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stories to tell to children-第37章

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Billy ran and dressed himself in his master's

best suit of clothes; took the brown mare from

the stable; and was off to the king's town。

When he came there; he saw a big round

place with great high seats built up around it;

and all the people sitting there。  Down in the

midst was the champion; walking up and down

proudly; with two men behind him to carry

his heavy sword。  And up in the centre of the

seats was the princess; with her maidens; she

was looking very pretty; but nervous。

The fight was about to begin when Billy got

there; and the herald was crying out how the

champion would fight the dragon for the princess's

sake; when suddenly there was heard a

fearsome great roaring; and the people shouted;

〃Here he is now; the dragon!〃

The dragon had more heads than the biggest

of the giants; and fire and smoke came from

every one of them。  And when the champion

saw the creature; he never waited even to take 

his sword;he turned and ran; and he never

stopped till he came to a deep well; where he

jumped in and hid himself; up to the neck。

When the princess saw that her champion

was gone; she began wringing her hands; and

crying; 〃Oh; please; kind gentlemen; fight the

dragon; some of you; and keep me from being

eaten!  Will no one fight the dragon for me?〃

But no one stepped up; at all。  And the dragon

made to eat the princess。

Just then; out stepped Billy from the crowd;

with his fine suit of clothes and his hide belt

on him。  〃I'll fight the beast;〃 he says; and

swinging his stick three times round his head;

to give him the strength of a thousand men

besides his own; he walked up to the dragon;

with easy gait。  The princess and all the people

were looking; you may be sure; and the dragon

raged at Billy with all his mouths; and they

at it and fought。  It was a terrible fight; but

in the end Billy Beg had the dragon down; and

he cut off his heads with the sword。

There was great shouting; then; and crying

that the strange champion must come to the

king to be made prince; and to the princess;

to be seen。  But in the midst of the hullabaloo

Billy Begs slips on the brown mare and is off

and away before anyone has seen his face。  But;

quick as he was; he was not so quick but that

the princess caught hold of him as he jumped

on his horse; and he got away with one shoe

left in her hand。  And home he rode; to his

master's house; and had his old clothes on and

the mare in the stable before his master came


When his master came back; he had a great

tale for Billy; how the princess's champion had

run from the dragon; and a strange knight had

come out of the clouds and killed the dragon;

and before anyone could stop him had

disappeared in the sky。  〃Wasn't it wonderful?〃

said the old gentleman to Billy。  〃I should say

so;〃 said Billy to him。

Soon there was proclamation made that the

man who killed the dragon was to be found;

and to be made son of the king and husband

of the princess; for that; everyone should come

up to the king's town and try on the shoe which

the princess had pulled from off the foot of the

strange champion; that he whom it fitted should

be known to be the man。  On the day set; there

was passing of coaches and chaises; of carriages

and wheelbarrows; people on horseback and

afoot; and Billy's master was the first to go。

While Billy was watching; at last came along

a raggedy man。

〃Will you change clothes with me; and I'll

give you boot?〃 said Billy to him。

〃Shame to you to mock a poor raggedy

man!〃 said the raggedy man to Billy。

〃It's no mock;〃 said Billy; and he changed

clothes with the raggedy man; and gave him


When Billy came to the king's town; in his

dreadful old clothes; no one knew him for the

champion at all; and none would let him come

forward to try the shoe。  But after all had tried;

Billy spoke up that he wanted to try。  They

laughed at him; and pushed him back; with

his rags。  But the princess would have it that

he should try。  〃I like his face;〃 said she; 〃let

him try; now。〃

So up stepped Billy; and put on the shoe; and

it fitted him like his own skin。

Then Billy confessed that it was he that

killed the dragon。  And that he was a king's

son。  And they put a velvet suit on him; and

hung a gold chain round his neck; and everyone

said a finer…looking boy they'd never seen。

So Billy married the princess; and was the

prince of that place。


'1' Told from memory of the story told me when a child。

A long way off; across the ocean; there is a

little country where the ground is lower than

the level of the sea; instead of higher; as it is

here。  Of course the water would run in and

cover the land and houses; if something were

not done to keep it out。  But something is done。

The people build great; thick walls all round

the country; and the walls keep the sea out。

You see how much depends on those walls;

the good crops; the houses; and even the safety

of the people。  Even the small children in that

country know that an accident to one of the

walls is a terrible thing。  These walls are really

great banks; as wide as roads; and they are

called 〃dikes。〃

Once there was a little boy who lived in that

country; whose name was Hans。  One day; he

took his little brother out to play。  They went

a long way out of the town; and came to where

there were no houses; but ever so many flowers

and green fields。  By…and…by; Hans climbed up

on the dike; and sat down; the little brother

was playing about at the foot of the bank。

Suddenly the little brother called out; 〃Oh;

what a funny little hole!  It bubbles!〃

〃Hole?  Where?〃 said Hans。

〃Here in the bank;〃 said the little brother;

〃water's in it。〃

〃What!〃 said Hans; and he slid down as

fast as he could to where his brother was playing。

There was the tiniest little hole in the bank。

Just an air…hole。  A drop of water bubbled

slowly through。

〃It is a hole in the dike!〃 cried Hans。  〃What

shall we do?〃

He looked all round; not a person or a house

in sight。  He looked at the hole; the little

drops oozed steadily through; he knew that

the water would soon break a great gap;

because that tiny hole gave it a chance。  The

town was so far awayif they ran for help it

would be too late; what should he do?  Once

more he looked; the hole was larger; now; and

the water was trickling。

Suddenly a thought came to Hans。  He stuck

his little forefinger right into the hole; where it

fitted tight; and he said to his little brother;

〃Run; Dieting!  Go to the town and tell the

men there's a hole in the dike。  Tell them I will

keep it stopped till they get here。〃

The little brother knew by Hans' face that

something very serious was the matter; and he

started for the town; as fast as his legs could

run。  Hans; kneeling with his finger in the hole;

watched him grow smaller and smaller as he got

farther away。

Soon he was as small as a chicken; then he

was only a speck; then he was out of sight。

Hans was alone; his finger tight in the bank。

He could hear the water; slap; slap; slap; on

the stones; and deep down under the slapping

was a gurgling; rumbling sound。  It seemed

very near。

By…and…by; his hand began to feel numb。  He

rubbed it with the other hand; but it got colder

and more numb; colder and more numb; every

minute。  He looked to see if the men were

coming; the road was bare as far as he could

see。  Then the cold began creeping; creeping;

up his arm; first his wrist; then his arm to the

elbow; then his arm to the shoulder; how cold

it was!  And soon it began to ache。  Ugly

little cramp…pains streamed up his finger; up

his palm; up his arm; till they reached into his

shoulder; and down the back of his neck。  It

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