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father goriot(高老头)-第33章

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 of this epoch; when there have never been so few of those who square their courses with their theories; so few of those noble characters who do not yield to temptation; for whom the slightest deviation from the line of rectitude is a crime。 To these magnificent types of uncompromising Right we owe two masterpiecesthe Alceste of Moliere; and; in our own day; the characters of Jeanie Deans and her father in Sir Walter Scott's novel。 Perhaps a work which should chronicle the opposite course; which should trace out all the devious courses through which a man of the world; a man of ambitions; drags his conscience; just steering clear of crime that he may gain his end and yet save appearances; such a chronicle would be no less edifying and no less dramatic。

Rastignac went home。 He was fascinated by Mme。 de Nucingen; he seemed to see her before him; slender and graceful as a swallow。 He recalled the intoxicating sweetness of her eyes; her fair hair; the delicate silken tissue of the skin; beneath which it almost seemed to him that he could see the blood coursing; the tones of her voice still exerted a spell over him; he had forgotten nothing; his walk perhaps heated his imagination by sending a glow of warmth through his veins。 He knocked unceremoniously at Goriot's door。

〃I have seen Mme。 Delphine; neighbor;〃 said he。


〃At the Italiens。〃

〃Did she enjoy it?。 。 。 。 Just come inside;〃 and the old man left his bed; unlocked the door; and promptly returned again。

It was the first time that Eugene had been in Father Goriot's room; and he could not control his feeling of amazement at the contrast between the den in which the father lived and the costume of the daughter whom he had just beheld。 The window was curtainless; the walls were damp; in places the varnished wall… paper had come away and gave glimpses of the grimy yellow plaster beneath。 The wretched bed on which the old man lay boasted but one thin blanket; and a wadded quilt made out of large pieces of Mme。 Vauquer's old dresses。 The floor was damp and gritty。 Opposite the window stood a chest of drawers made of rosewood; one of the old…fashioned kind with a curving front and brass handles; shaped like rings of twisted vine stems covered with flowers and leaves。 On a venerable piece of furniture with a wooden shelf stood a ewer and basin and shaving apparatus。 A pair of shoes stood in one corner; a night…table by the bed had neither a door nor marble slab。 There was not a trace of a fire in the empty grate; the square walnut table with the crossbar against which Father Goriot had crushed and twisted his posset… dish stood near the hearth。 The old man's hat was lying on a broken…down bureau。 An armchair stuffed with straw and a couple of chairs completed the list of ramshackle furniture。 From the tester of the bed; tied to the ceiling by a piece of rag; hung a strip of some cheap material in large red and black checks。 No poor drudge in a garret could be worse lodged than Father Goriot in Mme。 Vauquer's lodging…house。 The mere sight of the room sent a chill through you and a sense of oppression; it was like the worst cell in a prison。 Luckily; Goriot could not see the effect that his surroundings produced on Eugene as the latter deposited his candle on the night…table。 The old man turned round; keeping the bedclothes huddled up to his chin。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃and which do you like the best; Mme。 de Restaud or Mme。 de Nucingen?〃

〃I like Mme。 Delphine the best;〃 said the law student; 〃because she loves you the best。〃

At the words so heartily spoken the old man's hand slipped out from under the bedclothes and grasped Eugene's。

〃Thank you; thank you;〃 he said; gratefully。 〃Then what did she say about me?〃

The student repeated the Baroness' remarks with some embellishments of his own; the old man listening the while as though he heard a voice from Heaven。

〃Dear child!〃 he said。 〃Yes; yes; she is very fond of me。 But you must not believe all that she tells you about Anastasie。 The two sisters are jealous of each other; you see; another proof of their affection。 Mme。 de Restaud is very fond of me too。 I know she is。 A father sees his children as God sees all of us; he looks into the very depths of their hearts; he knows their intentions; and both of them are so loving。 Oh! if I only had good sons…in…law; I should be too happy; and I dare say there is no perfect happiness here below。 If I might live with them simply hear their voices; know that they are there; see them go and come as I used to do at home when they were still with me; why; my heart bounds at the thought。 。 。 。 Were they nicely dressed?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Eugene。 〃But; M。 Goriot; how is it that your daughters have such fine houses; while you live in such a den as this?〃

〃Dear me; why should I want anything better?〃 he replied; with seeming carelessness。 〃I can't quite explain to you how it is; I am not used to stringing words together properly; but it all lies there〃 he said; tapping his heart。 〃My real life is in my two girls; you see; and so long as they are happy; and smartly dressed; and have soft carpets under their feet; what does it matter what clothes I wear or where I lie down of a night? I shall never feel cold so long as they are warm; I shall never feel dull if they are laughing。 I have no troubles but theirs。 When you; too; are a father; and you hear your children's little voices; you will say to yourself; 'That has all come from me。' You will feel that those little ones are akin to every drop in your veins; that they are the very flower of your life (and what else are they?); you will cleave so closely to them that you seem to feel every movement that they make。 Everywhere I hear their voices sounding in my ears。 If they are sad; the look in their eyes freezes my blood。 Some day you will find out that there is far more happiness in another's happiness than in your own。 It is something that I cannot explain; something within that sends a glow of warmth all through you。 In short; I live my life three times over。 Shall I tell you something funny? Well; then; since I have been a father; I have come to understand God。 He is everywhere in the world; because the whole world comes from Him。 And it is just the same with my children; monsieur。 Only; I love my daughters better than God loves the world; for the world is not so beautiful as God Himself is; but my children are more beautiful than I am。 Their lives are so bound up with mine that I felt somehow that you would see them this evening。 Great Heaven! If any man would make my little Delphine as happy as a wife is when she is loved; I would black his boots and run on his errands。 That miserable M。 de Marsay is a cur; I know all about him from her maid。 A longing to wring his neck comes over me now and then。 He does not love her! does not love a pearl of a woman; with a voice like a nightingale and shaped like a model。 Where can her eyes have been when she married that great lump of an Alsatian? They ought both of them to have married young men; good…looking and good…temperedbut; after all; they had their own way。〃

Father Goriot was sublime。 Eugene had never yet seen his face light up as it did now with the passionate fervor of a father's love。 It is worthy of remark that strong feeling has a very subtle and pervasive power; the roughest nature; in the endeavor to express a deep and sincere affection; communicates to others the influence that has put resonance into the voice; and eloquence into every gesture; wrought a change in the very features of the speaker; for under the inspiration of passion the stupidest human being attains to the highest eloquence of ideas; if not of language; and seems to move in some sphere of light。 In the old man's tones and gesture there was something just then of the same spell that a great actor exerts over his audience。 But does not the poet in us find expression in our affections?

〃Well;〃 said Eugene; 〃perhaps you will not be sorry to hear that she is pretty sure to break with de Marsay before long。 That sprig of fashion has left her for the Princesse Galathionne。 For my part; I fell in love with Mme。 Delphine this evening。〃

〃Stuff!〃 said Father Goriot。

〃I did indeed; and she did not re
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