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autobiography of a pocket-handkerchief-第24章

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know a man of greater energy than yourself。〃

The grin with which the ruined speculator turned on his wife was nearly

〃Your men of energy are the very fellows TO fail;〃 he said; 〃however;
they shall find if I have had extraordinary energy in running into debt;
that I have extraordinary energy; too; in getting out of it。 Mrs。 Halfacre;
we must quit this house this very week; and all this fine furniture must be
brought to the hammer。 I mean to preserve my character; at least。〃

This was said loftily; and with the most approved accents。

〃Surely it isn't necessary to move to do that; my dear! Other people fail;
and keep their houses; and furniture; and carriages; and such other
things。 Let us not make ourselves the subjects of unpleasant remarks。〃

〃I intend that as little as you do yourself。 We must quit this house and
bring the furniture under the hammer; or part with all those lots you so
much esteem and prize。〃

〃Oh! If the house and furniture will pay the notes I'm content; especially
if you can contrive to keep the lots。 Dosie will part with her
handkerchief; too; I dare say; if that will do any good。〃

〃By George! that will be a capital ideayes; the handkerchief must be
sent back to…morrow morning; THAT will make a famous talk。 I only
bought it because Munny was present; and I wanted to get fifty
thousand dollars out of him; to meet this crisis。 The thing didn't succeed;
but; no matter; the handkerchief will tell in settling up。 That
handkerchief; Dosie; may be made to cover a hundred lots。〃

In what manner I was to open so much; like the tent of the Arabian
Nights; was a profound mystery to me then; as well as it was to the
ladies; but the handsome Eudosia placed me in her father's hand with a
frank liberality that proved she was not altogether without good
qualities。 As I afterwards discovered; indeed; these two females had
most of the excellences of a devoted wife and daughter; their frivolities
being the result of vicious educations or of no educations at all; rather
than of depraved hearts。 When Mr。 Halfacre went into liquidation; as it
is called; and compromised with his creditors; reserving to himself a
pretty little capital of some eighty or a hundred thousand dollars; by
means of judicious payments to confidential creditors; his wife and
daughter saw all THEY most prized taken away; and the town was
filled with the magnitude of their sacrifices; and with the handsome
manner in which both submitted to make them。 By this ingenious device;
the insolvent not only preserved his character; by no means an unusual
circumstance in New York; however; but he preserved about half of his
bona fide estate also; his creditors; as was customary; doing the

It is unnecessary to dwell on the remainder of this dialogue; my own
adventures so soon carrying me into an entirely different sphere。 The
following morning; however; as soon as he had breakfasted; Mr。
Halfacre put me in his pocket; and walked down street; with the port of
an afflicted and stricken; but thoroughly honest man。 When he reached
the shop…door of Bobbinet & Co。; he walked boldly in; and laid me on
the counter with a flourish so meek; that even the clerks; a very matter…
of…fact caste in general; afterwards commented on it。

〃Circumstances of an unpleasant nature; on which I presume it is
unnecessary to dwell; compel me to offer you this handkerchief; back
again; gentlemen;〃 he said; raising his hand to his eyes in a very affecting
manner。 〃As a bargain is a bargain; I feel great reluctance to disturb its
sacred obligations; but I CANNOT suffer a child of mine to retain such
a luxury; while a single individual can justly say that I owe him a dollar。〃

〃What fine sentiments!〃 said Silky; who was lounging in a corner of the
shop〃wonderful sentiments; and such as becomes a man of honesty。〃

Those around the colonel approved of his opinion; and Mr。 Halfacre
raised his head like one who was not afraid to look his creditors in the

〃I approve of your motives; Mr。 Halfacre;〃 returned Bobbinet; 〃but you
know the character of the times; and the dearness of rents。 That article
has been seen in private hands; doubtless; and can no longer be
considered freshwe shall be forced to make a considerable
abatement; if we consent to comply。〃

〃Name your own terms; sir; so they leave me a single dollar for my
creditors; I shall be happy。〃

〃Wonderful sentiments!〃 repeated the colonel〃we must send that man
to the national councils!〃

After a short negotiation; it was settled that Mr。 Halfacre was to receive
50; and Bobbinet & Co。 were to replace me in their drawer。 The next
morning an article appeared in a daily paper of pre…eminent honesty and
truth; and talents; in the following words:

〃WORTHY OF IMITATION。A distinguished gentleman of this city;
H H; Esquire; having been compelled to SUSPEND; in
consequence of the late robbery of the Bank of the United States by the
cold…blooded miscreant whose hoary head disgraces the White House;
felt himself bound to return an article of dress; purchased as recently as
yesterday by his lovely daughter; and who; in every respect; was
entitled to wear it; as she would have adorned it; receiving back the
price; with a view to put it in the fund he is already collecting to meet the
demands of his creditors。 It is due to the very respectable firm of
Bobbinet & Co。 to add; that it refunded the money with the greatest
liberality; at the first demand。 We can recommend this house to our
readers as one of the most liberal in OUR city; (by the way the editor
who wrote this article didn't own a foot of the town; or of any thing
else;) and as possessing a very large and well selected assortment of the
choicest goods。〃

The following words〃we take this occasion to thank Messrs。
Bobbinet & Co。 for a specimen of most beautiful gloves sent us;〃 had a
line run through in the manuscript; a little reflection; telling the learned
editor that it might be indiscreet to publish the fact at that precise
moment。 The American will know how to appreciate the importance of
this opinion; in relation to the house in question; when he is told that it
was written by one of those inspired moralists; and profound
constitutional lawyers; and ingenious political economists; who daily
teach their fellow creatures how to give practical illustrations of the
mandates of the Bible; how to discriminate in vexed questions arising
from the national compact; and how to manage their private affairs in
such a way as to escape the quicksands that have wrecked their own。

As some of my readers may feel an interest in the fate of poor Eudosia;
I will take occasion to say; before I proceed with the account of my
own fortunes; that it was not half as bad as might have been supposed。
Mr。 Halfacre commenced his compromises under favorable auspices。
The reputation of the affair of the pocket…handkerchief was of great
service; and creditors relented as they thought of the hardship of
depriving a pretty girl of so valuable an appliance。 Long before the
public had ceased to talk about the removal of the deposits; Mr。
Halfacre had arranged every thing to his own satisfaction。 The lots were
particularly useful; one of them paying off a debt that had been
contracted for half a dozen。 Now and then he met an obstinate fellow
who insisted on his money; and who talked of suits in chancery。 Such
men were paid off in full; litigation being the speculator's aversion。 As
for the fifty dollars received for me; it answered to go to market with
until other funds were found。 This diversion of the sum from its destined
object; however; was apparent rather than real; since food was
indispensable to enable the excellent but unfortunate man to work for
the benefit of his creditors。 In short; every thing was settled in the most
satisfactory manner; Mr。 Halfacre paying a hundred cents in the dollar;
in lots; however; but in such a manner as balanced his books beautifully。

〃Now; thank God! I owe no man a sixpence;〃 said Mr。 to Mrs。
Halfacre; the day all was concluded; 〃and only one small mistake has
been made by me; in going through so many complicated accounts; and
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