor; but he suddenly sat upright as Eugene went out。

Eugene; half heartbroken; entered Delphine's。 Her hair had been dressed; she wore her dancing slippers; she had only to put on her ball…dress; but when the artist is giving the finishing stroke to his creation; the last touches require more time than the whole groundwork of the picture。

〃Why; you are not dressed!〃 she cried。

〃Madame; your father〃

〃My father again!〃 she exclaimed; breaking in upon him。 〃You need not teach me what is due to my father; I have known my father this long while。 Not a word; Eugene。 I will hear what you have to say when you are dressed。 My carriage is waiting; take it; go round to your rooms and dress; Therese has put out everything in readiness for you。 Come back as soon as you can; we will talk about my father on the way to Mme。 de Beauseant's。 We must go early; if we have to wait our turn in a row of carriages; we shall be lucky if we get there by eleven o'clock。〃


〃Quick! not a word!〃 she cried; darting into her dressing…room for a necklace。

〃Do go; Monsieur Eugene; or you will vex madame;〃 said Therese; hurrying him away; and Eugene was too horror…stricken by this elegant parricide to resist。

He went to his rooms and dressed; sad; thoughtful; and dispirited。 The world of Paris was like an ocean of mud for him just then; and it seemed that whoever set foot in that black mire must needs sink into it up to the chin。

〃Their crimes are paltry;〃 said Eugene to himself。 〃Vautrin was greater。〃

He had seen society in its three great phasesObedience; Struggle; and Revolt; the Family; the World; and Vautrin; and he hesitated in his choice。 Obedience was dull; Revolt impossible; Struggle hazardous。 His thoughts wandered back to the home circle。 He thought of the quiet uneventful life; the pure happiness of the days spent among those who loved him there。 Those loving and beloved beings passed their lives in obedience to the natural laws of the hearth; and in that obedience found a deep and constant serenity; unvexed by torments such as these。 Yet; for all his good impulses; he could not bring himself to make profession of the religion of pure souls to Delphine; nor to prescribe the duties of piety to her in the name of love。 His education had begun to bear its fruits; he loved selfishly already。 Besides; his tact had discovered to him the real nature of Delphine; he divined instinctively that she was capable of stepping over her father's corpse to go to the ball; and within himself he felt that he had neither the strength of mind to play the part of mentor; nor the strength of character to vex her; nor the courage to leave her to go alone。

〃She would never forgive me for putting her in 
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