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the letters-2-第26章

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was my knowledge of Ori himself; one of the finest creatures 

extant。  The day of our parting was a sad one。  We deduced from it 

a rule for travellers:  not to stay two months in one place … which 

is to cultivate regrets。

At last our contemptible ship was ready; to sea we went; bound for 

Honolulu and the letter…bag; on Christmas Day; and from then to now 

have experienced every sort of minor misfortune; squalls; calms; 

contrary winds and seas; pertinacious rains; declining stores; till 

we came almost to regard ourselves as in the case of Vanderdecken。  

Three days ago our luck seemed to improve; we struck a leading 

breeze; got creditably through the doldrums; and just as we looked 

to have the N。E。 trades and a straight run; the rains and squalls 

and calms began again about midnight; and this morning; though 

there is breeze enough to send us along; we are beaten back by an 

obnoxious swell out of the north。  Here is a page of complaint; 

when a verse of thanksgiving had perhaps been more in place。  For 

all this time we must have been skirting past dangerous weather; in 

the tail and circumference of hurricanes; and getting only 

annoyance where we should have had peril; and ill…humour instead of 


I wonder if I have managed to give you any news this time; or 

whether the usual damn hangs over my letter?  'The midwife 

whispered; Be thou dull!' or at least inexplicit。  Anyway I have 

tried my best; am exhausted with the effort; and fall back into the 

land of generalities。  I cannot tell you how often we have planned 

our arrival at the Monument:  two nights ago; the 12th January; we 

had it all planned out; arrived in the lights and whirl of 

Waterloo; hailed a hansom; span up Waterloo Road; over the bridge; 

etc。 etc。; and hailed the Monument gate in triumph and with 

indescribable delight。  My dear Custodian; I always think we are 

too sparing of assurances:  Cordelia is only to be excused by Regan 

and Goneril in the same nursery; I wish to tell you that the longer 

I live; the more dear do you become to me; nor does my heart own 

any stronger sentiment。  If the bloody schooner didn't send me 

flying in every sort of direction at the same time; I would say 

better what I feel so much; but really; if you were here; you would 

not be writing letters; I believe; and even I; though of a more 

marine constitution; am much perturbed by this bobbery and wish … O 

ye Gods; how I wish! … that it was done; and we had arrived; and I 

had Pandora's Box (my mail bag) in hand; and was in the lively hope 

of something eatable for dinner instead of salt horse; tinned 

mutton; duff without any plums; and pie fruit; which now make up 

our whole repertory。  O Pandora's Box!  I wonder what you will 

contain。  As like as not you will contain but little money:  if 

that be so; we shall have to retire to 'Frisco in the CASCO; and 

thence by sea VIA Panama to Southampton; where we should arrive in 

April。  I would like fine to see you on the tug:  ten years older 

both of us than the last time you came to welcome Fanny and me to 

England。  If we have money; however; we shall do a little 

differently:  send the CASCO away from Honolulu empty of its high…

born lessees; for that voyage to 'Frisco is one long dead beat in 

foul and at last in cold weather; stay awhile behind; follow by 

steamer; cross the States by train; stay awhile in New York on 

business; and arrive probably by the German Line in Southampton。  

But all this is a question of money。  We shall have to lie very 

dark awhile to recruit our finances:  what comes from the book of 

the cruise; I do not want to touch until the capital is repaid。

R。 L。 S。



MY DEAR BURLINGAME; … Here at last I have arrived。  We could not 

get away from Tahiti till Christmas Day; and then had thirty days 

of calms and squalls; a deplorable passage。  This has thrown me all 

out of gear in every way。  I plunge into business。

1。  THE MASTER:  Herewith go three more parts。  You see he grows in 

balk; this making ten already; and I am not yet sure if I can 

finish it in an eleventh; which shall go to you QUAM PRIMUM … I 

hope by next mail。

2。  ILLUSTRATIONS TO M。  I totally forgot to try to write to Hole。  

It was just as well; for I find it impossible to forecast with 

sufficient precision。  You had better throw off all this and let 

him have it at once。  PLEASE DO:  ALL; AND AT ONCE:  SEE FURTHER; 

and I should hope he would still be in time for the later numbers。  

The three pictures I have received are so truly good that I should 

bitterly regret having the volume imperfectly equipped。  They are 

the best illustrations I have seen since I don't know when。

3。  MONEY。  To…morrow the mail comes in; and I hope it will bring 

me money either from you or home; but I will add a word on that 


4。  My address will be Honolulu … no longer Yacht CASCO; which I am 

packing off … till probably April。

5。  As soon as I am through with THE MASTER; I shall finish the 

GAME OF BLUFF … now rechristened THE WRONG BOX。  This I wish to 

sell; cash down。  It is of course copyright in the States; and I 

offer it to you for five thousand dollars。  Please reply on this by 

return。  Also please tell the typewriter who was so good as to be 

amused by our follies that I am filled with admiration for his 

piece of work。

6。  MASTER again。  Please see that I haven't the name of the 

Governor of New York wrong (1764 is the date) in part ten。  I have 

no book of reference to put me right。  Observe you now have up to 

August inclusive in hand; so you should begin to feel happy。

Is this all?  I wonder; and fear not。  Henry the Trader has not yet 

turned up:  I hope he may to…morrow; when we expect a mail。  Not 

one word of business have I received either from the States or 

England; nor anything in the shape of coin; which leaves me in a 

fine uncertainty and quite penniless on these islands。  H。M。 (who 

is a gentleman of a courtly order and much tinctured with letters) 

is very polite; I may possibly ask for the position of palace 

doorkeeper。  My voyage has been a singular mixture of good and ill…

fortune。  As far as regards interest and material; the fortune has 

been admirable; as far as regards time; money; and impediments of 

all kinds; from squalls and calms to rotten masts and sprung spars; 

simply detestable。  I hope you will be interested to hear of two 

volumes on the wing。  The cruise itself; you are to know; will make 

a big volume with appendices; some of it will first appear as (what 

they call) letters in some of M'Clure's papers。  I believe the book 

when ready will have a fair measure of serious interest:  I have 

had great fortune in finding old songs and ballads and stories; for 

instance; and have many singular instances of life in the last few 

years among these islands。

The second volume is of ballads。  You know TICONDEROGA。  I have 

written another:  THE FEAST OF FAMINE; a Marquesan story。  A third 

is half done:  THE SONG OF RAHERO; a genuine Tahitian legend。  A 

fourth dances before me。  A Hawaiian fellow this; THE PRIEST'S 

DROUGHT; or some such name。  If; as I half suspect; I get enough 

subjects out of the islands; TICONDEROGA shall be suppressed; and 

we'll call the volume SOUTH SEA BALLADS。  In health; spirits; 

renewed interest in life; and; I do believe; refreshed capacity for 

work; the cruise has proved a wise folly。  Still we're not home; 

and (although the friend of a crowned head) are penniless upon 

these (as one of my correspondents used to call them) 'lovely but 

FATIL islands。'  By the way; who wrote the LION OF THE NILE?  My 

dear sir; that is Something Like。  Overdone in bits; it has a true 

thought and a true ring of language。  Beg the anonymous from me; to 

delete (when he shall republish) the two
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