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the odyssey(奥德赛)-第44章

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  〃My house grew apace and I became a great man among the Cretans; but
when Jove counselled that terrible expedition; in which so many
perished; the people required me and Idomeneus to lead their ships
to Troy; and there was no way out of it; for they insisted on our
doing so。 There we fought for nine whole years; but in the tenth we
sacked the city of Priam and sailed home again as heaven dispersed us。
Then it was that Jove devised evil against me。 I spent but one month
happily with my children; wife; and property; and then I conceived the
idea of making a descent on Egypt; so I fitted out a fine fleet and
manned it。 I had nine ships; and the people flocked to fill them。
For six days I and my men made feast; and I found them many victims
both for sacrifice to the gods and for themselves; but on the
seventh day we went on board and set sail from Crete with a fair North
wind behind us though we were going down a river。 Nothing went ill
with any of our ships; and we had no sickness on board; but sat
where we were and let the ships go as the wind and steersmen took
them。 On the fifth day we reached the river Aegyptus; there I
stationed my ships in the river; bidding my men stay by them and
keep guard over them while I sent out scouts to reconnoitre from every
point of vantage。
  〃But the men disobeyed my orders; took to their own devices; and
ravaged the land of the Egyptians; killing the men; and taking their
wives and children captive。 The alarm was soon carried to the city;
and when they heard the war cry; the people came out at daybreak
till the plain was filled with horsemen and foot soldiers and with the
gleam of armour。 Then Jove spread panic among my men; and they would
no longer face the enemy; for they found themselves surrounded。 The
Egyptians killed many of us; and took the rest alive to do forced
labour for them。 Jove; however; put it in my mind to do thus… and I
wish I had died then and there in Egypt instead; for there was much
sorrow in store for me… I took off my helmet and shield and dropped my
spear from my hand; then I went straight up to the king's chariot;
clasped his knees and kissed them; whereon he spared my life; bade
me get into his chariot; and took me weeping to his own home。 Many
made at me with their ashen spears and tried to kil me in their
fury; but the king protected me; for he feared the wrath of Jove the
protector of strangers; who punishes those who do evil。
  〃I stayed there for seven years and got together much money among
the Egyptians; for they all gave me something; but when it was now
going on for eight years there came a certain Phoenician; a cunning
rascal; who had already committed all sorts of villainy; and this
man talked me over into going with him to Phoenicia; where his house
and his possessions lay。 I stayed there for a whole twelve months; but
at the end of that time when months and days had gone by till the same
season had come round again; he set me on board a ship bound for
Libya; on a pretence that I was to take a cargo along with him to that
place; but really that he might sell me as a slave and take the
money I fetched。 I suspected his intention; but went on board with
him; for I could not help it。
  〃The ship ran before a fresh North wind till we had reached the
sea that lies between Crete and Libya; there; however; Jove counselled
their destruction; for as soon as we were well out from Crete and
could see nothing but sea and sky; he raised a black cloud over our
ship and the sea grew dark beneath it。 Then Jove let fly with his
thunderbolts and the ship went round and round and was filled with
fire and brimstone as the lightning struck it。 The men fell all into
the sea; they were carried about in the water round the ship looking
like so many sea…gulls; but the god presently deprived them of all
chance of getting home again。 I was all dismayed; Jove; however;
sent the ship's mast within my reach; which saved my life; for I clung
to it; and drifted before the fury of the gale。 Nine days did I
drift but in the darkness of the tenth night a great wave bore me on
to the Thesprotian coast。 There Pheidon king of the Thesprotians
entertained me hospitably without charging me anything at all for
his son found me when I was nearly dead with cold and fatigue; whereon
he raised me by the hand; took me to his father's house and gave me
clothes to wear。
  〃There it was that I heard news of Ulysses; for the king told me
he had entertained him; and shown him much hospitality while he was on
his homeward journey。 He showed me also the treasure of gold; and
wrought iron that Ulysses had got together。 There was enough to keep
his family for ten generations; so much had he left in the house of
king Pheidon。 But the king said Ulysses had gone to Dodona that he
might learn Jove's mind from the god's high oak tree; and know whether
after so long an absence he should return to Ithaca openly; or in
secret。 Moreover the king swore in my presence; making drink…offerings
in his own house as he did so; that the ship was by the water side;
and the crew found; that should take him to his own country。 He sent
me off however before Ulysses returned; for there happened to be a
Thesprotian ship sailing for the wheat…growing island of Dulichium;
and he told those in charge of her to be sure and take me safely to
King Acastus。
  〃These men hatched a plot against me that would have reduced me to
the very extreme of misery; for when the ship had got some way out
from land they resolved on selling me as a slave。 They stripped me
of the shirt and cloak that I was wearing; and gave me instead the
tattered old clouts in which you now see me; then; towards
nightfall; they reached the tilled lands of Ithaca; and there they
bound me with a strong rope fast in the ship; while they went on shore
to get supper by the sea side。 But the gods soon undid my bonds for
me; and having drawn my rags over my head I slid down the rudder
into the sea; where I struck out and swam till I was well clear of
them; and came ashore near a thick wood in which I lay concealed。 They
were very angry at my having escaped and went searching about for
me; till at last they thought it was no further use and went back to
their ship。 The gods; having hidden me thus easily; then took me to
a good man's door… for it seems that I am not to die yet awhile。〃
  To this you answered; O swineherd Eumaeus; 〃Poor unhappy stranger; I
have found the story of your misfortunes extremely interesting; but
that part about Ulysses is not right; and you will never get me to
believe it。 Why should a man like you go about telling lies in this
way? I know all about the return of my master。 The gods one and all of
them detest him; or they would have taken him before Troy; or let
him die with friends around him when the days of his fighting were
done; for then the Achaeans would have built a mound over his ashes
and his son would have been heir to his renown; but now the storm
winds have spirited him away we know not whither。
  〃As for me I live out of the way here with the pigs; and never go to
the town unless when Penelope sends for me on the arrival of some news
about Ulysses。 Then they all sit round and ask questions; both those
who grieve over the king's absence; and those who rejoice at it
because they can eat up his property without paying for it。 For my own
part I have never cared about asking anyone else since the time when I
was taken in by an Aetolian; who had killed a man and come a long
way till at last he reached my station; and I was very kind to him。 He
said he had seen Ulysses with Idomeneus among the Cretans; refitting
his ships which had been damaged in a gale。 He said Ulysses would
return in the following summer or autumn with his men; and that he
would bring back much wealth。 And now you; you unfortunate old man;
since fate has brought you to my door; do not try to flatter me in
this way with vain hopes。 It is not for any such reason that I shall
treat you kindly; but only out of respect for Jove the god of
hospitality; as fearing him and pitying you。〃
  Ulysses answered; 〃I see that you are of an unbelieving mind; I have
given you my 
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