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the faith of men-第25章

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broad…chested; powerfully muscled; of far more than ordinary size;

and his neck from head to shoulders was a mass of bristling hair

to all appearances a full…blooded wolf。  Leclere was lying asleep

in his furs when Batard deemed the time to be ripe。  He crept upon

him stealthily; head low to earth and lone ear laid back; with a

feline softness of tread。  Batard breathed gently; very gently; and

not till he was close at hand did he raise his head。  He paused for

a moment and looked at the bronzed bull throat; naked and knotty;

and swelling to a deep steady pulse。  The slaver dripped down his

fangs and slid off his tongue at the sight; and in that moment he

remembered his drooping ear; his uncounted blows and prodigious

wrongs; and without a sound sprang on the sleeping man。

Leclere awoke to the pang of the fangs in his throat; and; perfect

animal that he was; he awoke clear…headed and with full

comprehension。  He closed on Batard's windpipe with both his hands;

and rolled out of his furs to get his weight uppermost。  But the

thousands of Batard's ancestors had clung at the throats of

unnumbered moose and caribou and dragged them down; and the wisdom

of those ancestors was his。  When Leclere's weight came on top of

him; he drove his hind legs upwards and in; and clawed down chest

and abdomen; ripping and tearing through skin and muscle。  And when

he felt the man's body wince above him and lift; he worried and

shook at the man's throat。  His team…mates closed around in a

snarling circle; and Batard; with failing breath and fading sense;

knew that their jaws were hungry for him。  But that did not matter…

…it was the man; the man above him; and he ripped and clawed; and

shook and worried; to the last ounce of his strength。  But Leclere

choked him with both his hands; till Batard's chest heaved and

writhed for the air denied; and his eyes glazed and set; and his

jaws slowly loosened; and his tongue protruded black and swollen。

〃Eh?  Bon; you devil!〃 Leclere gurgled mouth and throat clogged

with his own blood; as he shoved the dizzy dog from him。

And then Leclere cursed the other dogs off as they fell upon

Batard。  They drew back into a wider circle; squatting alertly on

their haunches and licking their chops; the hair on every neck

bristling and erect。

Batard recovered quickly; and at sound of Leclere's voice; tottered

to his feet and swayed weakly back and forth。

〃A…h…ah!  You beeg devil!〃 Leclere spluttered。  〃Ah fix you; Ah fix

you plentee; by GAR!〃

Batard; the air biting into his exhausted lungs like wine; flashed

full into the man's face; his jaws missing and coming together with

a metallic clip。  They rolled over and over on the snow; Leclere

striking madly with his fists。  Then they separated; face to face;

and circled back and forth before each other。  Leclere could have

drawn his knife。  His rifle was at his feet。  But the beast in him

was up and raging。  He would do the thing with his handsand his

teeth。  Batard sprang in; but Leclere knocked him over with a blow

of the fist; fell upon him; and buried his teeth to the bone in the

dog's shoulder。

It was a primordial setting and a primordial scene; such as might

have been in the savage youth of the world。  An open space in a

dark forest; a ring of grinning wolf…dogs; and in the centre two

beasts; locked in combat; snapping and snarling raging madly about

panting; sobbing; cursing; straining; wild with passion; in a fury

of murder; ripping and tearing and clawing in elemental


But Leclere caught Batard behind the ear with a blow from his fist;

knocking him over; and; for the instant; stunning him。  Then

Leclere leaped upon him with his feet; and sprang up and down;

striving to grind him into the earth。  Both Batard's hind legs were

broken ere Leclere ceased that he might catch breath。

〃A…a…ah!  A…a…ah!〃 he screamed; incapable of speech; shaking his

fist; through sheer impotence of throat and larynx。

But Batard was indomitable。  He lay there in a helpless welter; his

lip feebly lifting and writhing to the snarl he had not the

strength to utter。  Leclere kicked him; and the tired jaws closed

on the ankle; but could not break the skin。

Then Leclere picked up the whip and proceeded almost to cut him to

pieces; at each stroke of the lash crying:  〃Dis taim Ah break you!

Eh?  By GAR!  Ah break you!〃

In the end; exhausted; fainting from loss of blood; he crumpled up

and fell by his victim; and when the wolf…dogs closed in to take

their vengeance; with his last consciousness dragged his body on

top of Batard to shield him from their fangs。

This occurred not far from Sunrise; and the missionary; opening the

door to Leclere a few hours later; was surprised to note the

absence of Batard from the team。  Nor did his surprise lessen when

Leclere threw back the robes from the sled; gathered Batard into

his arms and staggered across the threshold。  It happened that the

surgeon of McQuestion; who was something of a gadabout; was up on a

gossip; and between them they proceeded to repair Leclere;

〃Merci; non;〃 said he。  〃Do you fix firs' de dog。  To die?  NON。

Eet is not good。  Becos' heem Ah mus' yet break。  Dat fo' w'at he

mus' not die。〃

The surgeon called it a marvel; the missionary a miracle; that

Leclere pulled through at all; and so weakened was he; that in the

spring the fever got him; and he went on his back again。  Batard

had been in even worse plight; but his grip on life prevailed; and

the bones of his hind legs knit; and his organs righted themselves;

during the several weeks he lay strapped to the floor。  And by the

time Leclere; finally convalescent; sallow and shaky; took the sun

by the cabin door; Batard had reasserted his supremacy among his

kind; and brought not only his own team…mates but the missionary's

dogs into subjection。

He moved never a muscle; nor twitched a hair; when; for the first

time; Leclere tottered out on the missionary's arm; and sank down

slowly and with infinite caution on the three…legged stool。

〃BON!〃 he said。  〃BON!  De good sun!〃  And he stretched out his

wasted hands and washed them in the warmth。

Then his gaze fell on the dog; and the old light blazed back in his

eyes。  He touched the missionary lightly on the arm。  〃Mon pere;

dat is one beeg devil; dat Batard。  You will bring me one pistol;

so; dat Ah drink de sun in peace。〃

And thenceforth for many days he sat in the sun before the cabin

door。  He never dozed; and the pistol lay always across his knees。

Batard had a way; the first thing each day; of looking for the

weapon in its wonted place。  At sight of it he would lift his lip

faintly in token that he understood; and Leclere would lift his own

lip in an answering grin。  One day the missionary took note of the


〃Bless me!〃 he said。  〃I really believe the brute comprehends。〃

Leclere laughed softly。  〃Look you; mon pere。  Dat w'at Ah now

spik; to dat does he lissen。〃

As if in confirmation; Batard just perceptibly wriggled his lone

ear up to catch the sound。

〃Ah say 'keel'。〃

Batard growled deep down in his throat; the hair bristled along his

neck; and every muscle went tense and expectant。

〃Ah lift de gun; so; like dat。〃  And suiting action to word; he

sighted the pistol at Batard。  Batard; with a single leap;

sideways; landed around the corner of the cabin out of sight。

〃Bless me!〃 he repeated at intervals。  Leclere grinned proudly。

〃But why does he not run away?〃

The Frenchman's shoulders went up in the racial shrug that means

all things from total ignorance to infinite understanding。

〃Then why do you not kill him?〃

Again the shoulders went up。

〃Mon pere;〃 he said after a pause; 〃de taim is not yet。  He is one

beeg devil。  Some taim Ah break heem; so an' so; all to leetle

bits。  Hey? some taim。  BON!〃

A day came when Lecler
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