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dona perecta-第44章

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other in their charities and in their devotions as well as in domestic matters; but; truth to say; there was always a something; there was always a line; invisible but which could not be crossed between the improvised lady and the lady by birth and ancestry。 Dona Perfecta addressed Maria as 〃thou;〃 while the latter could never lay aside certain ceremonial forms。 Maria Remedios always felt herself so insignificant in the presence of her uncle's friend that her natural humility had acquired through this feeling a strange tinge of sadness。 She saw that the good canon was a species of perpetual Aulic councillor in the house; she saw her idolized Jacintillo mingling on terms of almost lover…like familiarity with the young lady; and nevertheless the poor mother and niece visited the house as little as possible。 It is to be observed that Maria Remedios' dignity as a lady suffered not a little in Dona Perfecta's house; and this was disagreeable to her; for in this sighing spirit; too; there was; as there is in every living thing; a little pride。 To see her son married to Rosarito; to see him rich and powerful; to see him related to Dona Perfecta; to the senoraah! this was for Maria Remedios earth and heaven; this life and the next; the present and the future; the supreme totality of existence。 For years her mind and her heart had been filled by the light of this sweet hope。 Because of this hope she was good and she was bad; because of it she was religious and humble; or fierce and daring; because of it she was whatever she wasfor without this idea Maria; who was the incarnation of her project; would not exist。

In person; Maria Remedios could not be more insignificant than she was。 She was remarkable for a surprising freshness and robustness which made her look much younger than she really was; and she always dressed in mourning; although her widowhood was now of long standing。

Five days had passed since the entrance of Caballuco into the Penitentiary's house。 It was evening。 Remedios entered her uncle's room with the lighted lamp; which she placed on the table。 She then seated herself in front of the old man; who; for a great part of the afternoon; had been sitting motionless and thoughtful in his easy chair。 His fingers supported his chin; wrinkling up the brown skin; unshaven for the past three days。

〃Did Caballuco say he would come here to supper to…night?〃 he asked his niece。

〃Yes; senor; he will come。 It is in a respectable house like this that the poor fellow is most secure。〃

〃Well; I am not altogether easy in my mind; in spite of the respectability of the house;〃 answered the Penitentiary。 〃How the brave Ramos exposes himself! And I am told that in Villahorrenda and the surrounding country there are a great many men。 I don't know how many men What have you heard?〃

〃That the soldiers are committing atrocities。〃

〃It is a miracle that those Hottentots have not searched the house! I declare that if I see one of the red…trousered gentry enter the house; I shall fall down speechless。〃

〃This is a nice condition of things!〃 said Remedios; exhaling half her soul in a sigh。 〃I cannot get out of my head the idea of the tribulation in which Senora Dona Perfecta finds herself。 Uncle; you ought to go there。〃

〃Go there to…night? The military are parading the streets! Imagine that some insolent soldier should take it into his head to The senora is well protected。 The other day they searched the house and they carried off the six armed men she had there; but afterward they sent them back to her。 We have no one to protect us in case of an attack。〃

〃I sent Jacinto to the senora's; to keep her company for a while。 If Caballuco comes; we will tell him to stop in there; too。 No one can put it out of my head but that those rascals are plotting some piece of villany against our friend。 Poor senora; poor Rosarito! When one thinks that this might have been avoided by what I proposed to Dona Perfecta two days ago〃

〃My dear niece;〃 said the Penitentiary phlegmatically; 〃we have done all that it was in human power to do to carry out our virtuous purpose。 More we cannot do。 Convince yourself of this; and do not be obstinate。 Rosarito cannot be the wife of our idolized Jacintillo。 Your golden dream; your ideal of happiness; that at one time seemed attainable; and to which like a good uncle; I devoted all the powers of my understanding; has become chimerical; has vanished into smoke。 Serious obstructions; the wickedness of a man; the indubitable love of the girl; and other things; regarding which I am silent; have altered altogether the condition of affairs。 We were in a fair way to conquer; and suddenly we are conquered。 Ah; niece! convince yourself of one thing。 As matters are now; Jacinto deserves something a great deal better than that crazy girl。〃

〃Caprices and obstinate notions!〃 responded Maria; with an ill…humor that was far from respectful。 〃That's a pretty thing to say now; uncle! The great minds are outshining themselves; now。 Dona Perfecta with her lofty ideas; and you with your doubts and fearsof much use either of you is。 It is a pity that God made me such a fool and gave me an understanding of brick and mortar; as the senora says; for if that wasn't the case I would soon settle the question。〃


〃If she and you had allowed me; it would be settled already。〃

〃By the beating?〃

〃There's no occasion for you to be frightened or to open your eyes like that。 There is no question of killing any body。 What an idea!〃

〃Beating;〃 said the canon; smiling; 〃is like scratchingwhen one begins one doesn't know when to leave off。〃

〃Bah! say too that I am cruel and blood…thirsty。 I wouldn't have the courage to kill a fly; it's not very likely that I should desire the death of a man。〃

〃In fine; child; no matter what objections you may make; Senor Don Pepe Rey will carry off the girl。 It is not possible now to prevent it。 He is ready to employ every means; including dishonor。 If Rosaritohow she deceived us with that demure little face and those heavenly eyes; eh!if Rosarito; I say; did not herself wish it; then all might be arranged; but alas! she loves him as the sinner loves Satan; she is consumed with a criminal passion; she has fallen; niece; into the snares of the Evil One。 Let us be virtuous and upright; let us turn our eyes away from the ignoble pair; and think no more about either of them。〃

〃You know nothing about women; uncle;〃 said Remedios; with flattering hypocrisy; 〃you are a holy man; you do not understand that Rosario's feeling is only a passing caprice; one of those caprices that are cured by a sound whipping。〃

〃Niece;〃 said Don Inocencio gravely and sententiously; 〃when serious things have taken place; caprices are not called caprices; but by another name。〃

〃Uncle; you don't know what you are talking about;〃 responded Maria Remedios; her face flushing suddenly。 〃What! would you be capable of supposing that Rosaritowhat an atrocity! I will defend her; yes; I will defend her。 She is as pure as an angel。 Why; uncle; those things bring a blush to my cheek; and make me indignant with you。〃

As she spoke the good priest's face was darkened by a cloud of sadness that made him look ten years older。

〃My dear Remedios;〃 he said; 〃we have done all that is humanly possible; and all that in conscience we can or ought to do。 Nothing could be more natural than our desire to see Jacintillo connected with that great family; the first in Orbajosa; nothing more natural than our desire to see him master of the seven houses in the town; the meadow of Mundogrande; the three gardens of the upper farm; La Encomienda; and the other lands and houses which that girl owns。 Your son has great merit; every one knows it well。 Rosarito liked him; and he liked Rosarito。 The matter seemed settled。 Dona Perfecta herself; without being very enthusiastic; doubtless on account of our origin; seemed favorably disposed toward it; because of her great esteem and veneration for me; as her confessor and friend。 But suddenly this unlucky young man presents himself。 The senora tells me that she has given her word to her brother; and that she cannot reject the proposal made by him。 A difficult situation! But what do I do in view
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