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dona perecta-第23章

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〃Vice may reign here;〃 he said to himself; 〃but the faces; the furniture; all show that this is the wreck of a respectable family。 If these poor girls were as bad as it is said they are; they would not live in such poverty and they would not work。 In Orbajosa there are rich men。〃

The three girls went back and forward between him and the window; keeping up a gay and sprightly conversation; which indicated; it must be said; a species of innocence in the midst of all their frivolity and unconventionality。

〃Senor Don Jose; what an excellent lady Dona Perfecta is!〃

〃She is the only person in Orbajosa who has no nickname; the only person in Orbajosa who is not spoken ill of。〃

〃Every one respects her。〃

〃Every one adores her。〃

To these utterances the young man responded by praises of his aunt; but he had no longer any inclination to take money from his pocket and say; 〃Maria Juana; take this for a pair of boots。〃 〃Pepa; take this to buy a dress for yourself。〃 〃Florentina; take this to provide yourself with a week's provisions;〃 as he had been on the point of doing。 At a moment when the three girls had run out to the balcony to see who was passing; Don Juan Tafetan approached Rey and whispered to him:

〃How pretty they are! Are they not? Poor things! It seems impossible that they should be so gay when it may be positively affirmed that they have not dined to…day。〃

〃Don Juan; Don Juan!〃 cried Pepilla。 〃Here comes a friend of yours; Nicolasito Hernandez; in other words; Cirio Pascual; with this three… story hat。 He is praying to himself; no doubt; for the souls of those whom he has sent to the grave with his extortion。〃

〃I wager that neither of you will dare to call him by his nickname。〃

〃It is a bet。〃

〃Juana; shut the blinds; wait until he passes; and when he is turning the corner; I will call out; 'Cirio; Cirio Pascual!' 〃

Don Juan Tafetan ran out to the balcony。

〃Come here; Don Jose; so that you may know this type;〃 he called。

Pepe Rey; availing himself of the moment in which the three girls and Don Juan were making merry in the balcony; calling Nicolasito Hernandez the nickname which so greatly enraged him; stepped cautiously to one of the sewing baskets in the room and placed in it a half ounce which he had left after his losses at play。

Then he hurried out to the balcony just as the two youngest cried in the midst of wild bursts of laughter; 〃Cirio; Cirio Pascual!〃



After this prank the Troyas commenced a conversation with their visitors about the people and the affairs of the town。 The engineer; fearing that his exploit might be discovered while he was present; wished to go; which displeased the Troyas greatly。 One of them who had left the room now returned; saying:

〃Suspiritos is now in the yard; she is hanging out the clothes。〃

〃Don Jose will wish to see her;〃 said another of the girls。

〃She is a fine…looking woman。 And now she arranges her hair in the Madrid fashion。 Come; all of you。〃

They took their visitors to the dining…rooman apartment very little usedwhich opened on a terrace; where there were a few flowers in pots and many broken and disused articles of furniture。 The terrace overlooked the yard of an adjoining house; with a piazza full of green vines and plants in pots carefully cultivated。 Every thing about it showed it to be the abode of neat and industrious people of modest means。

The Troyas; approaching the edge of the roof; looked attentively at the neighboring house; and then; imposing silence by a gesture on their cavaliers; retreated to a part of the terrace from which they could not see into the yard; and where there was no danger of their being seen from it。

〃She is coming out of the kitchen now with a pan of peas;〃 said Maria Juana; stretching out her neck to look。

〃There goes!〃 cried another; throwing a pebble into the yard。

The noise of the projectile striking against the glass of the piazza was heard; and then an angry voice crying:

〃Now they have broken another pane of glass!〃

The girls; hidden; close beside the two men; in a corner of the terrace; were suffocating with laughter。

〃Senora Suspiritos is very angry;〃 said Rey。 〃Why do they call her by that name?〃

〃Because; when she is talking; she sighs after every word; and although she has every thing she wants; she is always complaining。〃

There was a moment's silence in the house below。 Pepita Troya looked cautiously down。

〃There she comes again;〃 she whispered; once more imposing silence by a gesture。 〃Maria; give me a pebble。 Give it herebang! there it goes!〃

〃You didn't hit her。 It struck the ground。〃

〃Let me see if I can。 Let us wait until she comes out of the pantry again。〃

〃Now; now she is coming out。 Take care; Florentina。〃

〃One; two; three! There it goes!〃

A cry of pain was heard from below; a malediction; a masculine exclamation; for it was a man who uttered it。 Pepe Rey could distinguish clearly these words:

〃The devil! They have put a hole in my head; the Jacinto; Jacinto! But what an abominable neighborhood this is!〃

〃Good Heavens! what have I done!〃 exclaimed Florentina; filled with consternation。 〃I have struck Senor Don Inocencio on the head。〃

〃The Penitentiary?〃 said Pepe Rey。


〃Does he live in that house?〃

〃Why; where else should he live?〃

〃And the lady of the sighs〃

〃Is his niece; his housekeeper; or whatever else she may be。 We amuse ourselves with her because she is very tiresome; but we are not accustomed to play tricks on his reverence; the Penitentiary。〃

While this dialogue was being rapidly carried on; Pepe Rey saw; in front of the terrace and very near him; a window belonging to the bombarded house open; he saw a smiling face appear at ita familiar facea face the sight of which stunned him; terrified him; made him turn pale and tremble。 It was that of Jacinto; who; interrupted in his grave studies; appeared at it with his pen behind his ear。 His modest; fresh; and smiling countenance; appearing in this way; had an auroral aspect。

〃Good…afternoon; Senor Don Jose;〃 he said gayly。

〃Jacinto; Jacinto; I say!〃

〃I am coming。 I was saluting a friend。〃

〃Come away; come away!〃 cried Florentina; in alarm。 〃The Penitentiary is going up to Don Nominative's room and he will give us a blessing。〃

〃Yes; come away; let us close the door of the dining…room。〃

They rushed pell…mell from the terrace。

〃You might have guessed that Jacinto would see you from his temple of learning;〃 said Tafetan to the Troyas。

〃Don Nominative is our friend;〃 responded one of the girls。 〃From his temple of science he says a great many sweet things to us on the sly; and he blows us kisses besides。〃

〃Jacinto?〃 asked the engineer。 〃What the deuce is that name you gave him?〃

〃Don Nominative。〃

The three girls burst out laughing。

〃We call him that because he is very learned。〃

〃No; because when we were little he was little too。 But; yes; now I remember。 We used to play on the terrace; and we could hear him studying his lessons aloud。〃

〃Yes; and the whole blessed day he used to spend singling。〃

〃Declining; girl! That is what it was。 He would go like this: 'Nominative; rosa; Genitive; Dative; Accusative。' 〃

〃I suppose that I have my nickname too;〃 said Pepe Rey。

〃Let Maria Juana tell you what it is;〃 said Florentina; hiding herself。

〃I? Tell it to him you; Pepa。〃

〃You haven't any name yet; Don Jose。〃

〃But I shall have one。 I promise you that I will come to hear what it is and to receive confirmation;〃 said the young man; making a movement to go。

〃What; are you going?〃

〃Yes。 You have lost time enough already。 To work; girls! Throwing stones at the neighbors and the passers…by is not the most suitable occupation for girls as pretty and as clever as you are。 Well; good… by。〃

And without waiting for further remonstrances; or answering the civilities of the girls; he left the house hastily; leaving Don Juan Tafetan behind him。

The scene which he had just witnessed; the indignity suffered by the canon; the unexpected appearance of the little doctor of laws; added still further to the perplexities; the anxieties; and the disagreeable presentiments that a
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