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the odyssey(奥德赛)-第65章

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have this importunate tramp; who comes begging bread and wine and
has no skill for work or for hard fighting; but is perfectly
useless; and now here is another fellow who is setting himself up as a
prophet。 Let me persuade you; for it will be much better; to put
them on board ship and send them off to the Sicels to sell for what
they will bring。〃
  Telemachus gave him no heed; but sat silently watching his father;
expecting every moment that he would begin his attack upon the
  Meanwhile the daughter of Icarius; wise Penelope; had had had a rich
seat placed for her facing the court and cloisters; so that she
could hear what every one was saying。 The dinner indeed had been
prepared amid merriment; it had been both good and abundant; for
they had sacrificed many victims; but the supper was yet to come;
and nothing can be conceived more gruesome than the meal which a
goddess and a brave man were soon to lay before them… for they had
brought their doom upon themselves。

                       BOOK XXI。
  MINERVA now put it in Penelope's mind to make the suitors try
their skill with the bow and with the iron axes; in contest among
themselves; as a means of bringing about their destruction。 She went
upstairs and got the store room key; which was made of bronze and
had a handle of ivory; she then went with her maidens into the store
room at the end of the house; where her husband's treasures of gold;
bronze; and wrought iron were kept; and where was also his bow; and
the quiver full of deadly arrows that had been given him by a friend
whom he had met in Lacedaemon… Iphitus the son of Eurytus。 The two
fell in with one another in Messene at the house of Ortilochus;
where Ulysses was staying in order to recover a debt that was owing
from the whole people; for the Messenians had carried off three
hundred sheep from Ithaca; and had sailed away with them and with
their shepherds。 In quest of these Ulysses took a long journey while
still quite young; for his father and the other chieftains sent him on
a mission to recover them。 Iphitus had gone there also to try and
get back twelve brood mares that he had lost; and the mule foals
that were running with them。 These mares were the death of him in
the end; for when he went to the house of Jove's son; mighty Hercules;
who performed such prodigies of valour; Hercules to his shame killed
him; though he was his guest; for he feared not heaven's vengeance;
nor yet respected his own table which he had set before Iphitus; but
killed him in spite of everything; and kept the mares himself。 It
was when claiming these that Iphitus met Ulysses; and gave him the bow
which mighty Eurytus had been used to carry; and which on his death
had been left by him to his son。 Ulysses gave him in return a sword
and a spear; and this was the beginning of a fast friendship; although
they never visited at one another's houses; for Jove's son Hercules
killed Iphitus ere they could do so。 This bow; then; given him by
Iphitus; had not been taken with him by Ulysses when he sailed for
Troy; he had used it so long as he had been at home; but had left it
behind as having been a keepsake from a valued friend。
  Penelope presently reached the oak threshold of the store room;
the carpenter had planed this duly; and had drawn a line on it so as
to get it quite straight; he had then set the door posts into it and
hung the doors。 She loosed the strap from the handle of the door;
put in the key; and drove it straight home to shoot back the bolts
that held the doors; these flew open with a noise like a bull
bellowing in a meadow; and Penelope stepped upon the raised
platform; where the chests stood in which the fair linen and clothes
were laid by along with fragrant herbs: reaching thence; she took down
the bow with its bow case from the peg on which it hung。 She sat
down with it on her knees; weeping bitterly as she took the bow out of
its case; and when her tears had relieved her; she went to the
cloister where the suitors were; carrying the bow and the quiver; with
the many deadly arrows that were inside it。 Along with her came her
maidens; bearing a chest that contained much iron and bronze which her
husband had won as prizes。 When she reached the suitors; she stood
by one of the bearing…posts supporting the roof of the cloister;
holding a veil before her face; and with a maid on either side of her。
Then she said:
  〃Listen to me you suitors; who persist in abusing the hospitality of
this house because its owner has been long absent; and without other
pretext than that you want to marry me; this; then; being the prize
that you are contending for; I will bring out the mighty bow of
Ulysses; and whomsoever of you shall string it most easily and send
his arrow through each one of twelve axes; him will I follow and
quit this house of my lawful husband; so goodly; and so abounding in
wealth。 But even so I doubt not that I shall remember it in my
  As she spoke; she told Eumaeus to set the bow and the pieces of iron
before the suitors; and Eumaeus wept as he took them to do as she
had bidden him。 Hard by; the stockman wept also when he saw his
master's bow; but Antinous scolded them。 〃You country louts;〃 said he;
〃silly simpletons; why should you add to the sorrows of your
mistress by crying in this way? She has enough to grieve her in the
loss of her husband; sit still; therefore; and eat your dinners in
silence; or go outside if you want to cry; and leave the bow behind
you。 We suitors shall have to contend for it with might and main;
for we shall find it no light matter to string such a bow as this
is。 There is not a man of us all who is such another as Ulysses; for I
have seen him and remember him; though I was then only a child。〃
  This was what he said; but all the time he was expecting to be
able to string the bow and shoot through the iron; whereas in fact
he was to be the first that should taste of the arrows from the
hands of Ulysses; whom he was dishonouring in his own house… egging
the others on to do so also。
  Then Telemachus spoke。 〃Great heavens!〃 he exclaimed; 〃Jove must
have robbed me of my senses。 Here is my dear and excellent mother
saying she will quit this house and marry again; yet I am laughing and
enjoying myself as though there were nothing happening。 But;
suitors; as the contest has been agreed upon; let it go forward。 It is
for a woman whose peer is not to be found in Pylos; Argos; or
Mycene; nor yet in Ithaca nor on the mainland。 You know this as well
as I do; what need have I to speak in praise of my mother? Come on;
then; make no excuses for delay; but let us see whether you can string
the bow or no。 I too will make trial of it; for if I can string it and
shoot through the iron; I shall not suffer my mother to quit this
house with a stranger; not if I can win the prizes which my father won
before me。〃
  As he spoke he sprang from his seat; threw his crimson cloak from
him; and took his sword from his shoulder。 First he set the axes in
a row; in a long groove which he had dug for them; and had Wade
straight by line。 Then he stamped the earth tight round them; and
everyone was surprised when they saw him set up so orderly; though
he had never seen anything of the kind before。 This done; he went on
to the pavement to make trial of the bow; thrice did he tug at it;
trying with all his might to draw the string; and thrice he had to
leave off; though he had hoped to string the bow and shoot through the
iron。 He was trying for the fourth time; and would have strung it
had not Ulysses made a sign to check him in spite of all his
eagerness。 So he said:
  〃Alas! I shall either be always feeble and of no prowess; or I am
too young; and have not yet reached my full strength so as to be
able to hold my own if any one attacks me。 You others; therefore;
who are stronger than I; make trial of the bow and get this contest
  On this he put the bow down; letting it lean against the door
'that led into the house' with the arrow standing against the top of
the bow。 Then he sat down on the seat from which he had risen; and
Antinous said:
  〃Come on each of you in his turn; going t
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