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the faith of men-第11章

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〃Look here; Pentfield;〃 he said; in a quiet; nervous manner; 〃I

can't allow that; you know。〃

〃Allow what?〃 Pentfield demanded brutally。

〃You implied that I lied。〃

〃Nothing of the sort;〃 came the reply。  〃I merely implied that you

were trying to be clumsily witty。〃

〃Make your bets; gentlemen;〃 the dealer protested。

〃But I tell you it's true;〃 Nick Inwood insisted。

〃And I have told you I've five hundred that says it's not in that

paper;〃 Pentfield answered; at the same time throwing a heavy sack

of dust on the table。

〃I am sorry to take your money;〃 was the retort; as Inwood thrust

the newspaper into Pentfield's hand。

Pentfield saw; though he could not quite bring himself to believe。

Glancing through the headline; 〃Young Lochinvar came out of the

North;〃 and skimming the article until the names of Mabel Holmes

and Corry Hutchinson; coupled together; leaped squarely before his

eyes; he turned to the top of the page。  It was a San Francisco


〃The money's yours; Inwood;〃 he remarked; with a short laugh。

〃There's no telling what that partner of mine will do when he gets


Then he returned to the article and read it word for word; very

slowly and very carefully。  He could no longer doubt。  Beyond

dispute; Corry Hutchinson had married Mabel Holmes。  〃One of the

Bonanza kings;〃 it described him; 〃a partner with Lawrence

Pentfield (whom San Francisco society has not yet forgotten); and

interested with that gentleman in other rich; Klondike properties。〃

Further; and at the end; he read; 〃It is whispered that Mr。 and

Mrs。 Hutchinson will; after a brief trip east to Detroit; make

their real honeymoon journey into the fascinating Klondike


〃I'll be back again; keep my place for me;〃 Pentfield said; rising

to his feet and taking his sack; which meantime had hit the blower

and came back lighter by five hundred dollars。

He went down the street and bought a Seattle paper。  It contained

the same facts; though somewhat condensed。  Corry and Mabel were

indubitably married。  Pentfield returned to the Opera House and

resumed his seat in the game。  He asked to have the limit removed。

〃Trying to get action;〃 Nick Inwood laughed; as he nodded assent to

the dealer。  〃I was going down to the A。 C。 store; but now I guess

I'll stay and watch you do your worst。〃

This Lawrence Pentfield did at the end of two hours' plunging; when

the dealer bit the end off a fresh cigar and struck a match as he

announced that the bank was broken。  Pentfield cashed in for forty

thousand; shook hands with Nick Inwood; and stated that it was the

last time he would ever play at his game or at anybody's else's。

No one knew nor guessed that he had been hit; much less hit hard。

There was no apparent change in his manner。  For a week he went

about his work much as he had always done; when he read an account

of the marriage in a Portland paper。  Then he called in a friend to

take charge of his mine and departed up the Yukon behind his dogs。

He held to the Salt Water trail till White River was reached; into

which he turned。  Five days later he came upon a hunting camp of

the White River Indians。  In the evening there was a feast; and he

sat in honour beside the chief; and next morning he headed his dogs

back toward the Yukon。  But he no longer travelled alone。  A young

squaw fed his dogs for him that night and helped to pitch camp。

She had been mauled by a bear in her childhood and suffered from a

slight limp。  Her name was Lashka; and she was diffident at first

with the strange white man that had come out of the Unknown;

married her with scarcely a look or word; and now was carrying her

back with him into the Unknown。

But Lashka's was better fortune than falls to most Indian girls

that mate with white men in the Northland。  No sooner was Dawson

reached than the barbaric marriage that had joined them was re…

solemnized; in the white man's fashion; before a priest。  From

Dawson; which to her was all a marvel and a dream; she was taken

directly to the Bonanza claim and installed in the square…hewed

cabin on the hill。

The nine days' wonder that followed arose not so much out of the

fact of the squaw whom Lawrence Pentfield had taken to bed and

board as out of the ceremony that had legalized the tie。  The

properly sanctioned marriage was the one thing that passed the

community's comprehension。  But no one bothered Pentfield about it。

So long as a man's vagaries did no special hurt to the community;

the community let the man alone; nor was Pentfield barred from the

cabins of men who possessed white wives。  The marriage ceremony

removed him from the status of squaw…man and placed him beyond

moral reproach; though there were men that challenged his taste

where women were concerned。

No more letters arrived from the outside。  Six sledloads of mails

had been lost at the Big Salmon。  Besides; Pentfield knew that

Corry and his bride must by that time have started in over the

trail。  They were even then on their honeymoon tripthe honeymoon

trip he had dreamed of for himself through two dreary years。  His

lip curled with bitterness at the thought; but beyond being kinder

to Lashka he gave no sign。

March had passed and April was nearing its end; when; one spring

morning; Lashka asked permission to go down the creek several miles

to Siwash Pete's cabin。  Pete's wife; a Stewart River woman; had

sent up word that something was wrong with her baby; and Lashka;

who was pre…eminently a mother…woman and who held herself to be

truly wise in the matter of infantile troubles; missed no

opportunity of nursing the children of other women as yet more

fortunate than she。

Pentfield harnessed his dogs; and with Lashka behind took the trail

down the creek bed of Bonanza。  Spring was in the air。  The

sharpness had gone out of the bite of the frost and though snow

still covered the land; the murmur and trickling of water told that

the iron grip of winter was relaxing。  The bottom was dropping out

of the trail; and here and there a new trail had been broken around

open holes。  At such a place; where there was not room for two

sleds to pass; Pentfield heard the jingle of approaching bells and

stopped his dogs。

A team of tired…looking dogs appeared around the narrow bend;

followed by a heavily…loaded sled。  At the gee…pole was a man who

steered in a manner familiar to Pentfield; and behind the sled

walked two women。  His glance returned to the man at the gee…pole。

It was Corry。  Pentfield got on his feet and waited。  He was glad

that Lashka was with him。  The meeting could not have come about

better had it been planned; he thought。  And as he waited he

wondered what they would say; what they would be able to say。  As

for himself there was no need to say anything。  The explaining was

all on their side; and he was ready to listen to them。

As they drew in abreast; Corry recognized him and halted the dogs。

With a 〃Hello; old man;〃 he held out his hand。

Pentfield shook it; but without warmth or speech。  By this time the

two women had come up; and he noticed that the second one was Dora

Holmes。  He doffed his fur cap; the flaps of which were flying;

shook hands with her; and turned toward Mabel。  She swayed forward;

splendid and radiant; but faltered before his outstretched hand。

He had intended to say; 〃How do you do; Mrs。 Hutchinson?〃but

somehow; the Mrs。 Hutchinson had choked him; and all he had managed

to articulate was the 〃How do you do?〃

There was all the constraint and awkwardness in the situation he

could have wished。  Mabel betrayed the agitation appropriate to her

position; while Dora; evidently brought along as some sort of

peacemaker; was saying:…

〃Why; what is the matter; Lawrence?〃

Before he could answer; Corry plucked him by the sleeve and drew

him aside。

〃See here; old man; what's this mean?〃 Co
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