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autobiography of a pocket-handkerchief-第20章

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〃Style? Yes; I flatter myself it IS style to have a handkerchief that cost a
hundred dollars。 Why; Clara Caverly; the highest priced thing of this
sort that was ever before sold in New York only came to seventy…nine
dollars。 Mine is superior to all; by twenty…one dollars!〃

Clara Caverly sighed。 It was not with regret; or envy; or any unworthy
feeling; however; it was a fair; honest; moral sigh; that had its birth in the
thought of how much good a hundred dollars might have done; properly
applied。 It was under the influence of this feeling; too; that she said;
somewhat inopportunely it must be confessed; though quite innocently

〃Well; Eudosia; I am glad you can afford such a luxury; at all events。
Now is a good time to get your subscription to the Widows' and
Orphans' Society。 Mrs。 Thoughtful has desired me to ask for it half a
dozen times; I dare say it has escaped you that you are quite a
twelvemonth in arrear。〃

〃NOW a good time to ask for three dollars! What; just when I've paid
a hundred dollars for a pocket…handkerchief? That was not said with
your usual good sense; my dear。 People must be MADE of money to
pay out so much at one time。〃

〃When may I tell Mrs。 Thoughtful; then; that you will send it to her?〃

〃I am sure that is more than I can say。 Pa will be in no hurry to give me
more money soon; and I want; at this moment; near a hundred dollars'
worth of articles of dress to make a decent appearance。 The Society
can be in no such hurry for its subscriptions; they must amount to a
good deal。〃

〃Not if never paid。 Shall I lend you the moneymy mother gave me ten
dollars this morning; to make a few purchases; which I can very well do
without until you can pay me。〃

〃DO; dear girlyou are always one of the best creatures in the world。
How much is it? three dollars I believe。〃

〃Six; if you pay the past and present year。 I will pay Mrs。 Thoughtful
before I go home。 But; dear Eudosia; I wish you had not bought that
foolish pocket…handkerchief。〃

〃Foolish! Do you call a handkerchief with such lace; and all this
magnificent work on it; and which cost a HUNDRED DOLLARS;
foolish? Is it foolish to have money; or to be thought rich?〃

〃Certainly not the first; though it may be better not to be thought rich。 I
wish to see you always dressed with propriety; for you do credit to
your dress; but this handkerchief is out of place。〃

〃Out of place! Now; hear me; Clara; though it is to be a great secret。
What do you think Pa is worth?〃

〃Bless me; these are things I never think of。 I do not even know how
much my own father is worth。 Mother tells me how much I may spend;
and I can want to learn no more。〃

〃Well; Mr。 Murray dined with Pa last week; and they sat over their
wine until near ten。 I overheard them talking; and got into this room to
listen; for I thought I should get something new。 At first they said nothing
but 'lotslotsup towndown towntwenty…five feet frontdollar;
dollar; dollar。' La! child; you never heard such stuff in your life!〃

〃One gets used to these things; notwithstanding;〃 observed Clara; drily。

〃Yes; one DOES hear a great deal of it。 I shall be glad when the
gentlemen learn to talk of something else。 But the best is to come。 At
last; Pa asked Mr。 Murray if he had inventoried lately。〃

〃Did he?〃

〃Yes; he did。 Of course you know what that means?〃

〃It meant to FILL; as they call it; does it not?〃

〃So I thought at first; but it means no such thing。 It means to count up;
and set down how much one is worth。 Mr。 Murray said he did THAT
every month; and of course he knew very well what HE was worth。 I
forget how much it was; for I didn't care; you know George Murray is
not as old as I am; and so I listened to what Pa had inventoried。 Now;
how much do you guess?〃

〃Really; my dear; I haven't the least idea;〃 answered Clara; slightly
gaping〃a thousand dollars; perhaps。〃

〃A thousand dollars! What; for a gentleman who keeps his coachlives
in Broadwaydresses his daughter as I dress; and gives her hundred…
dollar handkerchiefs。 Two hundred million; my dear; two hundred

Eudosia had interpolated the word 〃hundred;〃 quite innocently; for; as
usually happens with those to whom money is new; her imagination ran
ahead of her arithmetic。 〃Yes;〃 she added; 〃two hundred millions;
besides sixty millions of odd money!〃

〃That sounds like a great deal;〃 observed Clara quietly; for; besides
caring very little for these millions; she had not a profound respect for
her friend's accuracy on such subjects。

〃It IS a great deal。 Ma says there are not ten richer men than Pa in the
state。 Now; does not this alter the matter about the pocket…
handkerchief? It would be mean in me not to have a hundred…dollar
handkerchief; when I could get one。〃

〃It may alter the matter as to the extravagance; but it does not alter it as
to the fitness。 Of what USE is a pocket…handkerchief like this? A
pocket…handkerchief is made for USE; my dear; not for show。〃

〃You would not have a young lady use her pocket…handkerchief like a
snuffy old nurse; Clara?〃

〃I would have her use it like a young lady; and in no other way。 But it
always strikes me as a proof of ignorance and a want of refinement
when the uses of things are confounded。 A pocket…handkerchief; at the
best; is but a menial appliance; and it is bad taste to make it an object of
attraction。 FINE; it may be; for that conveys an idea of delicacy in its
owner; but ornamented beyond reason; never。 Look what a tawdry and
vulgar thing an embroidered slipper is on a woman's foot。〃

〃Yes; I grant you that; but everybody cannot have hundred…dollar
handkerchiefs; though they may have embroidered slippers。 I shall wear
my purchase at Miss Trotter's ball to…night。〃

To this Clara made no objection; though she still looked disapprobation
of her purchase。 Now; the lovely Eudosia had not a bad heart; she had
only received a bad education。 Her parents had given her a smattering
of the usual accomplishments; but here her superior instruction ended。
Unable to discriminate themselves; for the want of this very education;
they had been obliged to trust their daughter to the care of mercenaries;
who fancied their duties discharged when they had taught their pupil to
repeat like a parrot。 All she acquired had been for effect; and not for
the purpose of every…day use; in which her instruction and her pocket…
handkerchief might be said to be of a piece。


And here I will digress a moment to make a single remark on a subject
of which popular feeling; in America; under the influence of popular
habits; is apt to take an exparte view。 Accomplishments are derided as
useless; in comparison with what is considered household virtues。 The
accomplishment of a cook is to make good dishes; of a seamstress to
sew well; and of a lady to possess refined tastes; a cultivated mind; and
agreeable and intellectual habits。 The real VIRTUES of all are the same;
though subject to laws peculiar to their station; but it is a very different
thing when we come to the mere accomplishments。 To deride all the
refined attainments of human skill denotes ignorance of the means of
human happiness; nor is it any evidence of acquaintance with the
intricate machinery of social greatness and a lofty civilization。 These
gradations in attainments are inseparable from civilized society; and if
the skill of the ingenious and laborious is indispensable to a solid
foundation; without the tastes and habits of the refined and cultivated; it
never can be graceful or pleasing。

{exparte = should be 〃ex parte〃one…sided (Latin)}

Eudosia had some indistinct glimmerings of this fact; though it was not
often that she came to sound and discriminating decisions even in
matters less complicated。 In the present instance she saw this truth only
by halves; and that; too; in its most commonplace aspect; as will appear
by the remark she made on the occasion。

〃Then; Clara; as to the PRICE I have paid for this handkerchief;〃 she
said; 〃you ought to remember what the laws of political economy lay
down on such subjects。 I suppose your Pa makes you study political
economy; my dear?〃

〃Indeed he does not。 I ha
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