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napoleon bonaparte, v5-第5章

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of her; but entirely spoiled this act of politeness by exclaiming in a
rude tone; 〃Pass; madame; pass on!〃  And turning towards the King of
Naples; added; loud enough to be heard; this disgraceful exclamation;
〃The old woodcock!〃

One may judge from this that Prince Constantine was far from exhibiting
towards ladies that exquisite politeness and refined gallantry which
distinguished his august brother。

The French Imperial Guard on one occasion gave a dinner to the guard of
the Emperor Alexander。  At the end of this exceedingly gay and fraternal
banquet; each French soldier exchanged uniforms with a Russian; and
promenaded thus before the eyes of the Emperors; who were much amused by
this impromptu disguise。

Among the numerous attentions paid by the Russian Emperor to our own;
I would mention a concert by a troop of Baskir musicians; whom their
sovereign brought over the Niemen for this purpose; and never certainly
did more barbarous music resound in the ears of his Majesty; and this
strange harmony; accompanied by gestures equally as savage; furnished one
of the most amusing spectacles that can be imagined。  A few days after
this concert; I obtained permission to make the musicians a visit; and
went to their camp; accompanied by Roustan; who was to serve as
interpreter。  We enjoyed the pleasure of being present at a repast of the
Baskirs; where around immense wooden tubs were seated groups consisting
of ten men; each holding in his hand a piece of black bread which he
moistened with a ladleful of water; in which had been diluted something
resembling red clay。  After the repast; they gave us an exhibition of
shooting with the bow; and Roustan; to whom this exercise recalled the
scenes of his youth; attempted to shoot an arrow; but it fell at a few
paces; and I saw a smile of scorn curl the thick lips of our Baskirs。  I
then tried the bow in my turn; and acquitted myself in such a manner as
to do me honor in the eyes of our hosts; who instantly surrounded me;
congratulating me by their gestures on my strength and skill; and one of
them; even more enthusiastic and more amicable than the others; gave me a
pat on the shoulder which I long remembered。

The day succeeding this famous concert; the treaty of peace between the
three sovereigns was signed; and his Majesty made a visit to the Emperor
Alexander; who received him at the head of his guard。  The Emperor
Napoleon asked his illustrious ally to show him the bravest grenadier of
this handsome and valiant troop; and when he was presented to his
Majesty; he took from his breast his own cross of the Legion of Honor;
and fastened it on the breast of the Muscovite soldier; amid the
acclamations and hurrahs of all his comrades。  The two Emperors embraced
each other a last time on the banks of the Niemen; and his Majesty set
out on the road to Koenigsberg。

At Bautzen the King of Saxony came out to meet him; and their Majesties
entered Dresden together。  King Frederick Augustus gave a most
magnificent reception to the sovereign who; not content with giving him a
scepter; had also considerably increased the hereditary estates of the
elector of Saxony。  The good people of Dresden; during the week we passed
there; treated the French more as brothers and compatriots than as

But it was nearly ten months since we had left Paris; and in spite of all
the charms of the simple and cordial hospitality of the Germans; I was
very eager to see again France and my own family。


It was during the glorious campaign of Prussia and Poland that the
imperial family was plunged in the deepest sorrow by the death of the
young Napoleon; eldest son of King Louis of Holland。  This child bore a
striking resemblance to his father; and consequently to his uncle。  His
hair was blond; but would probably have darkened as he grew older。  His
eyes; which were large and blue; shone with extraordinary brilliancy when
a deep impression was made on his young mind。  Gentle; lovable; and full
of candor and gayety; he was the delight of the Emperor; especially on
account of the firmness of his character; which was so remarkable that;
notwithstanding his extreme youth; nothing could make him break his word。
The following anecdote which I recall furnishes an instance of this。

He was very fond of strawberries; but they caused him such long and
frequent attacks of vomiting that his mother became alarmed; and
positively forbade his eating them; expressing a wish that every
precaution should be taken to keep out of the young prince's sight a
fruit which was so injurious to him。  The little Napoleon; whom the
injurious effects of the strawberries had not disgusted with them; was
surprised to no more see his favorite dish; but bore the deprivation
patiently; until one day he questioned his nurse; and very seriously
demanded an explanation on this subject; which the good woman was unable
to give; for she indulged him even to the point of spoiling him。  He knew
her weakness; and often took advantage of it; as in this instance for
example。  He became angry; and said to his nurse in a tone which had as
much and even more effect on her than the Emperor or the King of Holland
could have had; 〃I will have the strawberries。  Give them to me at once。〃
The poor nurse begged him to be quiet; and said that she would give them
to him; but she was afraid that if anything happened he would tell the
queen who had done this。  〃Is that all?〃 replied Napoleon eagerly。  Have
no fear; I promise not to tell。〃

The nurse yielded; and the strawberries had their usual effect。  The
queen entered while he was undergoing the punishment for his self…
indulgence; and he could not deny that he had eaten the forbidden fruit;
as the proofs were too evident。  The queen was much incensed; and wished
to know who had disobeyed her; she alternately entreated and threatened
the child; who still continued to reply with the greatest composure;
〃I promised not to tell。〃  And in spite of the great influence she had
over him; she could not force him to tell her the name of the guilty

Young Napoleon was devoted to his uncle; and manifested in his presence a
patience and self…control very foreign to his usual character。  The
Emperor often took him on his knee during breakfast; and amused himself
making him eat lentils one by one。  The pretty face of the child became
crimson; his whole countenance manifested disgust and impatience; but his
Majesty could prolong this sport without fearing that his nephew would
become angry; which he would have infallibly done with any one else。

At such a tender age could he have been conscious of his uncle's
superiority to all those who surrounded him?  King Louis; his father;
gave him each day a new plaything; chosen exactly to suit his fancy: but
the child preferred those he received from his uncle; and when his father
said to him;  But; see here; Napoleon; those are ugly things; mine are
prettier。〃〃 No;〃 said the young prince; 〃they are very nice; my uncle
gave them to me。〃

One morning when he visited his Majesty; he crossed a saloon where amid
many great personages was Prince Murat; at that time; I think; Grand Duke
of Berg。  The child passed through without saluting any one; when the
prince stopped him and said; 〃Will you not tell me goodmorning?〃〃No;〃
replied Napoleon; disengaging himself from the arms of the Grand Duke;
〃not before my uncle the Emperor。〃

At the end of a review which had taken place in the court of the
Tuileries; and on the Place du Carrousel; the Emperor went up to his
apartments; and threw his hat on one sofa; his sword on another。  Little
Napoleon entered; took his uncle's sword; passed the belt round his neck;
put the hat on his head; and then kept step gravely; humming a march
behind the Emperor and Empress。  Her Majesty; turning round; saw him; and
caught him in her arms; exclaiming; 〃What a pretty picture!〃  Ingenious
in seizing every occasion to please her husband; the Empress summoned M。
Gerard; and ordered a portrait of the young prince in this costume; and
the picture was brought to the palace of Saint…Cloud the very day on
which the Empress heard
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