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the letters-2-第6章

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not love this health…tending; housekeeping life of mine。  I have a 

taste for danger; which is human; like the fear of it。  Here is a 

fair cause; a just cause; no knight ever set lance in rest for a 

juster。  Yet it needs not the strength I have not; only the passive 

courage that I hope I could muster; and the watchfulness that I am 

sure I could learn。

Here is a long midnight dissertation; with myself; with you。  

Please let me hear。  But I charge you this:  if you see in this 

idea of mine the finger of duty; do not dissuade me。  I am nearing 

forty; I begin to love my ease and my home and my habits; I never 

knew how much till this arose; do not falsely counsel me to put my 

head under the bed…clothes。  And I will say this to you:  my wife; 

who hates the idea; does not refuse。  'It is nonsense;' says she; 

'but if you go; I will go。'  Poor girl; and her home and her garden 

that she was so proud of!  I feel her garden most of all; because 

it is a pleasure (I suppose) that I do not feel myself to share。

1。 Here is a great wrong。

2。 〃 growing wrong。

3。 〃 wrong founded on crime。

4。 〃 crime that the Government cannot prevent。

5。 〃 crime that it occurs to no man to defy。

6。 But it has occurred to me。

7。 Being a known person; some will notice my defiance。

8。 Being a writer; I can MAKE people notice it。

9。 And; I think; MAKE people imitate me。

10。 Which would destroy in time this whole scaffolding of 


11。 And if I fail; however ignominiously; that is not my concern。  

It is; with an odd mixture of reverence and humorous remembrances 

of Dickens; be it said … it is A…nother's。

And here; at I cannot think what hour of the morning; I shall dry 

up; and remain; … Yours; really in want of a little help;

R。 L S。

Sleepless at midnight's dewy hour。

     〃          〃       witching 〃

     〃          〃       maudlin 〃

     〃          〃       etc。

NEXT MORNING。 … Eleventh Objection:  I have a father and mother。  

And who has not?  Macduff's was a rare case; if we must wait for a 

Macduff。  Besides; my father will not perhaps be long here。  

Twelfth Objection:  The cause of England in Ireland is not worth 

supporting。  A QUI LE DITES…VOUS?  And I am not supporting that。  

Home Rule; if you like。  Cause of decency; the idea that 

populations should not be taught to gain public ends by private 

crime; the idea that for all men to bow before a threat of crime is 

to loosen and degrade beyond redemption the whole fabric of man's 




MY DEAR MRS。 JENKIN; … The Book … It is all drafted:  I hope soon 

to send you for comments Chapters III。; IV。; and V。  Chapter VII。 

is roughly but satisfactorily drafted:  a very little work should 

put that to rights。  But Chapter VI。 is no joke; it is a MARE 

MAGNUM:  I swim and drown and come up again; and it is all broken 

ends and mystification:  moreover; I perceive I am in want of more 

matter。  I must have; first of all; a little letter from Mr。 Ewing 

about the phonograph work:  IF you think he would understand it is 

quite a matter of chance whether I use a word or a fact out of it。  

If you think he would not:  I will go without。  Also; could I have 

a look at Ewing's PRECIS?  And lastly; I perceive I must interview 

you again about a few points; they are very few; and might come to 

little; and I propose to go on getting things as well together as I 

can in the meanwhile; and rather have a final time when all is 

ready and only to be criticised。  I do still think it will be good。  

I wonder if Trelat would let me cut?  But no; I think I wouldn't 

after all; 'tis so quaint and pretty and clever and simple and 

French; and gives such a good sight of Fleeming:  the plum of the 

book; I think。

You misunderstood me in one point:  I always hoped to found such a 

society; that was the outside of my dream; and would mean entire 

success。  BUT … I cannot play Peter the Hermit。  In these days of 

the Fleet Street journalist; I cannot send out better men than 

myself; with wives or mothers just as good as mine; and sisters (I 

may at least say) better; to a danger and a long…drawn dreariness 

that I do not share。  My wife says it's cowardice; what brave men 

are the leader…writers!  Call it cowardice; it is mine。  Mind you; 

I may end by trying to do it by the pen only:  I shall not love 

myself if I do; and is it ever a good thing to do a thing for which 

you despise yourself? … even in the doing?  And if the thing you do 

is to call upon others to do the thing you neglect?  I have never 

dared to say what I feel about men's lives; because my own was in 

the wrong:  shall I dare to send them to death?  The physician must 

heal himself; he must honestly TRY the path he recommends:  if he 

does not even try; should he not be silent?

I thank you very heartily for your letter; and for the seriousness 

you brought to it。  You know; I think when a serious thing is your 

own; you keep a saner man by laughing at it and yourself as you go。  

So I do not write possibly with all the really somewhat sickened 

gravity I feel。  And indeed; what with the book; and this business 

to which I referred; and Ireland; I am scarcely in an enviable 

state。  Well; I ought to be glad; after ten years of the worst 

training on earth … valetudinarianism … that I can still be 

troubled by a duty。  You shall hear more in time; so far; I am at 

least decided:  I will go and see Balfour when I get to London。

We have all had a great pleasure:  a Mrs。 Rawlinson came and 

brought with her a nineteen…year…old daughter; simple; human; as 

beautiful as … herself; I never admired a girl before; you know it 

was my weakness:  we are all three dead in love with her。  How nice 

to be able to do so much good to harassed people by … yourself!  

Ever yours;

R。 L。 S。



OF the many flowers you brought me;

Only some were meant to stay;

And the flower I thought the sweetest

Was the flower that went away。

Of the many flowers you brought me;

All were fair and fresh and gay;

But the flower I thought the sweetest

Was the blossom of the May。




DEAR MISS MONROE; … (I hope I have this rightly) I must lose no 

time in thanking you for a letter singularly pleasant to receive。  

It may interest you to know that I read to the signature without 

suspecting my correspondent was a woman; though in one point (a 

reference to the Countess) I might have found a hint of the truth。  

You are not pleased with Otto; since I judge you do not like 

weakness; and no more do I。  And yet I have more than tolerance for 

Otto; whose faults are the faults of weakness; but never of ignoble 

weakness; and who seeks before all to be both kind and just。  

Seeks; not succeeds。  But what is man?  So much of cynicism to 

recognise that nobody does right is the best equipment for those 

who do not wish to be cynics in good earnest。  Think better of 

Otto; if my plea can influence you; and this I mean for your own 

sake … not his; poor fellow; as he will never learn your opinion; 

but for yours; because; as men go in this world (and women too); 

you will not go far wrong if you light upon so fine a fellow; and 

to light upon one and not perceive his merits is a calamity。  In 

the flesh; of course; I mean; in the book the fault; of course; is 

with my stumbling pen。  Seraphina made a mistake about her Otto; it 

begins to swim before me dimly that you may have some traits of 


With true ingratitude you see me pitch upon your exception; but it 

is easier to defend oneself gracefully than to acknowledge praise。  

I am tru
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