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the merry adventures of robin hood-第2章

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of Our Lady; I cause the best hart among them to die。〃

〃Now done!〃 cried he who had spoken first。  〃And here are twenty marks。 I wager that thou causest no beast to die; with or without the aid of Our Lady。〃

Then Robin took his good yew bow in his hand; and placing the tip at his instep; he strung it right deftly; then he nocked a broad clothyard arrow and; raising the bow; drew the gray goose feather to his ear; the next moment the bowstring rang and the arrow sped down the glade as a sparrowhawk skims in a northern wind。 High leaped the noblest hart of all the herd; only to fall dead; reddening the green path with his heart's blood。

〃Ha!〃 cried Robin; 〃how likest thou that shot; good fellow? I wot the wager were mine; an it were three hundred pounds。〃

Then all the foresters were filled with rage; and he who had spoken the first and had lost the wager was more angry than all。

〃Nay;〃 cried he; 〃the wager is none of thine; and get thee gone; straightway; or; by all the saints of heaven; I'll baste thy sides until thou wilt ne'er be able to walk again。〃 〃Knowest thou not;〃 said another; 〃that thou hast killed the King's deer; and; by the laws of our gracious lord and sovereign King Harry; thine ears should be shaven close to thy head?〃

〃Catch him!〃 cried a third。

〃Nay;〃 said a fourth; 〃let him e'en go because of his tender years。〃

Never a word said Robin Hood; but he looked at the foresters with a grim face; then; turning on his heel; strode away from them down the forest glade。 But his heart was bitterly angry; for his blood was hot and youthful and prone to boil。

Now; well would it have been for him who had first spoken had he left Robin Hood alone; but his anger was hot; both because the youth had gotten the better of him and because of the deep draughts of ale that he had been quaffing。  So; of a sudden; without any warning; he sprang to his feet; and seized upon his bow and fitted it to a shaft。 〃Ay;〃 cried he; 〃and I'll hurry thee anon。〃  And he sent the arrow whistling after Robin。

It was well for Robin Hood that that same forester's head was spinning with ale; or else he would never have taken another step。 As it was; the arrow whistled within three inches of his head。 Then he turned around and quickly drew his own bow; and sent an arrow back in return。

〃Ye said I was no archer;〃 cried he aloud; 〃but say so now again!〃

The shaft flew straight; the archer fell forward with a cry; and lay on his face upon the ground; his arrows rattling about him from out of his quiver; the gray goose shaft wet with his; heart's blood。  Then; before the others could gather their wits about them; Robin Hood was gone into the depths of the greenwood。 Some started after him; but not with much heart; for each feared to suffer the death of his fellow; so presently they all came and lifted the dead man up and bore him away to Nottingham Town。

Meanwhile Robin Hood ran through the greenwood。  Gone was all the joy and brightness from everything; for his heart was sick within him; and it was borne in upon his soul that he had slain a man。

〃Alas!〃 cried he; 〃thou hast found me an archer that will make thy wife to wring!  I would that thou hadst ne'er said one word to me; or that I had never passed thy way; or e'en that my right forefinger had been stricken off ere that this had happened! In haste I smote; but grieve I sore at leisure!〃  And then; even in his trouble; he remembered the old saw that 〃What is done is done; and the egg cracked cannot be cured。〃

And so he came to dwell in the greenwood that was to be his home for many a year to come; never again to see the happy days with the lads and lasses of sweet Locksley Town; for he was outlawed; not only because he had killed a man; but also because he had poached upon the King's deer; and two hundred pounds were set upon his head; as a reward for whoever would bring him to the court of the King。

Now the Sheriff of Nottingham swore that he himself would bring this knave Robin Hood to justice; and for two reasons: first; because he wanted the two hundred pounds; and next; because the forester that Robin Hood had killed was of kin to him。

But Robin Hood lay hidden in Sherwood Forest for one year; and in that time there gathered around him many others like himself; cast out from other folk for this cause and for that。 Some had shot deer in hungry wintertime; when they could get no other food; and had been seen in the act by the foresters; but had escaped; thus saving their ears; some had been turned out of their inheritance; that their farms might be added to the King's lands in Sherwood Forest; some had been despoiled by a great baron or a rich abbot or a powerful esquire all; for one cause or another; had come to Sherwood to escape wrong and oppression。

So; in all that year; fivescore or more good stout yeomen gathered about Robin Hood; and chose him to be their leader and chief。 Then they vowed that even as they themselves had been despoiled they would despoil their oppressors; whether baron; abbot; knight; or squire; and that from each they would take that which had been wrung from the poor by unjust taxes; or land rents; or in wrongful fines。 But to the poor folk they would give a helping hand in need and trouble; and would return to them that which had been unjustly taken from them。 Besides this; they swore never to harm a child nor to wrong a woman; be she maid; wife; or widow; so that; after a while; when the people began to find that no harm was meant to them; but that money or food came in time of want to many a poor family; they came to praise Robin and his merry men; and to tell many tales of him and of his doings in Sherwood Forest; for they felt him to be one of themselves。

Up rose Robin Hood one merry morn when all the birds were singing blithely among the leaves; and up rose all his merry men; each fellow washing his head and hands in the cold brown brook that leaped laughing from stone to stone。 Then said Robin; 〃For fourteen days have we seen no sport; so now I will go abroad to seek adventures forthwith。  But tarry ye; my merry men all; here in the greenwood; only see that ye mind well my call。 Three blasts upon the bugle horn I will blow in my hour of need; then come quickly; for I shall want your aid。〃

So saying; he strode away through the leafy forest glades until he had come to the verge of Sherwood。  There he wandered for a long time; through highway and byway; through dingly dell and forest skirts。 Now he met a fair buxom lass in a shady lane; and each gave the other a merry word and passed their way; now he saw a fair lady upon an ambling pad; to whom he doffed his cap; and who bowed sedately in return to the fair youth; now he saw a fat monk on a pannier…laden ass; now a gallant knight; with spear and shield and armor that flashed brightly in the sunlight; now a page clad in crimson; and now a stout burgher from good Nottingham Town; pacing along with serious footsteps; all these sights he saw; but adventure found he none。  At last he took a road by the forest skirts; a bypath that dipped toward a broad; pebbly stream spanned by a narrow bridge made of a log of wood。  As he drew nigh this bridge he saw a tall stranger coming from the other side。 Thereupon Robin quickened his pace; as did the stranger likewise; each thinking to cross first。

〃Now stand thou back;〃 quoth Robin; 〃and let the better man cross first。〃

〃Nay;〃 answered the stranger; 〃then stand back shine own self; for the better man; I wet; am I。〃

〃That will we presently see;〃 quoth Robin; 〃and meanwhile stand thou where thou art; or else; by the bright brow of Saint AElfrida; I will show thee right good Nottingham play with a clothyard shaft betwixt thy ribs。〃

〃Now;〃 quoth the stranger; 〃I will tan thy hide till it be as many colors as a beggar's cloak; if thou darest so much as touch a string of that same bow that thou holdest in thy hands。〃

〃Thou pratest like an ass;〃 said Robin; 〃for I could send this shaft clean through thy proud heart before a curtal friar could say grace over a roast goose at Michaelmastide。〃

〃And thou pratest like a coward;〃 answered the stranger; 〃for thou standest there with a good yew bow to shoot at my heart; while I 
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