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the sportsman(运动员)-第21章

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     '24' Cf。 Plat。 〃Soph。〃 

     '25' Or; 〃earns but an evil reputation in the world。〃 


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                                        The Sportsman 

     '26' 〃They are being bearded in their dens。〃 

     I go back to my proposition then。 Those self…seeking politicians; who 

want   to   feather   their   own   nests;'27'   practise   to   win   victories   over   their 

own side; but the sportsman confines himself to the common enemy。 This 

training of theirs renders the one set more able to cope with the foreign foe; 

the   others   far   less   able。   The   hunting   of   the   one   is   carried   on   with   self… 

restraint;    of  the   others   with    effrontery。    The   one   can    look   down     with 

contempt   upon   maliciousness   and   sordid   love   of   gain;   the   other   cannot。 

The     very   speech    and    intonation    of   the  one   has   melody;     of  the   other 

harshness。 And with regard to things divine; the one set know no obstacle 

to their impiety; the others are of all men the most pious。 Indeed ancient 

tales affirm'28' that the very gods themselves take joy in this work'29' as 

actors and spectators。 So that;'30' with due reflection on these things; the 

young who act upon my admonitions will be found; perchance; beloved of 

heaven and reverent of soul; checked by the thought that some one of the 

gods is eyeing their performance。'31' 

     '27'   Or;   〃Those   people   who   would   fain   have   the   lion's   share   in   the 


     '28' Or; 〃an ancient story obtains。〃 

     '29' Sc。 〃of the chase。〃 

     '30'   Or   {uparkhein}   =   〃it   may   be   considered   as   given。〃   Scheid。   cf。 

〃Pol。 Ath。〃 iii。 9; {oste uparkhein demokratian einai}。 

     '31' Lit。 〃that the things in question are beheld by some divinity。〃 

     These are  the youths   who will   prove  a blessing to their parents;  and 

not to their parents only but to the whole state; to every citizen alike and 

individual friend。 

     Nay; what has sex to do with it? It is not only men enamoured of the 

chase that have become heroes; but among women there are also to whom 

our lady Artemis has granted a like boonAtalanta; and Procris; and many 

another huntress fair。 


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