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the letters-2-第61章

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present of; I expect; and; I suppose; deserve to be torn to pieces; 

but there was all that good work lying useless; and I had to finish 


All your news of your family is pleasant to hear。  My wife has been 

very ill; but is now better; I may say I am ditto; THE EBB TIDE 

having left me high and dry; which is a good example of the mixed 

metaphor。  Our home; and estate; and our boys; and the politics of 

the island; keep us perpetually amused and busy; and I grind away 

with an odd; dogged; down sensation … and an idea IN PETTO that the 

game is about played out。  I have got too realistic; and I must 

break the trammels … I mean I would if I could; but the yoke is 

heavy。  I saw with amusement that Zola says the same thing; and 

truly the DEBACLE was a mighty big book; I have no need for a 

bigger; though the last part is a mere mistake in my opinion。  But 

the Emperor; and Sedan; and the doctor at the ambulance; and the 

horses in the field of battle; Lord; how gripped it is!  What an 

epical performance!  According to my usual opinion; I believe I 

could go over that book and leave a masterpiece by blotting and no 

ulterior art。  But that is an old story; ever new with me。  Taine 

gone; and Renan; and Symonds; and Tennyson; and Browning; the suns 

go swiftly out; and I see no suns to follow; nothing but a 

universal twilight of the demi…divinities; with parties like you 

and me and Lang beating on toy drums and playing on penny whistles 

about glow…worms。  But Zola is big anyway; he has plenty in his 

belly; too much; that is all; he wrote the DEBACLE and he wrote LA 

BETE HUMAINE; perhaps the most excruciatingly silly book that I 

ever read to an end。  And why did I read it to an end; W。 E。 G。?  

Because the animal in me was interested in the lewdness。  Not 

sincerely; of course; my mind refusing to partake in it; but the 

flesh was slightly pleased。  And when it was done; I cast it from 

me with a peal of laughter; and forgot it; as I would forget a 

Montepin。  Taine is to me perhaps the chief of these losses; I did 

luxuriate in his ORIGINES; it was something beyond literature; not 

quite so good; if you please; but so much more systematic; and the 

pages that had to be 'written' always so adequate。  Robespierre; 

Napoleon; were both excellent good。

JUNE 18TH; '93

Well; I have left fiction wholly; and gone to my GRANDFATHER; and 

on the whole found peace。  By next month my GRANDFATHER will begin 

to be quite grown up。  I have already three chapters about as good 

as done; by which; of course; as you know; I mean till further 

notice or the next discovery。  I like biography far better than 

fiction myself:  fiction is too free。  In biography you have your 

little handful of facts; little bits of a puzzle; and you sit and 

think; and fit 'em together this way and that; and get up and throw 

'em down; and say damn; and go out for a walk。  And it's real 

soothing; and when done; gives an idea of finish to the writer that 

is very peaceful。  Of course; it's not really so finished as quite 

a rotten novel; it always has and always must have the incurable 

illogicalities of life about it; the fathoms of slack and the miles 

of tedium。  Still; that's where the fun comes in; and when you have 

at last managed to shut up the castle spectre (dulness); the very 

outside of his door looks beautiful by contrast。  There are pages 

in these books that may seem nothing to the reader; but you 


they seem to you witty beyond comparison。  In my GRANDFATHER I've 

had (for instance) to give up the temporal order almost entirely; 

doubtless the temporal order is the great foe of the biographer; it 

is so tempting; so easy; and lo! there you are in the bog! … Ever 



With all kind messages from self and wife to you and yours。  My 

wife is very much better; having been the early part of this year 

alarmingly ill。  She is now all right; only complaining of trifles; 

annoying to her; but happily not interesting to her friends。  I am 

in a hideous state; having stopped drink and smoking; yes; both。  

No wine; no tobacco; and the dreadful part of it is that … looking 

forward … I have … what shall I say? … nauseating intimations that 

it ought to be for ever。



MY DEAR HENRY JAMES; … I believe I have neglected a mail in 

answering yours。  You will be very sorry to hear that my wife was 

exceedingly ill; and very glad to hear that she is better。  I 

cannot say that I feel any more anxiety about her。  We shall send 

you a photograph of her taken in Sydney in her customary island 

habit as she walks and gardens and shrilly drills her brown 

assistants。  She was very ill when she sat for it; which may a 

little explain the appearance of the photograph。  It reminds me of 

a friend of my grandmother's who used to say when talking to 

younger women; 'Aweel; when I was young; I wasnae just exactly what 

ye wad call BONNY; but I was pale; penetratin'; and interestin'。'  

I would not venture to hint that Fanny is 'no bonny;' but there is 

no doubt but that in this presentment she is 'pale; penetratin'; 

and interesting。'

As you are aware; I have been wading deep waters and contending 

with the great ones of the earth; not wholly without success。  It 

is; you may be interested to hear; a dreary and infuriating 

business。  If you can get the fools to admit one thing; they will 

always save their face by denying another。  If you can induce them 

to take a step to the right hand; they generally indemnify 

themselves by cutting a caper to the left。  I always held (upon no 

evidence whatever; from a mere sentiment or intuition) that 

politics was the dirtiest; the most foolish; and the most random of 

human employments。  I always held; but now I know it!  Fortunately; 

you have nothing to do with anything of the kind; and I may spare 

you the horror of further details。

I received from you a book by a man by the name of Anatole France。  

Why should I disguise it?  I have no use for Anatole。  He writes 

very prettily; and then afterwards?  Baron Marbot was a different 

pair of shoes。  So likewise is the Baron de Vitrolles; whom I am 

now perusing with delight。  His escape in 1814 is one of the best 

pages I remember anywhere to have read。  But Marbot and Vitrolles 

are dead; and what has become of the living?  It seems as if 

literature were coming to a stand。  I am sure it is with me; and I 

am sure everybody will say so when they have the privilege of 

reading THE EBB TIDE。  My dear man; the grimness of that story is 

not to be depicted in words。  There are only four characters; to be 

sure; but they are such a troop of swine!  And their behaviour is 

really so deeply beneath any possible standard; that on a 

retrospect I wonder I have been able to endure them myself until 

the yarn was finished。  Well; there is always one thing; it will 

serve as a touchstone。  If the admirers of Zola admire him for his 

pertinent ugliness and pessimism; I think they should admire this; 

but if; as I have long suspected; they neither admire nor 

understand the man's art; and only wallow in his rancidness like a 

hound in offal; then they will certainly be disappointed in THE EBB 

TIDE。  ALAS! poor little tale; it is not EVEN rancid。

By way of an antidote or febrifuge; I am going on at a great rate 

with my HISTORY OF THE STEVENSONS; which I hope may prove rather 

amusing; in some parts at least。  The excess of materials weighs 

upon me。  My grandfather is a delightful comedy part; and I have to 

treat him besides as a serious and (in his way) a heroic figure; 

and at times I lose my way; and I fear in the end will blur the 

effect。  However; A LA GRACE DE DIEU!  I'll make a spoon or spoil a 

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