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the faith of men-第19章

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spoke vaguely of eggs and ice…packs; winds and tides; but when they

declined to let him have more than a second thousand; his talk

became incoherent; concerning itself chiefly with the price of dogs

and dog…food; and such things as snowshoes and moccasins and winter

trails。  They let him have fifteen hundred; which was more than the

cottage warranted; and breathed easier when he scrawled his

signature and passed out the door。

Two weeks later he went over Chilkoot with three dog sleds of five

dogs each。  One team he drove; the two Indians with him driving the

others。  At Lake Marsh they broke out the cache and loaded up。  But

there was no trail。  He was the first in over the ice; and to him

fell the task of packing the snow and hammering away through the

rough river jams。  Behind him he often observed a camp…fire smoke

trickling thinly up through the quiet air; and he wondered why the

people did not overtake him。  For he was a stranger to the land and

did not understand。  Nor could he understand his Indians when they

tried to explain。  This they conceived to be a hardship; but when

they balked and refused to break camp of mornings; he drove them to

their work at pistol point。

When he slipped through an ice bridge near the White Horse and

froze his foot; tender yet and oversensitive from the previous

freezing; the Indians looked for him to lie up。  But he sacrificed

a blanket; and; with his foot incased in an enormous moccasin; big

as a water…bucket; continued to take his regular turn with the

front sled。  Here was the cruellest work; and they respected him;

though on the side they rapped their foreheads with their knuckles

and significantly shook their heads。  One night they tried to run

away; but the zip…zip of his bullets in the snow brought them back;

snarling but convinced。  Whereupon; being only savage Chilkat men;

they put their heads together to kill him; but he slept like a cat;

and; waking or sleeping; the chance never came。  Often they tried

to tell him the import of the smoke wreath in the rear; but he

could not comprehend and grew suspicious of them。  And when they

sulked or shirked; he was quick to let drive at them between the

eyes; and quick to cool their heated souls with sight of his ready


And so it wentwith mutinous men; wild dogs; and a trail that

broke the heart。  He fought the men to stay with him; fought the

dogs to keep them away from the eggs; fought the ice; the cold; and

the pain of his foot; which would not heal。  As fast as the young

tissue renewed; it was bitten and scared by the frost; so that a

running sore developed; into which he could almost shove his fist。

In the mornings; when he first put his weight upon it; his head

went dizzy; and he was near to fainting from the pain; but later on

in the day it usually grew numb; to recommence when he crawled into

his blankets and tried to sleep。  Yet he; who had been a clerk and

sat at a desk all his days; toiled till the Indians were exhausted;

and even out…worked the dogs。  How hard he worked; how much he

suffered; he did not know。  Being a man of the one idea; now that

the idea had come; it mastered him。  In the foreground of his

consciousness was Dawson; in the background his thousand dozen

eggs; and midway between the two his ego fluttered; striving always

to draw them together to a glittering golden point。  This golden

point was the five thousand dollars; the consummation of the idea

and the point of departure for whatever new idea might present

itself。  For the rest; he was a mere automaton。  He was unaware of

other things; seeing them as through a glass darkly; and giving

them no thought。  The work of his hands he did with machine…like

wisdom; likewise the work of his head。  So the look on his face

grew very tense; till even the Indians were afraid of it; and

marvelled at the strange white man who had made them slaves and

forced them to toil with such foolishness。

Then came a snap on Lake Le Barge; when the cold of outer space

smote the tip of the planet; and the force ranged sixty and odd

degrees below zero。  Here; labouring with open mouth that he might

breathe more freely; he chilled his lungs; and for the rest of the

trip he was troubled with a dry; hacking cough; especially

irritable in smoke of camp or under stress of undue exertion。  On

the Thirty Mile river he found much open water; spanned by

precarious ice bridges and fringed with narrow rim ice; tricky and

uncertain。  The rim ice was impossible to reckon on; and he dared

it without reckoning; falling back on his revolver when his drivers

demurred。  But on the ice bridges; covered with snow though they

were; precautions could be taken。  These they crossed on their

snowshoes; with long poles; held crosswise in their hands; to which

to cling in case of accident。  Once over; the dogs were called to

follow。  And on such a bridge; where the absence of the centre ice

was masked by the snow; one of the Indians met his end。  He went

through as quickly and neatly as a knife through thin cream; and

the current swept him from view down under the stream ice。

That night his mate fled away through the pale moonlight; Rasmunsen

futilely puncturing the silence with his revolvera thing that he

handled with more celerity than cleverness。  Thirty…six hours later

the Indian made a police camp on the Big Salmon。

〃Umumum funny manswhat you call?top um head all loose;〃 the

interpreter explained to the puzzled captain。  〃Eh?  Yep; clazy;

much clazy mans。  Eggs; eggs; all a time eggssavvy?  Come bime…


It was several days before Rasmunsen arrived; the three sleds

lashed together; and all the dogs in a single team。  It was

awkward; and where the going was bad he was compelled to back…trip

it sled by sled; though he managed most of the time; through

herculean efforts; to bring all along on the one haul。  He did not

seem moved when the captain of police told him his man was hitting

the high places for Dawson; and was by that time; probably; half…

way between Selkirk and Stewart。  Nor did he appear interested when

informed that the police had broken the trail as far as Pelly; for

he had attained to a fatalistic acceptance of all natural

dispensations; good or ill。  But when they told him that Dawson was

in the bitter clutch of famine; he smiled; threw the harness on his

dogs; and pulled out。

But it was at his next halt that the mystery of the smoke was

explained。  With the word at Big Salmon that the trail was broken

to Pelly; there was no longer any need for the smoke wreath to

linger in his wake; and Rasmunsen; crouching over lonely fire; saw

a motley string of sleds go by。  First came the courier and the

half…breed who had hauled him out from Bennett; then mail…carriers

for Circle City; two sleds of them; and a mixed following of

ingoing Klondikers。  Dogs and men were fresh and fat; while

Rasmunsen and his brutes were jaded and worn down to the skin and

bone。  They of the smoke wreath had travelled one day in three;

resting and reserving their strength for the dash to come when

broken trail was met with; while each day he had plunged and

floundered forward; breaking the spirit of his dogs and robbing

them of their mettle。

As for himself; he was unbreakable。  They thanked him kindly for

his efforts in their behalf; those fat; fresh men;thanked him

kindly; with broad grins and ribald laughter; and now; when he

understood; he made no answer。  Nor did he cherish silent

bitterness。  It was immaterial。  The ideathe fact behind the

ideawas not changed。  Here he was and his thousand dozen; there

was Dawson; the problem was unaltered。

At the Little Salmon; being short of dog food; the dogs got into

his grub; and from there to Selkirk he lived on beanscoarse;

brown beans; big beans; grossly nutritive; which griped his stomach

and doubled him up at two…hour intervals。  But the Factor at

Selkirk had a noti
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