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father goriot(高老头)-第39章

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sums of money spent with him are so modest; that he is the most independent and unmanageable of his tribe; and it is almost impossible to bring him to terms。 The young man in the balcony of a theatre who displays a gorgeous waistcoat for the benefit of the fair owners of opera glasses; has very probably no socks in his wardrobe; for the hosier is another of the genus of weevils that nibble at the purse。 This was Rastignac's condition。 His purse was always empty for Mme。 Vauquer; always full at the demand of vanity; there was a periodical ebb and flow in his fortunes; which was seldom favorable to the payment of just debts。 If he was to leave that unsavory and mean abode; where from time to time his pretensions met with humiliation; the first step was to pay his hostess for a month's board and lodging; and the second to purchase furniture worthy of the new lodgings he must take in his quality of dandy; a course that remained impossible。 Rastignac; out of his winnings at cards; would pay his jeweler exorbitant prices for gold watches and chains; and then; to meet the exigencies of play; would carry them to the pawnbroker; that discreet and forbidding… looking friend of youth; but when it was a question of paying for board or lodging; or for the necessary implements for the cultivation of his Elysian fields; his imagination and pluck alike deserted him。 There was no inspiration to be found in vulgar necessity; in debts contracted for past requirements。 Like most of those who trust to their luck; he put off till the last moment the payment of debts that among the bourgeoisie are regarded as sacred engagements; acting on the plan of Mirabeau; who never settled his baker's bill until it underwent a formidable transformation into a bill of exchange。

It was about this time when Rastignac was down on his luck and fell into debt; that it became clear to the law student's mind that he must have some more certain source of income if he meant to live as he had been doing。 But while he groaned over the thorny problems of his precarious situation; he felt that he could not bring himself to renounce the pleasures of this extravagant life; and decided that he must continue it at all costs。 His dreams of obtaining a fortune appeared more and more chimerical; and the real obstacles grew more formidable。 His initiation into the secrets of the Nucingen household had revealed to him that if he were to attempt to use this love affair as a means of mending his fortunes; he must swallow down all sense of decency; and renounce all the generous ideas which redeem the sins of youth。 He had chosen this life of apparent splendor; but secretly gnawed by the canker worm of remorse; a life of fleeting pleasure dearly paid for by persistent pain; like Le Distrait of La Bruyere; he had descended so far as to make his bed in a ditch; but (also like Le Distrait) he himself was uncontaminated as yet by the mire that stained his garments。

〃So we have killed our mandarin; have we?〃 said Bianchon one day as they left the dinner table。

〃Not yet;〃 he answered; 〃but he is at his last gasp。〃

The medical student took this for a joke; but it was not a jest。 Eugene had dined in the house that night for the first time for a long while; and had looked thoughtful during the meal。 He had taken his place beside Mlle。 Taillefer; and stayed through the dessert; giving his neighbor an expressive glance from time to time。 A few of the boarders discussed the walnuts at the table; and others walked about the room; still taking part in the conversation which had begun among them。 People usually went when they chose; the amount of time that they lingered being determined by the amount of interest that the conversation possessed for them; or by the difficulty of the process of digestion。 In winter…time the room was seldom empty before eight o'clock; when the four women had it all to themselves; and made up for the silence previously imposed upon them by the preponderating masculine element。 This evening Vautrin had noticed Eugene's abstractedness; and stayed in the room; though he had seemed to be in a hurry to finish his dinner and go。 All through the talk afterwards he had kept out of the sight of the law student; who quite believed that Vautrin had left the room。 He now took up his position cunningly in the sitting…room instead of going when the last boarders went。 He had fathomed the young man's thoughts; and felt that a crisis was at hand。 Rastignac was; in fact; in a dilemma; which many another young man must have known。

Mme。 de Nucingen might love him; or might merely be playing with him; but in either case Rastignac had been made to experience all the alternations of hope and despair of genuine passion; and all the diplomatic arts of a Parisienne had been employed on him。 After compromising herself by continually appearing in public with Mme。 de Beauseant's cousin she still hesitated; and would not give him the lover's privileges which he appeared to enjoy。 For a whole month she had so wrought on his senses; that at last she had made an impression on his heart。 If in the earliest days the student had fancied himself to be master; Mme。 de Nucingen had since become the stronger of the two; for she had skilfully roused and played upon every instinct; good or bad; in the two or three men comprised in a young student in Paris。 This was not the result of deep design on her part; nor was she playing a part; for women are in a manner true to themselves even through their grossest deceit; because their actions are prompted by a natural impulse。 It may have been that Delphine; who had allowed this young man to gain such an ascendency over her; conscious that she had been too demonstrative; was obeying a sentiment of dignity; and either repented of her concessions; or it pleased her to suspend them。 It is so natural to a Parisienne; even when passion has almost mastered her; to hesitate and pause before taking the plunge; to probe the heart of him to whom she intrusts her future。 And once already Mme。 de Nucingen's hopes had been betrayed; and her loyalty to a selfish young lover had been despised。 She had good reason to be suspicious。 Or it may have been that something in Eugene's manner (for his rapid success was making a coxcomb of him) had warned her that the grotesque nature of their position had lowered her somewhat in his eyes。 She doubtless wished to assert her dignity; he was young; and she would be great in his eyes; for the lover who had forsaken her had held her so cheap that she was determined that Eugene should not think her an easy conquest; and for this very reasonhe knew that de Marsay had been his predecessor。 Finally; after the degradation of submission to the pleasure of a heartless young rake; it was so sweet to her to wander in the flower…strewn realms of love; that it was not wonderful that she should wish to dwell a while on the prospect; to tremble with the vibrations of love; to feel the freshness of the breath of its dawn。 The true lover was suffering for the sins of the false。 This inconsistency is unfortunately only to be expected so long as men do not know how many flowers are mown down in a young woman's soul by the first stroke of treachery。

Whatever her reasons may have been; Delphine was playing with Rastignac; and took pleasure in playing with him; doubtless because she felt sure of his love; and confident that she could put an end to the torture as soon as it was her royal pleasure to do so。 Eugene's self…love was engaged; he could not suffer his first passage of love to end in a defeat; and persisted in his suit like a sportsman determined to bring down at least one partridge to celebrate his first Feast of Saint…Hubert。 The pressure of anxiety; his wounded self…love; his despair; real or feigned; drew him nearer and nearer to this woman。 All Paris credited him with this conquest; and yet he was conscious that he had made no progress since the day when he saw Mme。 de Nucingen for the first time。 He did not know as yet that a woman's coquetry is sometimes more delightful than the pleasure of secure possession of her love; and was possessed with helpless rage。 If; at this time; while she denied herself to love; Eugene gathered the springtide spoi
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