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the chignecto isthmus and its first settlers-第12章

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that to Canada's remaining loyal in 1776 is due to a very large extent the proud position Great Britain holds to…day as the mother of nations; the founder of the greatest colonial empire the world has yet seen?

There are those who believe that the principle of equality and fraternity; of government by the people and for the people; the freedom for which the Pilgrim Fathers faced the stormy Atlantic and for which Washington fought against such odds; has been worked out in fuller measure and juster proportions in Canada than in the United States。 Canada has helped greatly to emphasize the truth; only yet half understood by the world; that it makes little difference whether the chief ruler of a country is called president; king or emperor; or whether the government is called a monarchy or republic。 These are but incidents。 What is important; what is essential;if freedom is to be won and maintained; is that the people understand their rights and have the courage to maintain them at any sacrifice。 It was the leaven of freedom working in the lump of the British people that gave the world the Magna Charta; Montford's rebellion; Cromwell and the Commonwealth; the Revolution of 1688;and the still greater Revolution of 1776。

This last event broke from the parent stem one of the strong branches of the Anglo…Saxon family; and gave each an opportunity to work out in different ways the ideals after which both were striving。 And who will say that the descendants of Cromwellians and Quakers; Nonconformists and Churchmen; whose ancestors; from force of circumstances or love of country remained in their island home; are not to…day breathing the air of freedom as pure and unadulterated as their cousins on the banks of the Charles or in the valleys of the historic Brandywine。 At any rate; we who live in this northern country; that escaped the cataclysm of 1776; feel that Canada has been no unimportant factor in helping to work out the great problem of government for and by the consent of the governed。



THE spiritual interests of the people of old Chignecto have always been well…looked after。 One of the first white men to visit the Isthmus with a view to settlement was a priest; and the man who wielded the largest influence in and around Fort Beausejour during the last years of the French occupation was a priest; the vicar…general of Canada。 In more than one instance the assistance promised to the colonists in Acadia by the wealthy was provisional upon the conversion of the Indians to Christianity。 During the French period three chapels were erected on the Isthmusone at the Four Corners; Tantramar; one at Fort Beausejour; and one at Beaubassin。 These chapels were burned during the taking of Beausejour and the expulsion of the Acadians。 The bell on the chapel at the Four Corners was buried by the Acadians at the intersection of two lines drawn from four springs to be seen in that locality yet。 Some years after a party of Acadians; on getting the consent of Wm。 Fawcett; who in the meantime had come into possession of the land; dug up the bell and carried it to Memramcook。 The late Father Lefebre exchanged it for a larger one。 It is believed that the bell from the Beausejour chapel is the one now used in St。 Mark's church; Mount Whatley。 This bell is ornamented with scrolls and fleur…de…lis and has the following inscription:


The first Protestant ministers on the Isthmus were Episcopalians。 Mr。 Woods; a clergyman of that denomination; was at Fort Lawrence in 1752; 1754 and 1756。 In 1759 Rev。 Thos。 Wilkinson was at Fort Cumberland; and in 1760 it is recorded that Joshua Tiffs baptized Winkworth Allan at the fort。 Between that date and the arrival of Rev。 John Egleson no record has been found。 Mr。 Egleson was born a Presbyterian; and was educated for that Church。 He was ordained; but afterwards changed his views; and joined the Anglicans。 He was reordained by the Bishop of London; and sent; in 1769; to Chignecto; by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts。

Reference is made in another part of this book to Mr。 Egleson's capture by the Eddy rebels in 1776。 He seems to have been the first to take possession of the glebe lands of the parish; and the farm was for many years called the 〃Egleson farm。〃 The parish register containing the earliest records has been lost or destroyed; so that from the arrival of Mr。 Egleson down to 1794 very little is known of the local history of the denomination。

In 1794 a meeting was held on the 27th February; at or near Fort Cumberland; and the following business was transacted: 〃Messrs。 Gay; Siddall and Brownell were appointed a committee to prepare plans for a church; to be erected at once on the town plot; and to obtain subscriptions。〃 The new church was to be 46 feet long and 34 feet wide; with 19…foot posts。 Messrs。 Gay; McMonagle and McCardy to be the Building Committee。 This is the old St。 Mark's Church; that stood so long at Mount Whatley。 The first list of subscribers were:

William Allen; L3; in pine lumber。 Samuel Gay; L3; in timber。 Ralph Siddall; L3; in timber。 Titus Knapp; L3; in drawing stone。 James Law; L3; in drawing stone。 Jerry Brownell; L1 10s。; in timber。

The cost of the church; when finished; was L310。 Of this amount the people subscribed L170。 The Bishop of Nova Scotia gave L70; and there remained a debt of L70。

Having succeeded so well in building the church; a meeting was called; at the request of Rev。 Mr。 Willoughby; to provide a house for the clergyman。 His request was granted; and in 1795; Mr。 Milledge being then the resident minister; the church…wardens agreed to pay two…thirds of the amount of rent for the house in which he was living until the parsonage was built。

At a meeting of the vestrymen in 1796; the school lands of the parish were rented to Spiller Fillimore for L7 5s。 These lands now bring an annual rental of 200。 In 1810 the church…wardens of St。 Mark's church were:

Amos Fowler。      Samuel Gay。 James Ryan。       John Trenholm。 Harmon Trueman。   Chas。 Oulton。 Samuel McCardy。   Jas。 Hewson。 William Copp。     William Tingley。 Geo。 Wells。       Thos。 Trueman。 Bill Chappell。

At a meeting held Nov。 2nd; 1818; it was resolved to take down the church and rebuild; making the width thirty feet。 No reason is given for this strange proceeding。 The contractors for the work were Wm。 Jones; Henry Chapman; and Thos。 Trenholm。 This building stood until 1880; when a new building of more modern architecture was erected on the same site; where it stands to…day。 The names of the clergymen who have been resident or had the oversight of the church in Westmoreland since 1752; as far as can be found; are given below:

Mr。 Wood; 1752…6。        J。 W。 D。 Gray。 Thos。 Wilkinson; 1759。   R。 B。 Wiggins; 1831。 Joshua Tiffs; 1760。      G。 S。 Jarvis。 John Egleson; 1769。      R。 B。 Wiggins。 Mr。 Willoughby; 1794。    Geo。 Townshend。 John Milledge; 1795。     Robert Donald Mr。 Perkins; 1805。       Richard Simonds。 Rev。 C。 Milner; 1822。    Chas。 Lee。 Donald Bliss; 1852…1902。

The following entries referring to church matters are from Mr。 Wm。 Trueman's Journal:

〃July 26th; 1803Rev。 Mr。 Gray preached at the church; from Proverbs 6 c。; 3v。; 'Humble thyself and make sure thy friend。'〃 Mr。 Gray was probably a visiting clergyman。

〃July; 1806; Oct。 16thWilliam Allan was buried at the church…yard at Camp Hill; attended by a large concourse of people。 Mr。 Milledge preached a sermon。〃

〃December 25th; 1806 (Christmas Day)Mr。 Bamford preached at Stone Meeting House (Methodist); and after; Mr。 Perkins administered the sacrament。 The house was full of people。〃

As far as is known there was not a resident Episcopal clergyman in Amherst until 1823。 Christ Church was erected that year on the county courthouse ground。 In 1842; through the efforts of Canon Townshend; a new church was built on the present site。 Rev。 J。 W。 D。 Gray was the first clergyman。 The Rev。 Canon Townshend came to Amherst in 1834; and held the rectorship until his death。


A letter written from England to Mr。 Wm。 Trueman; Prospect; in 1776; asks if the adherents of the Methodist societies 
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