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the vital message(主信)-第26章

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medium; some not traceable; but most of them identical with relations or 

friends。〃   Such   an   admission   would   alone   banish   thought…reading   as   an 

explanation; for there is no evidence in existence to show that this power 

ever   reaches   such   perfection   that   one   who   possesses   it   could   draw   the 

image of a dead man from your brain; fit a correct name to him; and then 

associate   him  with   all   sorts   of   definite   and   detailed   actions   in   which   he 

was   engaged。   Such   an   explanation   is   not   an   explanation   but   a   pretence。 

But even if one were to allow such a theory to pass; there are numerous 

incidents in these accounts which could not be explained in such a fashion; 

where unknown details have been given which were afterwards verified; 

and   even     where    mistakes    in   thought   upon    the   part   of  the  sitter  were 


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                                  THE VITAL MESSAGE 

corrected by the medium under spirit guidance。 Personally I believe that 

the medium's own account of how she gets her remarkable results is the 

absolute truth; and   I can imagine   no other   fashion in which   they can   be 

explained。 She has; of course; her bad days; and the conditions are always 

worst when there is an inquisitorial rather than a religious atmosphere in 

the interview。 This intermittent character of the results is; according to my 

experience; characteristic of spirit clairvoyance as compared with thought… 

reading;   which   can;   in   its   more   perfect   form;   become   almost   automatic 

within certain marked limits。 I may add that the constant practice of some 

psychical researchers to take no notice at all of the medium's own account 

of how  he or she attains results;  but to substitute  some   complicated  and 

unproved explanation of their own; is as insulting as it is unreasonable。 It 

has been alleged as a slur upon Mrs。 B's results and character that she has 

been twice prosecuted by the police。 This is; in fact; not a slur upon the 

medium but rather upon the law; which is in so barbarous a condition that 

the true seer fares no better than the impostor; and that no definite psychic 

principles are recognised。 A medium may under such circumstances be a 

martyr rather than a criminal; and a conviction ceases to be a stain upon 

the character。 


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