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stories to tell to children-第36章

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Beg ate well。

But just as he finished he heard a great roar;

and out of the forest came a mighty bull; snorting

and running。

And the two bulls at it and fought。  They

knocked the hard ground into soft; the soft into

hard; the rocks into spring wells; and the spring

wells into rocks。  It was a terrible fight。  But

in the end; Billy Beg's bull was too much for

the other bull; and he killed him; and drank his


Then Billy jumped on the bull's back; and the

bull off and away; where you wouldn't know day

from night or night from day; over high hills;

low hills; sheep walks and bullock traces; the

Cove o' Cork; and old Tom Fox with his bugle

horn。  And when he stopped he told Billy to

put his hand in his left ear and pull out the

napkin; because he'd to fight another great bull

of the forest。  So Billy pulled out the napkin

and spread it; and it was covered with all kinds

of eating and drinking; fit for a king。

And; sure enough; just as Billy finished eating;

there was a frightful roar; and a mighty great

bull; greater than the first; rushed out of the

forest。  And the two bulls at it and fought。

It was a terrible fight!  They knocked the hard

ground into soft; the soft into hard; the rocks

into spring wells; and the spring wells into rocks。

But in the end; Billy Beg's bull killed the other

bull; and drank his blood。

Then he off and away; with Billy。

But when he came down; he told Billy Beg

that he was to fight another bull; the brother of

the other two; and that this time the other bull

would be too much for him; and would kill him

and drink his blood。

〃When I am dead; Billy; my boy;〃 he said;

〃put your hand in my left ear and draw out the

napkin; and you'll never want for eating or

drinking; and put your hand in my right ear;

and you'll find a stick there; that will turn into

a sword if you wave it three times round your

head; and give you the strength of a thousand

men beside your own。  Keep that; then cut a

strip of my hide; for a belt; for when you buckle

it on; there's nothing can kill you。〃

Billy Beg was very sad to hear that his friend

must die。  And very soon he heard a more

dreadful roar than ever he heard; and a tremendous

bull rushed out of the forest。  Then came

the worst fight of all。  In the end; the other

bull was too much for Billy Beg's bull; and he

killed him and drank his blood。

Billy Beg sat down and cried for three days

and three nights。  After that he was hungry;

so he put his hand in the bull's left ear; and

drew out the napkin; and ate all kinds of eating

and drinking。  Then he put his hand in the

right ear and pulled out the stick which was to

turn into a sword if waved round his head three

times; and to give him the strength of a thousand

men beside his own。  And he cut a strip of the

hide for a belt; and started off on his adventures。

Presently he came to a fine place; an old

gentleman lived there。  So Billy went up and

knocked; and the old gentleman came to the


〃Are you wanting a boy?〃 says Billy。

〃I am wanting a herd…boy;〃 says the gentleman;

〃to take my six cows; six horses; six

donkeys; and six goats to pasture every morning;

and bring them back at night。  Maybe you'd do。〃

〃What are the wages?〃 says Billy。

〃Oh; well;〃 says the gentleman; 〃it's no use

to talk of that now; there's three giants live

in the wood by the pasture; and every day they

drink up all the milk and kill the boy that looks

after the cattle; so we'll wait to talk about

wages till we see if you come back alive。〃

〃All right;〃 says Billy; and he entered service

with the old gentleman。

The first day; he drove the six cows; six

horses; six donkeys; and six goats to pasture;

and sat down by them。  About noon he heard

a kind of roaring from the wood; and out

rushed a giant with two heads; spitting fire

out of his two mouths。

〃Oh! my fine fellow;〃 says he to Billy; 〃you

are too big for one swallow and not big enough

for two; how would you like to die; then?

By a cut with the sword; a blow with the fist

or a swing by the back?〃

〃That is as may be;〃 says Billy; 〃but I'll

fight you。〃  And he buckled on his hide belt

and swung his stick three times round his

head; to give him the strength of a thousand

men besides his own; and went for the giant。

And at the first grapple Billy Beg lifted the giant

up and sunk him in the ground; to his armpits。

〃Oh; mercy! mercy!  Spare my life!〃 cried

the giant。

〃I think not;〃 said Billy; and he cut off his


That night; when the cows and the goats

were driven home; they gave so much milk

that all the dishes in the house were filled

and the milk ran over and made a little brook

in the yard。

〃This is very queer;〃 said the old gentleman;

〃they never gave any milk before。  Did you see

nothing in the pasture?〃

〃Nothing worse than myself;〃 said Billy。

And next morning he drove the six cows; six

horses; six donkeys; and six goats to pasture


Just before noon he heard a terrific roar; and

out of the wood came a giant with six heads。

〃You killed my brother;〃 he roared; fire

coming out of his six mouths; 〃and I'll very

soon have your blood!  Will you die by a cut

of the sword; or a swing by the back?〃

〃I'll fight you;〃 said Billy。  And buckling

on his belt and swinging his stick three times

round his head; he ran in and grappled the

giant。  At the first hold; he sunk the giant up

to the shoulders in the ground。

〃Mercy; mercy; kind gentleman!〃 cried the

giant。  〃Spare my life!〃

〃I think not;〃 said Billy; and cut off his heads。

That night the cattle gave so much milk that

it ran out of the house and made a stream; and

turned a mill wheel which had not been turned

for seven years!

〃It's certainly very queer;〃 said the old

gentleman; 〃did you see nothing in the

pasture; Billy?〃

〃Nothing worse than myself;〃 said Billy。

And the next morning the gentleman said;

〃Billy; do you know; I only heard one of the

giants roaring in the night; and the night before

only two。  What can ail them; at all?〃

〃Oh; maybe they are sick or something;〃

says Billy; and with that he drove the six

cows; six horses; six donkeys; and six goats

to pasture。

At about ten o'clock there was a roar like a

dozen bulls; and the brother of the two giants

came out of the wood; with twelve heads on

him; and fire spouting from every one of them。

〃I'll have you; my fine boy;〃 cries he; 〃how

will you die; then?〃

〃We'll see;〃 says Billy; 〃come on!〃

And swinging his stick round his head; he

made for the giant; and drove him up to his

twelve necks in the ground。  All twelve of the

heads began begging for mercy; but Billy soon

out them short。  Then he drove the beasts


And that night the milk overflowed the mill…

stream and made a lake; nine miles long; nine

miles broad; and nine miles deep; and there are

salmon and whitefish there to this day。

〃You are a fine boy;〃 said the gentleman;

〃and I'll give you wages。〃

So Billy was herd。

The next day; his master told him to look

after the house while he went up to the king's

town; to see a great sight。  〃What will it

be?〃 said Billy。  〃The king's daughter is to

be eaten by a fiery dragon;〃 said his master;

〃unless the champion fighter they've been feed…

ing for six weeks on purpose kills the dragon。〃

〃Oh;〃 said Billy。

After he was left alone; there were people

passing on horses and afoot; in coaches and

chaises; in carriages and in wheelbarrows; all

going to see the great sight。  And all asked

Billy why he was not on his way。  But Billy

said he didn't care about going。

When the last passer…by was out of sight;

Billy ran and dressed himself in his master's

best suit of clothes; took the brown mare from
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