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alexandria and her schools-第4章

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s now Alexandria; and conceived the mighty project of making it the point of union of two; or rather of three worlds。  In a new city; named after himself; Europe; Asia; and Africa were to meet and to hold communion。  A glance at the map will show you what an 'Greek text:  omphalosgees'; a centre of the world; this Alexandria is; and perhaps arouse in your minds; as it has often done in mine; the suspicion that it has not yet fulfilled its whole destiny; but may become at any time a prize for contending nations; or the centre of some world…wide empire to come。  Communicating with Europe and the Levant by the Mediterranean; with India by the Red Sea; certain of boundless supplies of food from the desert…guarded valley of the Nile; to which it formed the only key; thus keeping all Egypt; as it were; for its own private farm; it was weak only on one side; that of Judea。  That small strip of fertile mountain land; containing innumerable military positions from which an enemy might annoy Egypt; being; in fact; one natural chain of fortresses; was the key to Phoenicia and Syria。  It was an eagle's eyrie by the side of a pen of fowls。  It must not be left defenceless for a single year。  Tyre and Gaza had been taken; so no danger was to be apprehended from the seaboard:  but to subdue the Judean mountaineers; a race whose past sufferings had hardened them in a dogged fanaticism of courage and endurance; would be a long and sanguinary task。  It was better to make terms with them; to employ them as friendly warders of their own mountain walls。  Their very fanaticism and isolation made them sure allies。  There was no fear of their fraternising with the Eastern invaders。  If the country was left in their hands; they would hold it against all comers。  Terms were made with them; and for several centuries they fulfilled their trust。

This I apprehend to be the explanation of that conciliatory policy of Alexander's toward the Jews; which was pursued steadily by the Ptolemies; by Pompey; and by the Romans; as long as these same Jews continued to be endurable upon the face of the land。  At least; we shall find the history of Alexandria and that of Judea inextricably united for more than three hundred years。

So arose; at the command of the great conqueror; a mighty city; around those two harbours; of which the western one only is now in use。  The Pharos was then an island。  It was connected with the mainland by a great mole; furnished with forts and drawbridges。  On the ruins of that mole now stands the greater part of the modern city; the vast site of the ancient one is a wilderness。

But Alexander was not destined to carry out his own magnificent project。 That was left for the general whom he most esteemed; and to whose personal prowess he had once owed his life; a man than whom history knows few greater; Ptolemy; the son of Lagus。  He was an adventurer; the son of an adventurer; his mother a cast…off concubine of Philip of Macedon。  There were those who said that he was in reality a son of Philip himself。  However; he rose at court; became a private friend of young Alexander; and at last his Somatophylax; some sort of Colonel of the Life Guards。  And from thence he rose rapidly; till after his great master's death he found himself despot of Egypt。

His face; as it appears on his coins; is of the loftiest and most Jove… like type of Greek beauty。  There is a possibility about it; as about most old Greek faces; of boundless cunning; a lofty irony too; and a contemptuousness; especially about the mouth; which puts one in mind of Goethe's expression; the face; altogether; of one who knew men too well to respect them。  At least; he was a man of clear enough vision。  He saw what was needed in those strange times; and he went straight to the thing which he saw。  It was his wisdom which perceived that the huge amorphous empire of Alexander could not be kept together; and advised its partition among the generals; taking care to obtain himself the lion's share; not in size; indeed; but in capability。  He saw; too (what every man does not see); that the only way to keep what he had got was to make it better; and not worse; than he found it。  His first Egyptian act was to put to death Cleomenes; Alexander's lieutenant; who had amassed vast treasures by extortion; and who was; moreover; (for Ptolemy was a prudent man) a dangerous partisan of his great enemy; Perdiccas。 We do not read that he refunded the treasures:  but the Egyptians surnamed him Soter; the Saviour; and on the whole he deserved the title。 Instead of the wretched misrule and slavery of the conquering Persian dynasty; they had at least law and order; reviving commerce; and a system of administration; we are told (I confess to speaking here quite at second…hand); especially adapted to the peculiar caste…society; and the religious prejudices of Egypt。  But Ptolemy's political genius went beyond such merely material and Warburtonian care for the conservation of body and goods of his subjects。  He effected with complete success a feat which has been attempted; before and since; by very many princes and potentates; but has always; except in Ptolemy's case; proved somewhat of a failure; namely; the making a new deity。  Mythology in general was in a rusty state。  The old Egyptian gods had grown in his dominions very unfashionable; under the summary iconoclasm to which they had been subjected by the Monotheist Persiansthe Puritans of the old world; as they have been well called。  Indeed; all the dolls; and the treasure of the dolls' temples too; had been carried off by Cambyses to Babylon。  And as for the Greek gods; philosophers had sublimed them away sadly during the last century:  not to mention that Alexander's Macedonians; during their wanderings over the world; had probably become rather remiss in their religious exercises; and had possibly given up mentioning the Unseen world; except for those hortatory purposes for which it used to be employed by Nelson's veterans。  But; as Ptolemy felt; people (women especially) must have something wherein to believe。 The 〃Religious Sentiment〃 in man must be satisfied。  But; how to do it? How to find a deity who would meet the aspirations of conquerors as well as conqueredof his most irreligious Macedonians; as well as of his most religious Egyptians?  It was a great problem:  but Ptolemy solved it。  He seems to have taken the same method which Brindley the engineer used in his perplexities; for he went to bed。  And there he had a dream: How the foreign god Serapis; of Pontus (somewhere near this present hapless Sinope); appeared to him; and expressed his wish to come to Alexandria; and there try his influence on the Religious Sentiment。  So Serapis was sent for; and cameat least the idol of him; and accommodating personage!he actually fitted。  After he had been there awhile; he was found to be quite an old acquaintanceto be; in fact; the Greek Jove; and two or three other Greek gods; and also two or three Egyptian gods besideindeed; to be no other than the bull Apis; after his death and deification。  I can tell you no more。  I never could find that anything more was known。  You may see him among Greek and Roman statues as a young man; with a sort of high basket…shaped Persian turban on his head。  But; at least; he was found so pleasant and accommodating a conscience…keeper; that he spread; with Isis; his newly…found mother; or wife; over the whole East; and even to Rome。  The Consuls there50 years B。C。found the pair not too respectable; and pulled down their temples。  But; so popular were they; in spite of their bad fame; that seven years after; the Triumvirs had to build the temples up again elsewhere; and from that time forth; Isis and Serapis; in spite; poor things; of much persecution; were the fashionable deities of the Roman world。  Surely this Ptolemy was a man of genius!

But Ptolemy had even more important work to do than making gods。  He had to make men; for he had few or none ready made among his old veterans from Issus and Arbela。  He had no hereditary aristocracy:  and he wanted none。  No aristocracy of wealth; that might grow of itself; only too fast for his despotic power。  But as a despot; he must have a knot of men round him who would d
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