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father goriot(高老头)-第60章

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o you think me an unnatural daughter? Oh! no; no one could help loving such a dear kind father as ours。 But how could I hide the inevitable consequences of our miserable marriages from him? Why did he allow us to marry when we did? Was it not his duty to think for us and foresee for us? To…day I know he suffers as much as we do; but how can it be helped? And as for comforting him; we could not comfort him in the least。 Our resignation would give him more pain and hurt him far more than complaints and upbraidings。 There are times in life when everything turns to bitterness。〃

Eugene was silent; the artless and sincere outpouring made an impression on him。

Parisian women are often false; intoxicated with vanity; selfish and self…absorbed; frivolous and shallow; yet of all women; when they love; they sacrifice their personal feelings to their passion; they rise but so much the higher for all the pettiness overcome in their nature; and become sublime。 Then Eugene was struck by the profound discernment and insight displayed by this woman in judging of natural affection; when a privileged affection had separated and set her at a distance apart。 Mme。 de Nucingen was piqued by the silence;

〃What are you thinking about?〃 she asked。

〃I am thinking about what you said just now。 Hitherto I have always felt sure that I cared far more for you than you did for me。〃

She smiled; and would not give way to the happiness she felt; lest their talk should exceed the conventional limits of propriety。 She had never heard the vibrating tones of a sincere and youthful love; a few more words; and she feared for her self… control。

〃Eugene;〃 she said; changing the conversation; 〃I wonder whether you know what has been happening? All Paris will go to Mme。 de Beauseant's to…morrow。 The Rochefides and the Marquis d'Ajuda have agreed to keep the matter a profound secret; but to…morrow the king will sign the marriage…contract; and your poor cousin the Vicomtesse knows nothing of it as yet。 She cannot put off her ball; and the Marquis will not be there。 People are wondering what will happen?〃

〃The world laughs at baseness and connives at it。 But this will kill Mme。 de Beauseant。〃

〃Oh; no;〃 said Delphine; smiling; 〃you do not know that kind of woman。 Why; all Paris will be there; and so shall I; I ought to go there for your sake。〃

〃Perhaps; after all; it is one of those absurd reports that people set in circulation here。〃

〃We shall know the truth to…morrow。〃

Eugene did not return to the Maison Vauquer。 He could not forego the pleasure of occupying his new rooms in the Rue d'Artois。 Yesterday evening he had been obliged to leave Delphine soon after midnight; but that night it was Delphine who stayed with him until two o'clock in the morning。 He rose late; and waited for Mme。 de Nucingen; who came about noon to breakfast with him。 Youth snatches eagerly at these rosy moments of happiness; and Eugene had almost forgotten Goriot's existence。 The pretty things that surrounded him were growing familiar; this domestication in itself was one long festival for him; and Mme。 de Nucingen was there to glorify it all by her presence。 It was four o'clock before they thought of Goriot; and of how he had looked forward to the new life in that house。 Eugene said that the old man ought to be moved at once; lest he should grow too ill to move。 He left Delphine and hurried back to the lodging…house。 Neither Father Goriot nor young Bianchon was in the dining…room with the others。

〃Aha!〃 said the painter as Eugene came in; 〃Father Goriot has broken down at last。 Bianchon is upstairs with him。 One of his daughtersthe Comtesse de Restauramacame to see the old gentleman; and he would get up and go out; and made himself worse。 Society is about to lose one of its brightest ornaments。〃

Rastignac sprang to the staircase。

〃Hey! Monsieur Eugene!〃

〃Monsieur Eugene; the mistress is calling you;〃 shouted Sylvie。

〃It is this; sir;〃 said the widow。 〃You and M。 Goriot should by rights have moved out on the 15th of February。 That was three days ago; to…day is the 18th; I ought really to be paid a month in advance; but if you will engage to pay for both; I shall be quite satisfied。〃

〃Why can't you trust him?〃

〃Trust him; indeed! If the old gentleman went off his head and died; those daughters of his would not pay me a farthing; and his things won't fetch ten francs。 This morning he went out with all the spoons and forks he has left; I don't know why。 He had got himself up to look quite young; andLord; forgive mebut I thought he had rouge on his cheeks; he looked quite young again。〃

〃I will be responsible;〃 said Eugene; shuddering with horror; for he foresaw the end。

He climbed the stairs and reached Father Goriot's room。 The old man was tossing on his bed。 Bianchon was with him。

〃Good…evening; father;〃 said Eugene。

The old man turned his glassy eyes on him; smiled gently; and said:

〃How is SHE?〃

〃She is quite well。 But how are you?〃

〃There is nothing much the matter。〃

〃Don't tire him;〃 said Bianchon; drawing Eugene into a corner of the room。

〃Well?〃 asked Rastignac。

〃Nothing but a miracle can save him now。 Serous congestion has set in; I have put on mustard plasters; and luckily he can feel them; they are acting。〃

〃Is it possible to move him?〃

〃Quite out of the question。 He must stay where he is; and be kept as quiet as possible〃

〃Dear Bianchon;〃 said Eugene; 〃we will nurse him between us。〃

〃I have had the head physician round from my hospital to see him。〃

〃And what did he say?〃

〃He will give no opinion till to…morrow evening。 He promised to look in again at the end of the day。 Unluckily; the preposterous creature must needs go and do something foolish this morning; he will not say what it was。 He is as obstinate as a mule。 As soon as I begin to talk to him he pretends not to hear; and lies as if he were asleep instead of answering; or if he opens his eyes he begins to groan。 Some time this morning he went out on foot in the streets; nobody knows where he went; and he took everything that he had of any value with him。 He has been driving some confounded bargain; and it has been too much for his strength。 One of his daughters has been here。〃

〃Was it the Countess?〃 asked Eugene。 〃A tall; dark…haired woman; with large bright eyes; slender figure; and little feet?〃


〃Leave him to me for a bit;〃 said Rastignac。 〃I will make him confess; he will tell me all about it。〃

〃And meanwhile I will get my dinner。 But try not to excite him; there is still some hope left。〃

〃All right。〃

〃How they will enjoy themselves to…morrow;〃 said Father Goriot when they were alone。 〃They are going to a grand ball。〃

〃What were you doing this morning; papa; to make yourself so poorly this evening that you have to stop in bed?〃


〃Did not Anastasie come to see you?〃 demanded Rastignac。

〃Yes;〃 said Father Goriot。

〃Well; then; don't keep anything from me。 What more did she want of you?〃

〃Oh; she was very miserable;〃 he answered; gathering up all his strength to speak。 〃It was this way; my boy。 Since that affair of the diamonds; Nasie has not had a penny of her own。 For this ball she had ordered a golden gown like a setting for a jewel。 Her mantuamaker; a woman without a conscience; would not give her credit; so Nasie's waiting…woman advanced a thousand francs on account。 Poor Nasie! reduced to such shifts! It cut me to the heart to think of it! But when Nasie's maid saw how things were between her master and mistress; she was afraid of losing her money; and came to an understanding with the dressmaker; and the woman refuses to send the ball…dress until the money is paid。 The gown is ready; and the ball is to…morrow night! Nasie was in despair。 She wanted to borrow my forks and spoons to pawn them。 Her husband is determined that she shall go and wear the diamonds; so as to contradict the stories that are told all over Paris。 How can she go to that heartless scoundrel and say; 'I owe a thousand francs to my dressmaker; pay her for me!' She cannot。 I saw that myself。 Delphine will be there too in a superb toilette; and Anastasie ought not to be outshone by her younger sister。 And thenshe was drow
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