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the faith of men-第34章

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dreamed it!

Little Kitty Bonner; fairylike in gauzy lawn; with pinkest of

cheeks and bluest of dancing eyes; arms outstretched and lips

puckered in invitation; was striving to kiss the boy。  And the boy;

lean and lithe; sunbeaten and browned; skin…clad and in hair…

fringed and hair…tufted MUCLUCS that showed the wear of the sea and

rough work; coolly withstood her advances; his body straight and

stiff with the peculiar erectness common to children of savage

people。  A stranger in a strange land; unabashed and unafraid; he

appeared more like an untamed animal; silent and watchful; his

black eyes flashing from face to face; quiet so long as quiet

endured; but prepared to spring and fight and tear and scratch for

life; at the first sign of danger。

The contrast between boy and girl was striking; but not pitiful。

There was too much strength in the boy for that; waif that he was

of the generations of Shpack; Spike O'Brien; and Bonner。  In his

features; clean cut as a cameo and almost classic in their

severity; there were the power and achievement of his father; and

his grandfather; and the one known as the Big Fat; who was captured

by the Sea people and escaped to Kamchatka。

Neil Bonner fought his emotion down; swallowed it down; and choked

over it; though his face smiled with good…humour and the joy with

which one meets a friend。

〃Your boy; eh; Jees Uck?〃 he said。  And then turning to Kitty:

〃Handsome fellow!  He'll do something with those two hands of his

in this our world。〃

Kitty nodded concurrence。  〃What is your name?〃 she asked。

The young savage flashed his quick eyes upon her and dwelt over her

for a space; seeking out; as it were; the motive beneath the


〃Neil;〃 he answered deliberately when the scrutiny had satisfied


〃Injun talk;〃 Jees Uck interposed; glibly manufacturing languages

on the spur of the moment。  〃Him Injun talk; NEE…AL all the same

'cracker。'  Him baby; him like cracker; him cry for cracker。  Him

say; 'NEE…AL; NEE…AL;' all time him say; 'NEE…AL。'  Then I say that

um name。  So um name all time Nee…al。〃

Never did sound more blessed fall upon Neil Bonner's ear than that

lie from Jees Uck's lips。  It was the cue; and he knew there was

reason for Kitty's untroubled brow。

〃And his father?〃 Kitty asked。  〃He must be a fine man。〃

〃Oo…a; yes;〃 was the reply。  〃Um father fine man。  Sure!〃

〃Did you know him; Neil?〃 queried Kitty。

〃Know him?  Most intimately;〃 Neil answered; and harked back to

dreary Twenty Mile and the man alone in the silence with his


And here might well end the story of Jees Uck but for the crown she

put upon her renunciation。  When she returned to the North to dwell

in her grand log…house; John Thompson found that the P。 C。 Company

could make a shift somehow to carry on its business without his

aid。  Also; the new agent and the succeeding agents received

instructions that the woman Jees Uck should be given whatsoever

goods and grub she desired; in whatsoever quantities she ordered;

and that no charge should be placed upon the books。  Further; the

Company paid yearly to the woman Jees Uck a pension of five

thousand dollars。

When he had attained suitable age; Father Champreau laid hands upon

the boy; and the time was not long when Jees Uck received letters

regularly from the Jesuit college in Maryland。  Later on these

letters came from Italy; and still later from France。  And in the

end there returned to Alaska one Father Neil; a man mighty for good

in the land; who loved his mother and who ultimately went into a

wider field and rose to high authority in the order。

Jees Uck was a young woman when she went back into the North; and

men still looked upon her and yearned。  But she lived straight; and

no breath was ever raised save in commendation。  She stayed for a

while with the good sisters at Holy Cross; where she learned to

read and write and became versed in practical medicine and surgery。

After that she returned to her grand log…house and gathered about

her the young girls of the Toyaat village; to show them the way of

their feet in the world。  It is neither Protestant nor Catholic;

this school in the house built by Neil Bonner for Jees Uck; his

wife; but the missionaries of all the sects look upon it with equal

favour。  The latchstring is always out; and tired prospectors and

trail…weary men turn aside from the flowing river or frozen trail

to rest there for a space and be warm by her fire。  And; down in

the States; Kitty Bonner is pleased at the interest her husband

takes in Alaskan education and the large sums he devotes to that

purpose; and; though she often smiles and chaffs; deep down and

secretly she is but the prouder of him。

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