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napoleon bonaparte, v5-第12章

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took in keeping the affair secret did not prevent her husband from
suspecting the plans of his wife; and before it was possible for her to
see the Emperor; she was carried away far from Venice; and her prudent
husband carefully covered her steps and concealed her flight。  When her
disappearance was announced to the Emperor: 〃He is an old fool;〃 said his
Majesty; laughing; 〃who thinks he is strong enough to struggle against
his destiny。〃  His Majesty formed no other liaison during our stay at

Before leaving this city; the Emperor rendered a decree which was
received with inexpressible enthusiasm; and added much to the regret
which his Majesty's departure caused the inhabitants of Venice。  The
department of the Adriatic; of which Venice was the chief city; was
enlarged in all its maritime coasts; from the town of Aquila as far as
Adria。  The decree ordered; moreover; that the port should be repaired;
the canals deepened and cleaned; the great wall of Palestrina of which I
have spoken above; and the jetties in front of it; extended and
maintained; that a canal of communication between the arsenal of Venice
and the Pass of Mala…Mocco should be dug; and finally that this passage
itself should be cleared and deepened sufficiently for vessels of the
line of seventy…four tons burthen to pass in and out。

Other articles related to benevolent establishments; the administration
of which was given to a kind of council called the Congregation of
Charities; and the cession to the city from the royal domain of the
island of Saint Christopher; to be used as a general cemetery; for until
then here; as in the rest of Italy; they had the pernicious custom of
interring the dead in churches。  Finally the decree ordered the adoption
of a new mode of lighting the beautiful square of Saint Mark; the
construction of new quays; gateways; etc。

When we left Venice the Emperor was conducted to the shore by a crowd of
the population fully as numerous as that which welcomed his arrival。
Trevise; Undine; and Mantua rivaled each other in their eagerness to
receive his Majesty in a becoming manner。  King Joseph had left the
Emperor to return to Naples; but Prince Murat and the vice…king
accompanied his Majesty。

The Emperor stopped only two or three days at Milan; and continued his
journey。  On reaching the plains of Marengo; he found there the entire
population of Alexandria awaiting him; and was received by the light of
thousands of torches。  We passed through Turin without stopping; and on
the 30th of December again descended Mont Cenis; and on the evening of
the 1st of January arrived at the Tuileries。

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