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dona perecta-第19章

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nds; such as the politics; horses; bulls; or the gossip of the place。 The result of every discussion was the renewed conviction of the supremacy of Orbajosa and its inhabitants over all the other towns and peoples on the face of the earth。

These distinguished men were the cream of the illustrious city; some rich landowners; others very poor; but all alike free from lofty aspirations。 They had the imperturbable tranquillity of the beggar who desires nothing more so long as he has a crust of bread with which to cheat hunger; and the sun to warm him。 What chiefly distinguished the Orbajosans of the Casino was a sentiment of bitter hostility toward all strangers; and whenever any stranger of note appeared in its august halls; they believed that he had come there to call in question the superiority of the land of the garlic; or to dispute with it; through envy; the incontestable advantages which nature had bestowed upon it。

When Pepe Rey presented himself in the Casino; they received him with something of suspicion; and as facetious persons abounded in it; before the new member had been there a quarter of an hour; all sorts of jokes had been made about him。 When in answer to the reiterated questions of the members he said that he had come to Orbajosa with a commission to explore the basin of the Nahara for coal; and to survey a road; they all agreed that Senor Don Jose was a conceited fellow who wished to give himself airs; discovering coalbeds and planning railroads。 Some one added:

〃He has come to a bad place for that; then。 Those gentlemen imagine that here we are all fools; and that they can deceive us with fine words。 He has come to marry Dona Perfecta's daughter; and all that he says about coalbeds is only for the sake of appearances。〃

〃Well; this morning;〃 said another; a merchant who had failed; 〃they told me at the Dominguez' that the gentleman has not a peseta; and that he has come here in order to be supported by his aunt and to see if he can catch Rosarito。〃

〃It seems that he is no engineer at all;〃 added an olive…planter; whose plantations were mortgaged for double their value。 〃But it is as you say: those starvelings from Madrid think they are justified in deceiving poor provincials; and as they believe that here we all wear tails〃

〃It is plain to be seen that he is penniless〃

〃Well; half…jest and the whole earnest; he told us last night that we were lazy barbarians。〃

〃That we spent our time sunning ourselves; like the Bedouins。〃

〃That we lived with the imagination。〃

〃That's it; that we lived with the imagination。〃

〃And that this city was precisely like a city in Morocco。〃

〃Well! one has no patience to listen to those things。 Where else could he see (unless it might be in Paris) a street like the Calle del Condestable; that can show seven houses in a row; all of them magnificent; from Dona Perfecta's house to that of Nicolasita Hernandez? Does that fellow suppose that one has never seen any thing; or has never been in Paris?〃

〃He also said; with a great deal of delicacy; that Orbajosa was a city of beggars; and he gave us to understand that in his opinion we live in the meanest way here without being ourselves aware of it。〃

〃What insolence! If he ever says that to me; there will be a scene in the Casino;〃 exclaimed the collector of taxes。 〃Why didn't they tell him how many arrobas of oil Orbajosa produced last year? Doesn't the fool know that in good years Orbajosa produces wheat enough to supply all Spain; and even all Europe; with bread? It is true that the crops have been bad for several years past; but that is not the rule。 And the crop of garlic! I wager the gentleman doesn't know that the garlic of Orbajosa made the gentleman of the jury in the Exposition of London stare!〃

These and other conversations of a similar kind were to be heard in the rooms of the Casino in those days。 Notwithstanding this boastful talk; so common in small towns; which; for the very reason that they are small; are generally arrogant; Rey was not without finding sincere friends among the members of the learned corporation; for they were not all gossips; nor were there wanting among them persons of good sense。 But our hero had the misfortuneif misfortune it can be calledto be unusually frank in the manifestation of his feelings; and this awakened some antipathy toward him。

Days passed。 In addition to the natural disgust which the social customs of the episcopal city produced in him; various causes; all of them disagreeable; began to develop in his mind a profound sadness; chief among these causes being the crowd of litigants that swarmed about him like voracious ants。 Many others of the neighboring landowners besides Uncle Licurgo claimed damages from him; or asked him to render accounts for lands managed by his grandfather。 A claim was also brought against him because of a certain contract of partnership entered into by his mother and which; as it appeared; had not been fulfilled; and he was required in the same way to acknowledge a mortgage on the estate of The Poplars executed in an irregular form by his uncle。 Claims swarmed around him; multiplying with ant…like rapidity。 He had come to the determination to renounce the ownership of his lands; but meanwhile his dignity required that he should not yield to the wily manoeuvres of the artful rustics; and as the town…council brought a claim against him also on account of a pretended confusion of the boundary lines of his estate with those of an adjoining wood belonging to the town…lands; the unfortunate young man found himself at every step obliged to prove his rights; which were being continually called in question。 His honor was engaged; and he had no alternative but to defend his rights to the death。

Dona Perfecta had promised in her magnanimity to help him to free himself from these disgraceful plots by means of an amicable arrangement; but the days passed; and the good offices of the exemplary lady had produced no result whatever。 The claims multiplied with the dangerous swiftness of a violent disease。 Pepe Rey passed hour after hour at court; making declarations and answering the same questions over and over again; and when he returned home tired and angry; there appeared before him the sharp features and grotesque face of the notary; who had brought him a thick bundle of stamped papers full of horrible formulasthat he might be studying the question。

It will be easily understood that Pepe Rey was not a man to endure such annoyances when he might escape from them by leaving the town。 His mother's noble city appeared to his imagination like a horrible monster which had fastened its ferocious claws in him and was drinking his blood。 To free himself from this monster nothing more was necessary; he believed; than flight。 But a weighty interestan interest in which his heart was concernedkept him where he was; binding him to the rock of his martyrdom with very strong bonds。 Nevertheless; he had come to feel so dissatisfied with his position; he had come to regard himself as so utterly a stranger; so to say; in that gloomy city of lawsuits; of old… fashioned customs and ideas; of envy and of slander; that he resolved to leave it without further delay; without; however; abandoning the project which had brought him to it。 One morning; finding a favorable occasion; he opened his mind to Dona Perfecta on this point。

〃Nephew;〃 responded that lady; with her accustomed gentleness; 〃don't be rash。 Why! you are like fire。 Your father was just the samewhat a man he was! You are like a flashI have already told you that I will be very glad to call you my son。 Even if you did not possess the good qualities and the talents which distinguish you (in spite of some little defects; for you have those; too); even if you were not as good as you are; it is enough that this union has been proposed by your father; to whom both my daughter and myself owe so much; for me to accept it。 And Rosarito will not oppose it since I wish it。 What is wanting; then? Nothing; there is nothing wanting but a little time。 The marriage cannot be concluded with the haste you desire and which might; perhaps; give ground for interpretations discreditable to my dear daughter's reputatio
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