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alexandria and her schools-第3章

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 may see in time that the assertion of national life; as a spiritual and indefeasible existence; was for centuries the central idea of English policy; the idea by faith in which she delivered first herself; and then the Protestant nations of the Continent; successively from the yokes of Rome; of Spain; of France; and that they may reassert that most English of all truths again; let the apparent cost be what it may。

It is true; that this end will not be attained without what is called nowadays 〃a destruction of human life。〃  But we have yet to learn (at least if the doctrines which I have tried to illustrate in this little book have any truth in them) whether shot or shell has the power of taking away human life; and to believe; if we believe our Bibles; that human life can only be destroyed by sin; and that all which is lost in battle is that animal life of which it is written; 〃Fear not those who can kill the body; and after that have no more that they can do:  but I will forewarn you whom you shall fear; him who; after he has killed; has power to destroy both body and soul in hell。〃  Let a man fear him; the destroying devil; and fear therefore cowardice; disloyalty; selfishness; sluggishness; which are his works; and to be utterly afraid of which is to be truly brave。  God grant that we of the clergy may remember this during the coming war; and instead of weakening the righteous courage and honour of our countrymen by instilling into them selfish and superstitious fears; and a theory of the future state which represents God; not as a saviour; but a tormentor; may boldly tell them that 〃He is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live unto Him;〃 and that he who renders up his animal life as a worthless thing; in the cause of duty; commits his real and human life; his very soul and self; into the hands of a just and merciful Father; who has promised to leave no good deed unrewarded; and least of all that most noble deed; the dying like a man for the sake not merely of this land of England; but of the freedom and national life of half the world。


Before I begin to lecture upon the Physical and Metaphysical schools of Alexandria; it may be better; perhaps; to define the meaning of these two epithets。  Physical; we shall all agree; means that which belongs to 'Greek text:  phusis'; natura; nature; that which 'Greek text: phuetai'; nascitur; grows; by an organic life; and therefore decays again; which has a beginning; and therefore; I presume; an end。  And Metaphysical means that which we learn to think of after we think of nature; that which is supernatural; in fact; having neither beginning nor end; imperishable; immovable; and eternal; which does not become; but always is。  These; at least; are the wisest definitions of these two terms for us just now; for they are those which were received by the whole Alexandrian school; even by those commentators who say that Aristotle; the inventor of the term Metaphysics; named his treatise so only on account of its following in philosophic sequence his book on Physics。

But; according to these definitions; the whole history of Alexandria might be to us; from one point of view; a physical school; for Alexandria; its society and its philosophy; were born; and grew; and fed; and reached their vigour; and had their old age; their death; even as a plant or an animal has; and after they were dead and dissolved; the atoms of them formed food for new creations; entered into new organisations; just as the atoms of a dead plant or animal might do。 Was Alexandria then; from beginning to end; merely a natural and physical phenomenon?

It may have been。  And yet we cannot deny that Alexandria was also a metaphysical phenomenon; vast and deep enough; seeing that it held for some eighteen hundred years a population of several hundred thousand souls; each of whom; at least according to the Alexandrian philosophy; stood in a very intimate relation to those metaphysic things which are imperishable and immovable and eternal; and indeed; contained them more or less; each man; woman; and child of them in themselves; having wills; reasons; consciences; affections; relations to each other; being parents; children; helpmates; bound together by laws concerning right and wrong; and numberless other unseen and spiritual relations。

Surely such a body was not merely natural; any more than any other nation; society; or scientific school; made up of men and of the spirits; thoughts; affections of men。  It; like them; was surely spiritual; and could be only living and healthy; in as far as it was in harmony with certain spiritual; unseen; and everlasting laws of God; perhaps; as certain Alexandrian philosophers would have held; in as far as it was a pattern of that ideal constitution and polity after which man was created; the city of God which is eternal in the Heavens。  If so; may we not suspect of this Alexandria that it was its own fault if it became a merely physical phenomenon; and that it stooped to become a part of nature; and took its place among the things which are born to die; only by breaking the law which God had appointed for it; so fulfilling; in its own case; St。 Paul's great words; that death entered into the world by sin; and that sin is the transgression of the law?

Be that as it may; there must have been metaphysic enough to be learnt in that; or any city of three hundred thousand inhabitants; even though it had never contained lecture…room or philosopher's chair; and had never heard the names of Aristotle and Plato。  Metaphysic enough; indeed; to be learnt there; could we but enter into the heart of even the most brutish negro slave who ever was brought down the Nile out of the desert by Nubian merchants; to build piers and docks in whose commerce he did not share; temples whose worship he did not comprehend; libraries and theatres whose learning and civilisation were to him as much a sealed book as they were to his countryman; and fellow…slave; and only friend; the ape。  There was metaphysic enough in him truly; and things eternal and immutable; though his dark…skinned descendants were three hundred years in discovering the fact; and in proving it satisfactorily to all mankind for ever。  You must pardon me if I seem obscure; I cannot help looking at the question with a somewhat Alexandrian eye; and talking of the poor negro dock…worker as certain Alexandrian philosophers would have talked; of whom I shall have to speak hereafter。

I should have been glad; therefore; had time permitted me; instead of confining myself strictly to what are now called 〃the physic and metaphysic schools〃 of Alexandria; to have tried as well as I could to make you understand how the whole vast phenomenon grew up; and supported a peculiar life of its own; for fifteen hundred years and more; and was felt to be the third; perhaps the second city of the known world; and one so important to the great world…tyrant; the Caesar of Rome; that no Roman of distinction was ever sent there as prefect; but the Alexandrian national vanity and pride of race was allowed to the last to pet itself by having its tyrant chosen from its own people。

But; though this cannot be; we may find human elements enough in the schools of Alexandria; strictly so called; to interest us for a few evenings; for these schools were schools of men; what was discovered and taught was discovered and taught by men; and not by thinking…machines; and whether they would have been inclined to confess it or not; their own personal characters; likes and dislikes; hopes and fears; strength and weakness; beliefs and disbeliefs; determined their metaphysics and their physics for them; quite enough to enable us to feel for them as men of like passions with ourselves; and for that reason only; men whose thoughts and speculations are worthy of a moment's attention from us。 For what is really interesting to man; save men; and God; the Father of men?

In the year 331 B。C。 one of the greatest intellects whose influence the world has ever felt; saw; with his eagle glance; the unrivalled advantage of the spot which is now Alexandria; and conceived the mighty project of making it the point of union of two; or rather
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