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autobiography of a pocket-handkerchief-第17章

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removed from the line; properly ironed; and returned to my boss。 The
same day I was placed in a shop in Broadway; belonging to a firm of
which I now understood the colonel was a sleeping partner。 A suitable
entry was made against me; in a private memorandum book; which; as I
once had an opportunity of seeing it; I will give here。

Super…extraordinary Pocket…Handkerchief; French cambric; trimmed
and worked; in account with Bobbinet & Gull。

To money paid first costfrancs 100; at 5。25;   19。04
To interest on same for  00。00
To portion of passage money;  00。04
To porterage;  00。00 1/4
To washing and making up;  00。25
(Mem。See if a deduction cannot be made from this charge。)

By cash; for allowing Miss Thimble to copy patternnot to be worked
until our article is sold;  1。 00
By cash for sale; &c。 

{in account with。。。。 = this and subsequent 〃accounts〃 are presented by
Cooper in tabular form; generally without decimal points in the figures;
we have inserted decimals and omitted zeros to make them more

Thus the account stood the day I was first offered to the admiration of
the fair of New York。 Mr。 Bobbinet; however; was in no hurry to
exhibit me; having several articles of less beauty; that he was anxious to
get off first。 For my part; I was as desirous of being produced; as ever a
young lady was to come out; and then my companions in the drawer
were not of the most agreeable character。 We were all pocket…
handkerchiefs; together; and all of French birth。 Of the whole party; I
was the only one that had been worked by a real lady; and
consequently my education was manifestly superior to those of my
companions。 THEY could scarcely be called comme il faut; at all;
though; to own the truth; I am afraid there is tant soit peu de vulgarity
about all WORKED pocket…handkerchiefs。 I remember that; one day;
when Madame de la Rocheaimard and Adrienne were discussing the
expediency of buying our whole piece; with a view of offering us to their
benefactress; the former; who had a fine tact in matters of this sort;
expressed a doubt whether the dauphine would be pleased with such an

{comme il faut = proper; tant soit peu de = ever so little of; {worked =

〃Her Royal Highness; like all cultivated minds; looks for fitness in her
ornaments and tastes。 What fitness is there; ma chere; in converting an
article of real use; and which should not be paraded to one's associates;
into an article of senseless luxury。 I know there are two doctrines on this
important point〃

{ma chere = my dear}

But; as I shall have occasion; soon; to go into the whole philosophy of
this matter; when I come to relate the manner of my next purchase; I
will not stop here to relate all that Madame de la Rocheaimard said。 It is
sufficient that she; a woman of tact in such matters at least; had strong
doubts concerning the TASTE and propriety of using worked pocket…
handkerchiefs; at all。

My principal objection to my companions in the drawer was their
incessant senseless repinings about France; and their abuse of the
country in which they were to pass their lives。 I could see enough in
America to find fault with; through the creaks of the drawer; and if an
American; I might have indulged a little in the same way myself; for I am
not one of those who think fault…finding belongs properly to the
stranger; and not to the native。 It is the proper office of the latter; as it is
his duty to amend these faults; the traveler being bound in justice to look
at the good as well as the evil。 But; according to my companions; there
was NOTHING good in Americathe climate; the people; the food;
the morals; the laws; the dress; the manners; and the tastes; were all
infinitely worse than those they had been accustomed to。 Even the
physical proportions of the population were condemned; without mercy。
I confess I was surprised at hearing the SIZE of the Americans sneered
at by POCKET…HANDKERCHIEFS; as I remember to have read that
the NOSES of the New Yorkers; in particular; were materially larger
than common。 When the supercilious and vapid point out faults; they
ever run into contradictions and folly; it is only under the lash of the
discerning and the experienced; that we betray by our writhings the
power of the blow we receive。

{creaks = probably a typographical errorCooper's manuscript read


I might have been a fortnight in the shop; when I heard a voice as gentle
and lady…like as that of Adrienne; inquiring for pocket…handkerchiefs。
My heart fairly beat for joy; for; to own the truth; I was getting to be
wearied to death with the garrulous folly of my companions。 They had
so much of the couturieres about them! not one of the whole party ever
having been a regular employee in genteel life。 Their niaisiries were
endless; and there was just as much of the low bred anticipation as to
their future purchases; as one sees at the balls of the Champs Elysee on
the subject of partners。 The word 〃pocket…handkerchief;〃 and that so
sweetly pronounced; drew open our drawer; as it might be; instinctively。
Two or three dozen of us; all of exquisite fineness; were laid upon the
counter; myself and two or three more of the better class being kept a
little in the back ground; as a skillful general holds his best troops in

{couturieres = dress makers; niaisiries = should read niaiseries; French
for silliness}

The customers were sisters; that was visible at a glance。 Both were
pretty; almost beautifuland there was an air of simplicity about their
dress; a quiet and unobtrusive dignity in their manners; which at once
announced them to be real ladies。 Even the tones of their voices were
polished; a circumstance that I think one is a little apt to notice in New
York。 I discovered; in the course of the conversation; that they were the
daughters of a gentleman of very large estate; and belonged to the true
elite of the country。 The manner in which the clerks received them;
indeed; proclaimed this; for; though their other claims might not have so
promptly extracted this homage; their known wealth would。

Mr。 Bobbinet attended these customers in person。 Practiced in all that
portion of human knowledge which appertains to a salesman; he let the
sweet girls select two or three dozen handkerchiefs of great beauty; but
totally without ornament; and even pay for them; before he said a word
on the subject of the claims of his reserved corps。 When he thought the
proper moment had arrived; however; one of the least decorated of our
party was offered to the consideration of the young ladies。 The sisters
were named Anne and Maria; and I could see by the pleasure that
beamed in the soft blue eyes of the former; that she was quite enchanted
with the beauty of the article laid before her so unexpectedly。 I believe it
is in FEMALE 〃human nature〃 to admire every thing that is graceful and
handsome; and especially when it takes the form of needle…work。 The
sweet girls praised handkerchief after handkerchief; until I was laid
before them; when their pleasure extracted exclamations of delight。 All
was done so quietly; however; and in so lady…like a manner; that the
attention of no person in the shop was drawn to them by this natural
indulgence of surprise。 Still I observed that neither of the young lades
inquired the PRICES; these being considerations that had no influence
on the intrinsic value; in their eyes; while the circumstance caused my
heart to sink within me; as it clearly proved they did not intend to
purchase; and I longed to become the property of the gentle; serene…
eyed Anne。 After thanking Mr。 Bobbinet for the trouble he had taken;
they ordered their purchases sent home; and were about to quit the

〃Can't I persuade you to take THIS?〃 demanded Bobbinet; as they
were turning away。 There is not its equal in America。 Indeed; one of the
house; our Colonel Silky; who has just returned from Paris; says it was
worked expressly for the dauphine; who was prevented from getting it
by the late revolution。〃

〃It IS a pity so much lace and such exquisite work should be put on a
pocket…handkerchief;〃 said Anne
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