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the letters-2-第14章

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days at sea with a cargo of hay; matches; stallions; and monkeys; 

and in a ship with no style on; and plenty of sailors to talk to; 

and the endless pleasures of the sea … the romance of it; the sport 

of the scratch dinner and the smashing crockery; the pleasure … an 

endless pleasure … of balancing to the swell:  well; it's over。

SECOND; I had a fine time; rather a troubled one; at Newport and 

New York; saw much of and liked hugely the Fairchilds; St。 Gaudens 

the sculptor; Gilder of the CENTURY … just saw the dear Alexander … 

saw a lot of my old and admirable friend Will Low; whom I wish you 

knew and appreciated … was medallioned by St。 Gaudens; and at last 

escaped to

THIRD; Saranac Lake; where we now are; and which I believe we mean 

to like and pass the winter at。  Our house … emphatically 'Baker's' 

… is on a hill; and has a sight of a stream turning a corner in the 

valley … bless the face of running water! … and sees some hills 

too; and the paganly prosaic roofs of Saranac itself; the Lake it 

does not see; nor do I regret that; I like water (fresh water I 

mean) either running swiftly among stones; or else largely 

qualified with whisky。  As I write; the sun (which has been long a 

stranger) shines in at my shoulder; from the next room; the bell of 

Lloyd's typewriter makes an agreeable music as it patters off (at a 

rate which astonishes this experienced novelist) the early chapters 

of a humorous romance; from still further off … the walls of 

Baker's are neither ancient nor massive … rumours of Valentine 

about the kitchen stove come to my ears; of my mother and Fanny I 

hear nothing; for the excellent reason that they have gone sparking 

off; one to Niagara; one to Indianapolis。  People complain that I 

never give news in my letters。  I have wiped out that reproach。

But now; FOURTH; I have seen the article; and it may be from 

natural partiality; I think it the best you have written。  O … I 

remember the Gautier; which was an excellent performance; and the 

Balzac; which was good; and the Daudet; over which I licked my 

chops; but the R。 L。 S。 is better yet。  It is so humorous; and it 

hits my little frailties with so neat (and so friendly) a touch; 

and Alan is the occasion for so much happy talk; and the quarrel is 

so generously praised。  I read it twice; though it was only some 

hours in my possession; and Low; who got it for me from the 

CENTURY; sat up to finish it ere he returned it; and; sir; we were 

all delighted。  Here is the paper out; nor will anything; not even 

friendship; not even gratitude for the article; induce me to begin 

a second sheet; so here with the kindest remembrances and the 

warmest good wishes; I remain; yours affectionately;

R。 L。 S。



MY DEAR CHARLES; … No likely I'm going to waste a sheet of paper。 。 

。 。  I am offered 1600 pounds (8000) for the American serial 

rights on my next story!  As you say; times are changed since the 

Lothian Road。  Well; the Lothian Road was grand fun too; I could 

take an afternoon of it with great delight。  But I'm awfu' grand 

noo; and long may it last!

Remember me to any of the faithful … if there are any left。  I wish 

I could have a crack with you。 … Yours ever affectionately;

R。 L。 S。

I find I have forgotten more than I remembered of business。 。 。 。  

Please let us know (if you know) for how much Skerryvore is let; 

you will here detect the female mind; I let it for what I could 

get; nor shall the possession of this knowledge (which I am happy 

to have forgot) increase the amount by so much as the shadow of a 

sixpenny piece; but my females are agog。 … Yours ever;

R。 L。 S。


'SARANAC; NOVEMBER 20 OR 21; 1887。'

MY DEAR MR。 SCRIBNER; … Heaven help me; I am under a curse just 

now。  I have played fast and loose with what I said to you; and 

that; I beg you to believe; in the purest innocence of mind。  I 

told you you should have the power over all my work in this 

country; and about a fortnight ago; when M'Clure was here; I calmly 

signed a bargain for the serial publication of a story。  You will 

scarce believe that I did this in mere oblivion; but I did; and all 

that I can say is that I will do so no more; and ask you to forgive 

me。  Please write to me soon as to this。

Will you oblige me by paying in for three articles; as already 

sent; to my account with John Paton & Co。; 52 William Street?  This 

will be most convenient for us。

The fourth article is nearly done; and I am the more deceived; or 

it is A BUSTER。

Now as to the first thing in this letter; I do wish to hear from 

you soon; and I am prepared to hear any reproach; or (what is 

harder to hear) any forgiveness; for I have deserved the worst。 … 

Yours sincerely;




DEAR MR。 BURLINGAME; … I enclose corrected proof of BEGGARS; which 

seems good。  I mean to make a second sermon; which; if it is about 

the same length as PULVIS ET UMBRA; might go in along with it as 

two sermons; in which case I should call the first 'The Whole 

Creation;' and the second 'Any Good。'  We shall see; but you might 

say how you like the notion。

One word:  if you have heard from Mr。 Scribner of my unhappy 

oversight in the matter of a story; you will make me ashamed to 

write to you; and yet I wish to beg you to help me into quieter 

waters。  The oversight committed … and I do think it was not so bad 

as Mr。 Scribner seems to think it…and discovered; I was in a 

miserable position。  I need not tell you that my first impulse was 

to offer to share or to surrender the price agreed upon when it 

should fall due; and it is almost to my credit that I arranged to 

refrain。  It is one of these positions from which there is no 

escape; I cannot undo what I have done。  And I wish to beg you … 

should Mr。 Scribner speak to you in the matter … to try to get him 

to see this neglect of mine for no worse than it is:  unpardonable 

enough; because a breach of an agreement; but still pardonable; 

because a piece of sheer carelessness and want of memory; done; God 

knows; without design and since most sincerely regretted。  I have 

no memory。  You have seen how I omitted to reserve the American 

rights in JEKYLL:  last winter I wrote and demanded; as an 

increase; a less sum than had already been agreed upon for a story 

that I gave to Cassell's。  For once that my forgetfulness has; by a 

cursed fortune; seemed to gain; instead of lose; me money; it is 

painful indeed that I should produce so poor an impression on the 

mind of Mr。 Scribner。  But I beg you to believe; and if possible to 

make him believe; that I am in no degree or sense a FAISEUR; and 

that in matters of business my design; at least; is honest。  Nor 

(bating bad memory and self…deception) am I untruthful in such 


If Mr。 Scribner shall have said nothing to you in the matter; 

please regard the above as unwritten; and believe me; yours very 





DEAR MR。 BURLINGAME; … The revise seemed all right; so I did not 

trouble you with it; indeed; my demand for one was theatrical; to 

impress that obdurate dog; your reader。  Herewith a third paper:  

it has been a cruel long time upon the road; but here it is; and 

not bad at last; I fondly hope。  I was glad you liked the LANTERN 

BEARERS; I did; too。  I thought it was a good paper; really 

contained some excellent sense; and was ingeniously put together。  

I have not often had more trouble than I have with these papers; 

thirty or forty pages of foul copy; twenty is the very least I have 

had。  Well; you pay high; it is fit tha
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