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father goriot(高老头)-第50章

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sion in his eyes。〃Our little bargain still holds good; dear boy; you can accept any time you like! Do you understand?〃 And he sang:

  〃A charming girl is my Fanchette   In her simplicity。〃

〃Don't you trouble yourself;〃 he went on; 〃I can get in my money。 They are too much afraid of me to swindle me。〃

The convicts' prison; its language and customs; its sudden sharp transitions from the humorous to the horrible; its appalling grandeur; its triviality and its dark depths; were all revealed in turn by the speaker's discourse; he seemed to be no longer a man; but the type and mouthpiece of a degenerate race; a brutal; supple; clear…headed race of savages。 In one moment Collin became the poet of an inferno; wherein all thoughts and passions that move human nature (save repentance) find a place。 He looked about him like a fallen archangel who is for war to the end。 Rastignac lowered his eyes; and acknowledged this kinship claimed by crime as an expiation of his own evil thoughts。

〃Who betrayed me?〃 said Collin; and his terrible eyes traveled round the room。 Suddenly they rested on Mlle。 Michonneau。

〃It was you; old cat!〃 he said。 〃That sham stroke of apoplexy was your doing; lynx eyes! 。 。 。 Two words from me; and your throat would be cut in less than a week; but I forgive you; I am a Christian。 You did not sell me either。 But who did?Aha! you may rummage upstairs;〃 he shouted; hearing the police officers opening his cupboards and taking possession of his effects。 〃The nest is empty; the birds flew away yesterday; and you will be none the wiser。 My ledgers are here;〃 he said tapping his forehead。 〃Now I know who sold me! It could only be that blackguard Fil…de…Soie。 That is who it was; old catchpoll; eh?〃 he said; turning to the chief。 〃It was timed so neatly to get the banknotes up above there。 There is nothing left for youspies! As for Fil…de…Soie; he will be under the daisies in less than a fortnight; even if you were to tell off the whole force to protect him。 How much did you give the Michonnette?〃 he asked of the police officers。 〃A thousand crowns? Oh you Ninon in decay; Pompadour in tatters; Venus of the graveyard; I was worth more than that! If you had given me warning; you should have had six thousand francs。 Ah! you had no suspicion of that; old trafficker in flesh and blood; or I should have had the preference。 Yes; I would have given six thousand francs to save myself an inconvenient journey and some loss of money;〃 he said; as they fastened the handcuffs on his wrists。 〃These folks will amuse themselves by dragging out this business till the end of time to keep me idle。 If they were to send me straight to jail; I should soon be back at my old tricks in spite of the duffers at the Quai des Orfevres。 Down yonder they will all turn themselves inside out to help their generaltheir good Trompe…la…Mortto get clear away。 Is there a single one among you that can say; as I can; that he has ten thousand brothers ready to do anything for him?〃 he asked proudly。 〃There is some good there;〃 he said tapping his heart; 〃I have never betrayed any one!Look you here; you slut;〃 he said to the old maid; 〃they are all afraid of me; do you see? but the sight of you turns them sick。 Rake in your gains。〃

He was silent for a moment; and looked round at the lodgers' faces。

〃What dolts you are; all of you! Have you never seen a convict before? A convict of Collin's stamp; whom you see before you; is a man less weak…kneed than others; he lifts up his voice against the colossal fraud of the Social Contract; as Jean Jacques did; whose pupil he is proud to declare himself。 In short; I stand here single…handed against a Government and a whole subsidized machinery of tribunals and police; and I am a match for them all。〃

〃Ye gods!〃 cried the painter; 〃what a magnificent sketch one might make of him!〃

〃Look here; you gentlemen…in…waiting to his highness the gibbet; master of ceremonies to the widow〃 (a nickname full of sombre poetry; given by prisoners to the guillotine); 〃be a good fellow; and tell me if it really was Fil…de…Soie who sold me。 I don't want him to suffer for some one else; that would not be fair。〃

But before the chief had time to answer; the rest of the party returned from making their investigations upstairs。 Everything had been opened and inventoried。 A few words passed between them and the chief; and the official preliminaries were complete。

〃Gentlemen;〃 said Collin; addressing the lodgers; 〃they will take me away directly。 You have all made my stay among you very agreeable; and I shall look back upon it with gratitude。 Receive my adieux; and permit me to send you figs from Provence。〃

He advanced a step or two; and then turned to look once more at Rastignac。

〃Good…bye; Eugene;〃 he said; in a sad and gentle tone; a strange transition from his previous rough and stern manner。 〃If you should be hard up; I have left you a devoted friend;〃 and; in spite of his shackles; he managed to assume a posture of defence; called; 〃One; two!〃 like a fencing…master; and lunged。 〃If anything goes wrong; apply in that quarter。 Man and money; all at your service。〃

The strange speaker's manner was sufficiently burlesque; so that no one but Rastignac knew that there was a serious meaning underlying the pantomime。

As soon as the police; soldiers; and detectives had left the house; Sylvie; who was rubbing her mistress' temples with vinegar; looked round at the bewildered lodgers。

〃Well;〃 said she; 〃he was a man; he was; for all that。〃

Her words broke the spell。 Every one had been too much excited; too much moved by very various feelings to speak。 But now the lodgers began to look at each other; and then all eyes were turned at once on Mlle。 Michonneau; a thin; shriveled; dead… alive; mummy…like figure; crouching by the stove; her eyes were downcast; as if she feared that the green eye…shade could not shut out the expression of those faces from her。 This figure and the feeling of repulsion she had so long excited were explained all at once。 A smothered murmur filled the room; it was so unanimous; that it seemed as if the same feeling of loathing had pitched all the voices in one key。 Mlle。 Michonneau heard it; and did not stir。 It was Bianchon who was the first to move; he bent over his neighbor; and said in a low voice; 〃If that creature is going to stop here; and have dinner with us; I shall clear out。〃

In the twinkling of an eye it was clear that every one in the room; save Poiret; was of the medical student's opinion; so that the latter; strong in the support of the majority; went up to that elderly person。

〃You are more intimate with Mlle。 Michonneau than the rest of us;〃 he said; 〃speak to her; make her understand that she must go; and go at once。〃

〃At once!〃 echoed Poiret in amazement。

Then he went across to the crouching figure; and spoke a few words in her ear。

〃I have paid beforehand for the quarter; I have as much right to be here as any one else;〃 she said; with a viperous look at the boarders。

〃Never mind that! we will club together and pay you the money back;〃 said Rastignac。

〃Monsieur is taking Collin's part〃 she said; with a questioning; malignant glance at the law student; 〃it is not difficult to guess why。〃

Eugene started forward at the words; as if he meant to spring upon her and wring her neck。 That glance; and the depths of treachery that it revealed; had been a hideous enlightenment。

〃Let her alone!〃 cried the boarders。

Rastignac folded his arms and was silent。

〃Let us have no more of Mlle。 Judas;〃 said the painter; turning to Mme。 Vauquer。 〃If you don't show the Michonneau the door; madame; we shall all leave your shop; and wherever we go we shall say that there are only convicts and spies left there。 If you do the other thing; we will hold our tongues about the business; for when all is said and done; it might happen in the best society until they brand them on the forehead; when they send them to the hulks。 They ought not to let convicts go about Paris disguised like decent citizens; so as to carry on their antics like a set of rascally humbugs; which they are。〃

At this Mme。 Vauquer recovered miraculously。 She sat up and folded her arms; her eyes were wide 
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