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conclusions drawn from that of the last thirty or forty。

The saving feature of the Erewhonian Musical Bank system (as
distinct from the quasi…idolatrous views which coexist with it; and
on which I will touch later) was that while it bore witness to the
existence of a kingdom that is not of this world; it made no
attempt to pierce the veil that hides it from human eyes。  It is
here that almost all religions go wrong。  Their priests try to make
us believe that they know more about the unseen world than those
whose eyes are still blinded by the seen; can ever knowforgetting
that while to deny the existence of an unseen kingdom is bad; to
pretend that we know more about it than its bare existence is no

This chapter is already longer than I intended; but I should like
to say that in spite of the saving feature of which I have just
spoken; I cannot help thinking that the Erewhonians are on the eve
of some great change in their religious opinions; or at any rate in
that part of them which finds expression through their Musical
Banks。  So far as I could see; fully ninety per cent。 of the
population of the metropolis looked upon these banks with something
not far removed from contempt。  If this is so; any such startling
event as is sure to arise sooner or later; may serve as nucleus to
a new order of things that will be more in harmony with both the
heads and hearts of the people。


The reader will perhaps have learned by this time a thing which I
had myself suspected before I had been twenty…four hours in Mr。
Nosnibor's houseI mean; that though the Nosnibors showed me every
attention; I could not cordially like them; with the exception of
Arowhena who was quite different from the rest。  They were not fair
samples of Erewhonians。  I saw many families with whom they were on
visiting terms; whose manners charmed me more than I know how to
say; but I never could get over my original prejudice against Mr。
Nosnibor for having embezzled the money。  Mrs。 Nosnibor; too; was a
very worldly woman; yet to hear her talk one would have thought
that she was singularly the reverse; neither could I endure Zulora;
Arowhena however was perfection。

She it was who ran all the little errands for her mother and Mr。
Nosnibor and Zulora; and gave those thousand proofs of sweetness
and unselfishness which some one member of a family is generally
required to give。  All day long it was Arowhena this; and Arowhena
that; but she never seemed to know that she was being put upon; and
was always bright and willing from morning till evening。  Zulora
certainly was very handsome; but Arowhena was infinitely the more
graceful of the two and was the very ne plus ultra of youth and
beauty。  I will not attempt to describe her; for anything that I
could say would fall so far short of the reality as only to mislead
the reader。  Let him think of the very loveliest that he can
imagine; and he will still be below the truth。  Having said this
much; I need hardly say that I had fallen in love with her。

She must have seen what I felt for her; but I tried my hardest not
to let it appear even by the slightest sign。  I had many reasons
for this。  I had no idea what Mr。 and Mrs。 Nosnibor would say to
it; and I knew that Arowhena would not look at me (at any rate not
yet) if her father and mother disapproved; which they probably
would; considering that I had nothing except the pension of about a
pound a day of our money which the King had granted me。  I did not
yet know of a more serious obstacle。

In the meantime; I may say that I had been presented at court; and
was told that my reception had been considered as singularly
gracious; indeed; I had several interviews both with the King and
Queen; at which from time to time the Queen got everything from me
that I had in the world; clothes and all; except the two buttons I
had given to Yram; the loss of which seemed to annoy her a good
deal。  I was presented with a court suit; and her Majesty had my
old clothes put upon a wooden dummy; on which they probably remain;
unless they have been removed in consequence of my subsequent
downfall。  His Majesty's manners were those of a cultivated English
gentleman。  He was much pleased at hearing that our government was
monarchical; and that the mass of the people were resolute that it
should not be changed; indeed; I was so much encouraged by the
evident pleasure with which he heard me; that I ventured to quote
to him those beautiful lines of Shakespeare's …

〃There's a divinity doth hedge a king;
Rough hew him how we may;〃

but I was sorry I had done so afterwards; for I do not think his
Majesty admired the lines as much as I could have wished。

There is no occasion for me to dwell further upon my experience of
the court; but I ought perhaps to allude to one of my conversations
with the King; inasmuch as it was pregnant with the most important

He had been asking me about my watch; and enquiring whether such
dangerous inventions were tolerated in the country from which I
came。  I owned with some confusion that watches were not uncommon;
but observing the gravity which came over his Majesty's face I
presumed to say that they were fast dying out; and that we had few
if any other mechanical contrivances of which he was likely to
disapprove。  Upon his asking me to name some of our most advanced
machines; I did not dare to tell him of our steam…engines and
railroads and electric telegraphs; and was puzzling my brains to
think what I could say; when; of all things in the world; balloons
suggested themselves; and I gave him an account of a very
remarkable ascent which was made some years ago。  The King was too
polite to contradict; but I felt sure that he did not believe me;
and from that day forward though he always showed me the attention
which was due to my genius (for in this light was my complexion
regarded); he never questioned me about the manners and customs of
my country。

To return; however; to Arowhena。  I soon gathered that neither Mr。
nor Mrs。 Nosnibor would have any objection to my marrying into the
family; a physical excellence is considered in Erewhon as a set off
against almost any other disqualification; and my light hair was
sufficient to make me an eligible match。  But along with this
welcome fact I gathered another which filled me with dismay:  I was
expected to marry Zulora; for whom I had already conceived a great
aversion。  At first I hardly noticed the little hints and the
artifices which were resorted to in order to bring us together; but
after a time they became too plain。  Zulora; whether she was in
love with me or not; was bent on marrying me; and I gathered in
talking with a young gentleman of my acquaintance who frequently
visited the house and whom I greatly disliked; that it was
considered a sacred and inviolable rule that whoever married into a
family must marry the eldest daughter at that time unmarried。  The
young gentleman urged this upon me so frequently that I at last saw
he was in love with Arowhena himself; and wanted me to get Zulora
out of the way; but others told me the same story as to the custom
of the country; and I saw there was a serious difficulty。  My only
comfort was that Arowhena snubbed my rival and would not look at
him。  Neither would she look at me; nevertheless there was a
difference in the manner of her disregard; this was all I could get
from her。

Not that she avoided me; on the contrary I had many a tete…a…tete
with her; for her mother and sister were anxious for me to deposit
some part of my pension in the Musical Banks; this being in
accordance with the dictates of their goddess Ydgrun; of whom both
Mrs。 Nosnibor and Zulora were great devotees。  I was not sure
whether I had kept my secret from being perceived by Arowhena
herself; but none of the others suspected me; so she was set upon
me to get me to open an account; at any rate pro forma; with the
Musical Banks; and I need hardly say that she succeeded。  But I did
not yield at once; I enjoyed the process of being argued with too
keenly to lose it by a prompt concession; besides; a little
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