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the carcase of a calf; lamb; or kid exposed for sale with a label
from the inspector certifying that it had been killed in self…
defence。  Sometimes even the carcase of a lamb or calf was exposed
as 〃warranted still…born;〃 when it presented every appearance of
having enjoyed at least a month of life。

As for the flesh of animals that had bona fide died a natural
death; the permission to eat it was nugatory; for it was generally
eaten by some other animal before man got hold of it; or failing
this it was often poisonous; so that practically people were forced
to evade the law by some of the means above spoken of; or to become
vegetarians。  This last alternative was so little to the taste of
the Erewhonians; that the laws against killing animals were falling
into desuetude; and would very likely have been repealed; but for
the breaking out of a pestilence; which was ascribed by the priests
and prophets of the day to the lawlessness of the people in the
matter of eating forbidden flesh。  On this; there was a reaction;
stringent laws were passed; forbidding the use of meat in any form
or shape; and permitting no food but grain; fruits; and vegetables
to be sold in shops and markets。  These laws were enacted about two
hundred years after the death of the old prophet who had first
unsettled people's minds about the rights of animals; but they had
hardly been passed before people again began to break them。

I was told that the most painful consequence of all this folly did
not lie in the fact that law…abiding people had to go without
animal foodmany nations do this and seem none the worse; and even
in flesh…eating countries such as Italy; Spain; and Greece; the
poor seldom see meat from year's end to year's end。  The mischief
lay in the jar which undue prohibition gave to the consciences of
all but those who were strong enough to know that though conscience
as a rule boons; it can also bane。  The awakened conscience of an
individual will often lead him to do things in haste that he had
better have left undone; but the conscience of a nation awakened by
a respectable old gentleman who has an unseen power up his sleeve
will pave hell with a vengeance。

Young people were told that it was a sin to do what their fathers
had done unhurt for centuries; those; moreover; who preached to
them about the enormity of eating meat; were an unattractive
academic folk; and though they over…awed all but the bolder youths;
there were few who did not in their hearts dislike them。  However
much the young person might be shielded; he soon got to know that
men and women of the worldoften far nicer people than the
prophets who preached abstentioncontinually spoke sneeringly of
the new doctrinaire laws; and were believed to set them aside in
secret; though they dared not do so openly。  Small wonder; then;
that the more human among the student classes were provoked by the
touch…not; taste…not; handle…not precepts of their rulers; into
questioning much that they would otherwise have unhesitatingly

One sad story is on record about a young man of promising amiable
disposition; but cursed with more conscience than brains; who had
been told by his doctor (for as I have above said disease was not
yet held to be criminal) that he ought to eat meat; law or no law。
He was much shocked and for some time refused to comply with what
he deemed the unrighteous advice given him by his doctor; at last;
however; finding that he grew weaker and weaker; he stole secretly
on a dark night into one of those dens in which meat was
surreptitiously sold; and bought a pound of prime steak。  He took
it home; cooked it in his bedroom when every one in the house had
gone to rest; ate it; and though he could hardly sleep for remorse
and shame; felt so much better next morning that he hardly knew

Three or four days later; he again found himself irresistibly drawn
to this same den。  Again he bought a pound of steak; again he
cooked and ate it; and again; in spite of much mental torture; on
the following morning felt himself a different man。  To cut the
story short; though he never went beyond the bounds of moderation;
it preyed upon his mind that he should be drifting; as he certainly
was; into the ranks of the habitual law…breakers。

All the time his health kept on improving; and though he felt sure
that he owed this to the beefsteaks; the better he became in body;
the more his conscience gave him no rest; two voices were for ever
ringing in his earsthe one saying; 〃I am Common Sense and Nature;
heed me; and I will reward you as I rewarded your fathers before
you。〃  But the other voice said:  〃Let not that plausible spirit
lure you to your ruin。  I am Duty; heed me; and I will reward you
as I rewarded your fathers before you。〃

Sometimes he even seemed to see the faces of the speakers。  Common
Sense looked so easy; genial; and serene; so frank and fearless;
that do what he might he could not mistrust her; but as he was on
the point of following her; he would be checked by the austere face
of Duty; so grave; but yet so kindly; and it cut him to the heart
that from time to time he should see her turn pitying away from him
as he followed after her rival。

The poor boy continually thought of the better class of his fellow…
students; and tried to model his conduct on what he thought was
theirs。  〃They;〃 he said to himself; 〃eat a beefsteak?  Never。〃
But they most of them ate one now and again; unless it was a mutton
chop that tempted them。  And they used him for a model much as he
did them。  〃He;〃 they would say to themselves; 〃eat a mutton chop?
Never。〃  One night; however; he was followed by one of the
authorities; who was always prowling about in search of law…
breakers; and was caught coming out of the den with half a shoulder
of mutton concealed about his person。  On this; even though he had
not been put in prison; he would have been sent away with his
prospects in life irretrievably ruined; he therefore hanged himself
as soon as he got home。


Let me leave this unhappy story; and return to the course of events
among the Erewhonians at large。  No matter how many laws they
passed increasing the severity of the punishments inflicted on
those who ate meat in secret; the people found means of setting
them aside as fast as they were made。  At times; indeed; they would
become almost obsolete; but when they were on the point of being
repealed; some national disaster or the preaching of some fanatic
would reawaken the conscience of the nation; and people were
imprisoned by the thousand for illicitly selling and buying animal

About six or seven hundred years; however; after the death of the
old prophet; a philosopher appeared; who; though he did not claim
to have any communication with an unseen power; laid down the law
with as much confidence as if such a power had inspired him。  Many
think that this philosopher did not believe his own teaching; and;
being in secret a great meat…eater; had no other end in view than
reducing the prohibition against eating animal food to an
absurdity; greater even than an Erewhonian Puritan would be able to

Those who take this view hold that he knew how impossible it would
be to get the nation to accept legislation that it held to be
sinful; he knew also how hopeless it would be to convince people
that it was not wicked to kill a sheep and eat it; unless he could
show them that they must either sin to a certain extent; or die。
He; therefore; it is believed; made the monstrous proposals of
which I will now speak。

He began by paying a tribute of profound respect to the old
prophet; whose advocacy of the rights of animals; he admitted; had
done much to soften the national character; and enlarge its views
about the sanctity of life in general。  But he urged that times had
now changed; the lesson of which the country had stood in need had
been sufficiently learnt; while as regards vegetables much had
become known that was not even suspected formerly; and which; if
the nation was to persevere in that stri
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