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father goriot(高老头)-第37章

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oresees such an end to love? You swear to love us eternally; how; then; can our interests be separate?

〃You do not know how I suffered to…day when Nucingen refused to give me six thousand francs; he spends as much as that every month on his mistress; an opera dancer! I thought of killing myself。 The wildest thoughts came into my head。 There have been moments in my life when I have envied my servants; and would have changed places with my maid。 It was madness to think of going to our father; Anastasie and I have bled him dry; our poor father would have sold himself if he could have raised six thousand francs that way。 I should have driven him frantic to no purpose。 You have saved me from shame and death; I was beside myself with anguish。 Ah! monsieur; I owed you this explanation after my mad ravings。 When you left me just now; as soon as you were out of sight; I longed to escape; to run away 。 。 。 where; I did not know。 Half the women in Paris lead such lives as mine; they live in apparent luxury; and in their souls are tormented by anxiety。 I know of poor creatures even more miserable than I; there are women who are driven to ask their tradespeople to make out false bills; women who rob their husbands。 Some men believe that an Indian shawl worth a thousand louis only cost five hundred francs; others that a shawl costing five hundred francs is worth a hundred louis。 There are women; too; with narrow incomes; who scrape and save and starve their children to pay for a dress。 I am innocent of these base meannesses。 But this is the last extremity of my torture。 Some women will sell themselves to their husbands; and so obtain their way; but I; at any rate; am free。 If I chose; Nucingen would cover me with gold; but I would rather weep on the breast of a man whom I can respect。 Ah! tonight; M。 de Marsay will no longer have a right to think of me as a woman whom he has paid。〃 She tried to conceal her tears from him; hiding her face in her hands; Eugene drew them away and looked at her; she seemed to him sublime at that moment。

〃It is hideous; is it not;〃 she cried; 〃to speak in a breath of money and affection。 You cannot love me after this;〃 she added。

The incongruity between the ideas of honor which make women so great; and the errors in conduct which are forced upon them by the constitution of society; had thrown Eugene's thoughts into confusion; he uttered soothing and consoling words; and wondered at the beautiful woman before him; and at the artless imprudence of her cry of pain。

〃You will not remember this against me?〃 she asked; 〃promise me that you will not。〃

〃Ah! madame; I am incapable of doing so;〃 he said。 She took his hand and held it to her heart; a movement full of grace that expressed her deep gratitude。

〃I am free and happy once more; thanks to you;〃 she said。 〃Oh! I have felt lately as if I were in the grasp of an iron hand。 But after this I mean to live simply and to spend nothing。 You will think me just as pretty; will you not; my friend? Keep this;〃 she went on; as she took only six of the banknotes。 〃In conscience I owe you a thousand crowns; for I really ought to go halves with you。〃

Eugene's maiden conscience resisted; but when the Baroness said; 〃I am bound to look on you as an accomplice or as an enemy;〃 he took the money。

〃It shall be a last stake in reserve;〃 he said; 〃in case of misfortune。〃

〃That was what I was dreading to hear;〃 she cried; turning pale。 〃Oh; if you would that I should be anything to you; swear to me that you will never re…enter a gaming…house。 Great Heaven! that I should corrupt you! I should die of sorrow!〃

They had reached the Rue Saint…Lazare by this time。 The contrast between the ostentation of wealth in the house; and the wretched condition of its mistress; dazed the student; and Vautrin's cynical words began to ring in his ears。

〃Seat yourself there;〃 said the Baroness; pointing to a low chair beside the fire。 〃I have a difficult letter to write;〃 she added。 〃Tell me what to say。〃

〃Say nothing;〃 Eugene answered her。 〃Put the bills in an envelope; direct it; and send it by your maid。〃

〃Why; you are a love of a man;〃 she said。 〃Ah! see what it is to have been well brought up。 That is the Beauseant through and through;〃 she went on; smiling at him。

〃She is charming;〃 thought Eugene; more and more in love。 He looked round him at the room; there was an ostentatious character about the luxury; a meretricious taste in the splendor。

〃Do you like it?〃 she asked; as she rang for the maid。

〃Therese; take this to M。 de Marsay; and give it into his hands yourself。 If he is not at home; bring the letter back to me。〃

Therese went; but not before she had given Eugene a spiteful glance。

Dinner was announced。 Rastignac gave his arm to Mme。 de Nucingen; she led the way into a pretty dining…room; and again he saw the luxury of the table which he had admired in his cousin's house。

〃Come and dine with me on opera evenings; and we will go to the Italiens afterwards;〃 she said。

〃I should soon grow used to the pleasant life if it could last; but I am a poor student; and I have my way to make。〃

〃Oh! you will succeed;〃 she said laughing。 〃You will see。 All that you wish will come to pass。 _I_ did not expect to be so happy。〃

It is the wont of women to prove the impossible by the possible; and to annihilate facts by presentiments。 When Mme。 de Nucingen and Rastignac took their places in her box at the Bouffons; her face wore a look of happiness that made her so lovely that every one indulged in those small slanders against which women are defenceless; for the scandal that is uttered lightly is often seriously believed。 Those who know Paris; believe nothing that is said; and say nothing of what is done there。

Eugene took the Baroness' hand in his; and by some light pressure of the fingers; or a closer grasp of the hand; they found a language in which to express the sensations which the music gave them。 It was an evening of intoxicating delight for both; and when it ended; and they went out together; Mme。 de Nucingen insisted on taking Eugene with her as far as the Pont Neuf; he disputing with her the whole of the way for a single kiss after all those that she had showered upon him so passionately at the Palais…Royal; Eugene reproached her with inconsistency。

〃That was gratitude;〃 she said; 〃for devotion that I did not dare to hope for; but now it would be a promise。〃

〃And will you give me no promise; ingrate?〃

He grew vexed。 Then; with one of those impatient gestures that fill a lover with ecstasy; she gave him her hand to kiss; and he took it with a discontented air that delighted her。

〃I shall see you at the ball on Monday;〃 she said。

As Eugene went home in the moonlight; he fell to serious reflections。 He was satisfied; and yet dissatisfied。 He was pleased with an adventure which would probably give him his desire; for in the end one of the prettiest and best…dressed women in Paris would be his; but; as a set…off; he saw his hopes of fortune brought to nothing; and as soon as he realized this fact; the vague thoughts of yesterday evening began to take a more decided shape in his mind。 A check is sure to reveal to us the strength of our hopes。 The more Eugene learned of the pleasures of life in Paris; the more impatient he felt of poverty and obscurity。 He crumpled the banknote in his pocket; and found any quantity of plausible excuses for appropriating it。

He reached the Rue Neuve…Sainte…Genevieve at last; and from the stairhead he saw a light in Goriot's room; the old man had lighted a candle; and set the door ajar; lest the student should pass him by; and go to his room without 〃telling him all about his daughter;〃 to use his own expression。 Eugene; accordingly; told him everything without reserve。

〃Then they think that I am ruined!〃 cried Father Goriot; in an agony of jealousy and desperation。 〃Why; I have still thirteen hundred livres a year! MON DIEU! Poor little girl! why did she not come to me? I would have sold my rentes; she should have had some of the principal; and I would have bought a life…annuity with the rest。 My good neighbor; why did not YOU come to tell me of her difficulty? How had you the heart to go and ri
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