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stories to tell to children-第38章

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his palm; up his arm; till they reached into his

shoulder; and down the back of his neck。  It

seemed hours since the little brother went away。

He felt very lonely; and the hurt in his arm

grew and grew。  He watched the road with all

his eyes; but no one came in sight。  Then he

leaned his head against the dike; to rest his


As his ear touched the dike; he heard the

voice of the great sea; murmuring。  The sound

seemed to say;

〃I am the great sea。  No one can stand

against me。  What are you; a little child; that

you try to keep me out?  Beware!  Beware!〃

Hans' heart beat in heavy knocks。  Would

they never come?  He was frightened。

And the water went on beating at the wall;

and murmuring; 〃I will come through; I will

come through; I will get you; I will get you;

runrunbefore I come through!〃

Hans started to pull out his finger; he was so

frightened that he felt as if he must run for ever。

But that minute he remembered how much

depended on him; if he pulled out his finger; the

water would surely make the hole bigger; and

at last break down the dike; and the sea would

come in on all the land and houses。  He set his

teeth; and stuck his finger tighter than ever。

〃You shall NOT come through!〃 he whispered;

〃I will NOT run!〃

At that moment; he heard a far…off shout。

Far in the distance he saw a black something on

the road; and dust。  The men were coming!  At

last; they were coming。  They came nearer; fast;

and he could make out his own father; and the

neighbours。  They had pickaxes and shovels;

and they were running。  And as they ran they

shouted; 〃We're coming; take heart; we're


The next minute; it seemed; they were there。

And when they saw Hans; with his pale face;

and his hand tight in the dike; they gave a great

cheer;just as people do for soldiers back from

war; and they lifted him up and rubbed his

aching arm with tender hands; and they told him

that he was a real hero and that he had saved

the town。

When the men had mended the dike; they

marched home like an army; and Hans was

carried high on their shoulders; because he was

a hero。  And to this day the people of Haarlem

tell the story of how a little boy saved the dike。


'1' Adapted from the French of Alphonse Daudet。

Little Franz didn't want to go to school; that

morning。  He would much rather have played

truant。  The air was so warm and still;you

could hear the blackbird singing at the edge of

the wood; and the sound of the Prussians drilling;

down in the meadow behind the old sawmill。

He would SO much rather have played truant!

Besides; this was the day for the lesson in the

rule of participles; and the rule of participles in

French is very; very long; and very hard; and it

has more exceptions than rule。  Little Franz

did not know it at all。  He did not want to go

to school。

But; somehow; he went。  His legs carried him

reluctantly into the village and along the street。

As he passed the official bulletin…board before

the town hall; he noticed a little crowd round it;

looking at it。  That was the place where the

news of lost battles; the requisition for more

troops; the demands for new taxes were posted。

Small as he was; little Franz had seen enough to

make him think; 〃What NOW; I wonder?〃  But

he could not stop to see; he was afraid of being


When he came to the school…yard his heart

beat very fast; he was afraid he WAS late; after

all; for the windows were all open; and yet he

heard no noise;the schoolroom was perfectly

quiet。  He had been counting on the noise and

confusion before school;the slamming of desk

covers; the banging of books; the tapping of the

master's cane and his 〃A little less noise; please;〃

to let him slip quietly into his seat unnoticed。

But no; he had to open the door and walk up

the long aisle; in the midst of a silent room; with

the master looking straight at him。  Oh; how hot

his cheeks felt; and how hard his heart beat!

But to his great surprise the master didn't scold

at all。  All he said was; 〃Come quickly to your

place; my little Franz; we were just going to

begin without you!〃

Little Franz could hardly believe his ears;

that wasn't at all the way the master was accustomed

to speak。  It was very strange!  Somehow

everything was very strange。  The room

looked queer。  Everybody was sitting so still; so

straightas if it were an exhibition day; or

something very particular。  And the master

he looked strange; too; why; he had on his fine

lace jabot and his best coat; that he wore only

on holidays; and his gold snuff…box in his hand。

Certainly it was very odd。  Little Franz looked

all round; wondering。  And there in the back of

the room was the oddest thing of all。  There; on

a bench; sat VISITORS。  Visitors!  He could not

make it out; people never came except on great

occasions;examination days and such。  And it

was not a holiday。  Yet there were the agent;

the old blacksmith; the farmer; sitting quiet and

still。  It was very; very strange。

Just then the master stood up and opened

school。  He said; 〃My children; this is the last

time I shall ever teach you。  The order has come

from Berlin that henceforth nothing but German

shall be taught in the schools of Alsace and

Lorraine。  This is your last lesson in French。

I beg you; be very attentive。〃

HIS LAST LESSON IN FRENCH!  Little Franz could

not believe his ears; his last lessonah; THAT

was what was on the bulletin…board!  It flashed

across him in an instant。  That was it!  His

last lesson in Frenchand he scarcely knew

how to read and writewhy; then; he should

never know how!  He looked down at his

books; all battered and torn at the corners; and

suddenly his books seemed quite different to

him; they seemedsomehowlike friends。  He

looked at the master; and he seemed different;

too;like a very good friend。  Little Franz

began to feel strange himself。  Just as he was

thinking about it; he heard his name called; and

he stood up to recite。

It was the rule of participles。

Oh; what wouldn't he have given to be able

to say it of from beginning to end; exceptions

and all; without a blunder!  But he could only

stand and hang his head; he did not know a

word of it。  Then through the hot pounding in

his ears he heard the master's voice; it was

quite gentle; not at all the scolding voice he

expected。  And it said; 〃I'm not going to punish

you; little Franz。  Perhaps you are punished

enough。  And you are not alone in your fault。

We all do the same thing;we all put off our

tasks till to…morrow。  Andsometimesto…

morrow never comes。  That is what it has been

with us。  We Alsatians have been always putting

off our education till the morrow; and now they

have a right; those people down there; to say to

us; ‘What!  You call yourselves French; and

cannot even read and write the French language?

Learn German; then!'〃

And then the master spoke to them of the

French language。  He told them how beautiful

it was; how clear and musical and reasonable;

and he said that no people could be hopelessly

conquered so long as it kept its language; for

the language was the key to its prison…house。

And then he said he was going to tell them a

little about that beautiful language; and he

explained the rule of participles。

And do you know; it was just as simple as

A B C!  Little Franz understood every word。

It was just the same with the rest of the grammar

lesson。  I don't know whether little Franz

listened harder; or whether the master explained

better; but it was all quite clear; and simple。

But as they went on with it; and little Franz

listened and looked; it seemed to him that the

master was trying to put the whole French

language into their heads in that one hour。

It seemed as if he wanted 
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