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autobiography of a pocket-handkerchief-第4章

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the cote droit of our piece; while the cote gauche sneered at it as
manifesting a sneaking regard for station without the spirit to avow it。
Both were mistaken; however; no unworthy sentiments entering into my
decision。 Accident had made me acquainted with the virtues of this
estimable woman; and I felt assured that she would treat even a pocket…
handkerchief kindly。 This early opinion has been confirmed by her
deportment under very trying and unexpected events。 I wish; as I
believe she wishes herself; she had never been a queen。

{daughter of Louis XVI = the dauphine; Marie Therese Charlotte;
Duchesse d'Angouleme; mentioned above;  Amelie = Marie Amelie
(1782…1866); daughter of King Ferdinand IV of Naples; sister of King
Francis I of The Two Siciliesreluctantly became queen in France
when her husband the Duke of Orleans seized the throne from Charles
X on July 31; 1830; and was proclaimed King Louis Philippe of the

All our family did not aspire as high as royalty。 Some looked forward to
the glories of a banker's daughter's trousseau;we all understood that
our PRICE would be too high for any of the old nobility;while some
even fancied that the happiness of traveling in company was reserved
for us before we should be called regularly to enter on the duties of life。
As we were so closely connected; and on the whole were affectionate
as became brothers and sisters; it was the common wish that we might
not be separated; but go together into the same wardrobe; let it be
foreign or domestic; that of prince or plebeian。 There were a few among
us who spoke of the Duchesse de Berri as our future mistress; but the
notion prevailed that we should so soon pass into the hands of a femme
de chambre; as to render the selection little desirable。 In the end we
wisely and philosophically determined to await the result with patience;
well knowing that we were altogether in the hands of caprice and

{Duchesse de Berri = Marie Caroline (1798…1870); wife of Charles
Ferdinand of Artois; Duke of Berry; second son of King Charles X;
femme de chambre = lady's maid}

At length the happy moment arrived when we were to quit the
warehouse of the manufacturer。 Let what would happen; this was a
source of joy; inasmuch as we all knew that we could only vegetate
while we continued where we then were; and that too without
experiencing the delights of our former position; with good roots in the
earth; a genial sun shedding its warmth upon our bosom; and balmy airs
fanning our cheeks。 We loved change; too; like other people; and had
probably seen enough of vegetation; whether figurative or real; to satisfy
us。 Our departure from Picardie took place in June; 1830; and we
reached Paris on the first day of the succeeding month。 We went
through the formalities of the custom…houses; or barrieres; the same
day; and the next morning we were all transferred to a celebrated shop
that dealt in articles of our genus。 Most of the goods were sent on drays
to the magazin; but our reputation having preceded us; we were
honored with a fiacre; making the journey between the Douane and the
shop on the knee of a confidential commissionaire。

{Picardie = province of France; north of Evreux; barrieres = gates  at
the edge of Paris; where local customs duties were collected; magazin =
shop; fiacre = a kind of carriage;  Douane = customs house; confidential
commissionaire = special messenger}

Great was the satisfaction of our little party as we first drove down
through the streets of this capital of Europethe centre of fashion and
the abode of elegance。 Our natures had adapted themselves to
circumstances; and we no longer pined for the luxuries of the linum
usitatissimum; but were ready to enter into all the pleasures of our new
existence; which we well understood was to be one of pure parade; for
no handkerchief of our quality was ever employed on any of the more
menial offices of the profession。 We might occasionally brush a lady's
cheek; or conceal a blush or a smile; but the usitatissimum had been left
behind us in the fields。 The fiacre stopped at the door of a celebrated
perfumer; and the commissionaire; deeming us of too much value to be
left on a carriage seat; took us in her hand while she negotiated a small
affair with its mistress。 This was our introduction to the pleasant
association of sweet odors; of which it was to be our fortune to enjoy in
future the most delicate and judicious communion。 We knew very well
that things of this sort were considered vulgar; unless of the purest
quality and used with the tact of good society; but still it was permitted
to sprinkle a very little lavender; or exquisite eau de cologne; on a
pocket…handkerchief。 The odor of these two scents; therefore;
appeared quite natural to us; and as Madame Savon never allowed any
perfume; or articles (as these things are technically termed); of inferior
quality to pollute her shop; we had no scruples about inhaling the
delightful fragrance that breathed in the place。 Desiree; the
commissionaire; could not depart without permitting her friend;
Madame Savon; to feast her eyes on the treasure in her own hands。 The
handkerchiefs were unfolded; amidst a hundred dieux! ciels! and
dames! Our fineness and beauty were extolled in a manner that was
perfectly gratifying to the self…esteem of the whole family。 Madame
Savon imagined that even her perfumes would be more fragrant in such
company; and she insisted on letting one dropa single dropof her
eau de cologne fall on the beautiful texture。 I was the happy
handkerchief that was thus favored; and long did I riot in that delightful
odor; which was just strong enough to fill the air with sensations; rather
than impressions of all that is sweet and womanly in the female

{usitatissimum had been left behind = the species name of linen means
〃most useful〃; Madame Savon = literally; Mrs。 Soap; articles = short for
〃articles de Paris〃 or Parisian specialties; dieux! = dear me!; ciels! =
good heavens!; dames = my oh my!}


Notwithstanding this accidental introduction to one of the nicest
distinctions of good society; and the general exhilaration that prevailed
in our party; I was far from being perfectly happy。 To own the truth; I
had left my heart in Picardie。 I do not say I was in love; I am far from
certain that there is any precedent for a pocket…handkerchief's being in
love at all; and I am quite sure that the sensations I experienced were
different from those I have since had frequent occasion to hear
described。 The circumstances which called them forth were as follows:

The manufactory in which our family was fabricated was formerly
known as the Chateau de la Rocheaimard; and had been the property
of the Vicomte de la Rocheaimard previously to the revolution that
overturned the throne of Louis XVI。 The vicomte and his wife joined
the royalists at Coblentz; and the former; with his only son; Adrien de la
Rocheaimard; or the Chevalier de la Rocheaimard; as he was usually
termed; had joined the allies in their attempted invasion on the soil of
France。 The vicomte; a marechal du camp; had fallen in battle; but the
son escaped; and passed his youth in exile; marrying a few years later; a
cousin whose fortunes were at as low an ebb as his own。 One child;
Adrienne; was the sole issue of this marriage; having been born in the
year 1810。 Both the parents died before the Restoration; leaving the
little girl to the care of her pious grandmother; la vicomtesse; who
survived; in a feeble old age; to descant on the former grandeur of her
house; and to sigh; in common with so many others; for le bon vieux
temps。 At the Restoration; there was some difficulty in establishing the
right of the de la Rocheaimards to their share of the indemnity; a
difficulty I never heard explained; but which was probably owing to the
circumstance that there was no one in particular to interest themselves in
the matter; but an old woman of sixty…five and a little girl of four。 Such
appellants; unsupported by money; interest; or power; seldom make out
a very strong case for reparation of any sort; in this righteous world of
ours; and 
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