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comparatively warm and dry。  Next morning it was fine; we broke
camp; and after advancing a short distance we found that; by
descending over ground less difficult than yesterday's; we should
come again upon the river…bed; which had opened out above the
gorge; but it was plain at a glance that there was no available
sheep country; nothing but a few flats covered with scrub on either
side the river; and mountains which were perfectly worthless。  But
we could see the main range。  There was no mistake about this。  The
glaciers were tumbling down the mountain sides like cataracts; and
seemed actually to descend upon the river…bed; there could be no
serious difficulty in reaching them by following up the river;
which was wide and open; but it seemed rather an objectless thing
to do; for the main range looked hopeless; and my curiosity about
the nature of the country above the gorge was now quite satisfied;
there was no money in it whatever; unless there should be minerals;
of which I saw no more signs than lower down。

However; I resolved that I would follow the river up; and not
return until I was compelled to do so。  I would go up every branch
as far as I could; and wash well for gold。  Chowbok liked seeing me
do this; but it never came to anything; for we did not even find
the colour。  His dislike of the main range appeared to have worn
off; and he made no objections to approaching it。  I think he
thought there was no danger of my trying to cross it; and he was
not afraid of anything on this side; besides; we might find gold。
But the fact was that he had made up his mind what to do if he saw
me getting too near it。

We passed three weeks in exploring; and never did I find time go
more quickly。  The weather was fine; though the nights got very
cold。  We followed every stream but one; and always found it lead
us to a glacier which was plainly impassable; at any rate without a
larger party and ropes。  One stream remained; which I should have
followed up already; had not Chowbok said that he had risen early
one morning while I was yet asleep; and after going up it for three
or four miles; had seen that it was impossible to go farther。  I
had long ago discovered that he was a great liar; so I was bent on
going up myself:  in brief; I did so:  so far from being
impossible; it was quite easy travelling; and after five or six
miles I saw a saddle at the end of it; which; though covered deep
in snow; was not glaciered; and which did verily appear to be part
of the main range itself。  No words can express the intensity of my
delight。  My blood was all on fire with hope and elation; but on
looking round for Chowbok; who was behind me; I saw to my surprise
and anger that he had turned back; and was going down the valley as
hard as he could。  He had left me。


I cooeyed to him; but he would not hear。  I ran after him; but he
had got too good a start。  Then I sat down on a stone and thought
the matter carefully over。  It was plain that Chowbok had
designedly attempted to keep me from going up this valley; yet he
had shown no unwillingness to follow me anywhere else。  What could
this mean; unless that I was now upon the route by which alone the
mysteries of the great ranges could be revealed?  What then should
I do?  Go back at the very moment when it had become plain that I
was on the right scent?  Hardly; yet to proceed alone would be both
difficult and dangerous。  It would be bad enough to return to my
master's run; and pass through the rocky gorges; with no chance of
help from another should I get into a difficulty; but to advance
for any considerable distance without a companion would be next
door to madness。  Accidents which are slight when there is another
at hand (as the spraining of an ankle; or the falling into some
place whence escape would be easy by means of an outstretched hand
and a bit of rope) may be fatal to one who is alone。  The more I
pondered the less I liked it; and yet; the less could I make up my
mind to return when I looked at the saddle at the head of the
valley; and noted the comparative ease with which its smooth sweep
of snow might be surmounted:  I seemed to see my way almost from my
present position to the very top。  After much thought; I resolved
to go forward until I should come to some place which was really
dangerous; but then to return。  I should thus; I hoped; at any rate
reach the top of the saddle; and satisfy myself as to what might be
on the other side。

I had no time to lose; for it was now between ten and eleven in the
morning。  Fortunately I was well equipped; for on leaving the camp
and the horses at the lower end of the valley I had provided myself
(according to my custom) with everything that I was likely to want
for four or five days。  Chowbok had carried half; but had dropped
his whole swagI suppose; at the moment of his taking flightfor
I came upon it when I ran after him。  I had; therefore; his
provisions as well as my own。  Accordingly; I took as many biscuits
as I thought I could carry; and also some tobacco; tea; and a few
matches。  I rolled all these things (together with a flask nearly
full of brandy; which I had kept in my pocket for fear lest Chowbok
should get hold of it) inside my blankets; and strapped them very
tightly; making the whole into a long roll of some seven feet in
length and six inches in diameter。  Then I tied the two ends
together; and put the whole round my neck and over one shoulder。
This is the easiest way of carrying a heavy swag; for one can rest
one's self by shifting the burden from one shoulder to the other。
I strapped my pannikin and a small axe about my waist; and thus
equipped began to ascend the valley; angry at having been misled by
Chowbok; but determined not to return till I was compelled to do

I crossed and recrossed the stream several times without
difficulty; for there were many good fords。  At one o'clock I was
at the foot of the saddle; for four hours I mounted; the last two
on the snow; where the going was easier; by five; I was within ten
minutes of the top; in a state of excitement greater; I think; than
I had ever known before。  Ten minutes more; and the cold air from
the other side came rushing upon me。

A glance。  I was NOT on the main range。

Another glance。  There was an awful river; muddy and horribly
angry; roaring over an immense riverbed; thousands of feet below

It went round to the westward; and I could see no farther up the
valley; save that there were enormous glaciers which must extend
round the source of the river; and from which it must spring。

Another glance; and then I remained motionless。

There was an easy pass in the mountains directly opposite to me;
through which I caught a glimpse of an immeasurable extent of blue
and distant plains。

Easy?  Yes; perfectly easy; grassed nearly to the summit; which
was; as it were; an open path between two glaciers; from which an
inconsiderable stream came tumbling down over rough but very
possible hillsides; till it got down to the level of the great
river; and formed a flat where there was grass and a small bush of
stunted timber。

Almost before I could believe my eyes; a cloud had come up from the
valley on the other side; and the plains were hidden。  What
wonderful luck was mine!  Had I arrived five minutes later; the
cloud would have been over the pass; and I should not have known of
its existence。  Now that the cloud was there; I began to doubt my
memory; and to be uncertain whether it had been more than a blue
line of distant vapour that had filled up the opening。  I could
only be certain of this much; namely; that the river in the valley
below must be the one next to the northward of that which flowed
past my master's station; of this there could be no doubt。  Could
I; however; imagine that my luck should have led me up a wrong
river in search of a pass; and yet brought me to the spot where I
could detect the one weak place in the fortifications of a more
northern basin?  This was too improbable。  But even as I doubted
there came a rent in the cloud opposite; and a second time I saw
blue lines of heaving down
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