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stories to tell to children-第32章

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hair was golden as the sun itself; and her eyes

as blue as the flower that grows in the corn。

The prince fell on his knees before her。  But

she gave him her hand and made him rise。

〃You kissed me when I was an old woman;〃

said the princess; 〃I'll kiss you now that I am

a young princess。〃  And she did。

And then she turned her face toward the


〃Dear Prince;〃 she said; 〃is that the sun?〃


'1' From The Golden Windows; by Laura E。 Richards。

(H。 R。 Allenson Ltd。 2s。 6d。 net。)

Once upon a time; two children came to the

house of a sailor man; who lived beside the

salt sea; and they found the sailor man sitting

in his doorway knotting ropes。

〃How do you do?〃 asked the sailor man。

〃We are very well; thank you;〃 said the

children; who had learned manners; 〃and we

hope you are the same。  We heard that you

had a boat; and we thought that perhaps you

would take us out in her; and teach us how to

sail; for that is what we most wish to know。〃

〃All in good time;〃 said the sailor man。  〃I

am busy now; but by…and…by; when my work

is done; I may perhaps take one of you if you

are ready to learn。  Meantime here are some

ropes that need knotting; you might be doing

that; since it has to be done。〃  And he showed

them how the knots should be tied; and went

away and left them。

When he was gone the first child ran to the

window and looked out。

〃There is the sea;〃 he said。  〃The waves

come up on the beach; almost to the door of

the house。  They run up all white; like prancing

horses; and then they go dragging back。  Come

and look!〃

〃I cannot;〃 said the second child。  〃I am

tying a knot。〃

〃Oh!〃 cried the first child; 〃I see the boat。

She is dancing like a lady at a ball; I never

saw such a beauty。  Come and look!〃

〃I cannot;〃 said the second child。  〃I am

tying a knot。〃

〃I shall have a delightful sail in that boat;〃

said the first child。  〃I expect that the sailor

man will take me; because I am the eldest and

I know more about it。  There was no need of

my watching when he showed you the knots;

because I knew how already。〃

Just then the sailor man came in。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃my work is over。  What

have you been doing in the meantime?〃

〃I have been looking at the boat;〃 said the

first child。  〃What a beauty she is!  I shall

have the best time in her that ever I had in

my life。〃

〃I have been tying knots;〃 said the second


〃Come; then;〃 said the sailor man; and he

held out his hand to the second child。  〃I will

take you out in the boat; and teach you to sail


〃But I am the eldest;〃 cried the first child;

〃and I know a great deal more than she does。〃

〃That may be;〃 said the sailor man; 〃but

a person must learn to tie a knot before he can

learn to sail a boat。〃

〃But I have learned to tie a knot;〃 cried the

child。  〃I know all about it!〃

〃How can I tell that?〃 asked the sailor man。


'1' This should usually be prefaced by a brief statement

of Jesus habit of healing and comforting all with whom He

came in close contact。  The exact form of the preface must

depend on how much of His life has already been given in


Once; while Jesus was journeying about; He

passed near a town where a man named Jairus

lived。  This man was a ruler in the synagogue;

and he had just one little daughter about twelve

years of age。  At the time that Jesus was there

the little daughter was very sick; and at last

she lay a…dying。

Her father heard that there was a wonderful

man near the town; who was healing sick people

whom no one else could help; and in his despair

he ran out into the streets to search for Him。

He found Jesus walking in the midst of a

crowd of people; and when he saw Him he fell

down at Jesus feet and besought Him to come

into his house; to heal his daughter。  And

Jesus said; Yes; he would go with him。  But

there were so many people begging to be

healed; and so many looking to see what

happened; that the crowd thronged them; and

kept them from moving fast。  And before they

reached the house one of the man's servants

came to meet them; and said; 〃Thy daughter

is dead; trouble not the Master to come


But instantly Jesus turned to the father and

said; 〃Fear not; only believe; and she shall be

made whole。〃  And He went on with Jairus; to

the house。

When they came to the house; they heard the

sound of weeping and lamentation; the household

was mourning for the little daughter; who

was dead。  Jesus sent all the strangers away

from the door; and only three of His disciples

and the father and mother of the child went in

with Him。  And when He was within; He said

to the mourning people; 〃Weep not; she is

not dead; she sleepeth。〃

When He had passed; they laughed Him to

scorn; for they knew that she was dead。

Then Jesus left them all; and went alone

into the chamber where the little daughter lay。

And when He was there; alone; He went up to

the bed where she was; and bent over her; and

took her by the hand。  And He said; 〃Maiden;


And her spirit came unto her again!  And

she lived; and grew up in her father's house。



'1' Adapted from Sir Thomas Malory。

Once there was a great king in Britain named

Uther; and when he died the other kings and

princes disputed over the kingdom; each wanting

it for himself。  But King Uther had a son

named Arthur; the rightful heir to the throne;

of whom no one knew; for he had been taken

away secretly while he was still a baby by a

wise old man called Merlin; who had him

brought up in the family of a certain Sir Ector;

for fear of the malice of wicked knights。  Even

the boy himself thought Sir Ector was his

father; and he loved Sir Ector's son; Sir Kay;

with the love of a brother。

When the kings and princes could not be

kept in check any longer; and something had

to be done to determine who was to be king;

Merlin made the Archbishop of Canterbury send

for them all to come to London。  It was

Christmas time; and in the great cathedral a

solemn service was held; and prayer was made

that some sign should be given; to show who

was the rightful king。  When the service was

over; there appeared a strange stone in the

churchyard; against the high altar。  It was a

great white stone; like marble; with something

sunk in it that looked like a steel anvil; and

in the anvil was driven a great glistening sword。

The sword had letters of gold written on it;

which read:  〃Whoso pulleth out this sword of

this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of

all England。〃

All wondered at the strange sword and its

strange writing; and when the archbishop himself

came out and gave permission; many of the

knights tried to pull the sword from the stone;

hoping to be king。  But no one could move it

a hair's breadth。

〃He is not here;〃 said the archbishop; 〃that

shall achieve the sword; but doubt not; God

will make him known。〃

Then they set a guard of ten knights to keep

the stone; and the archbishop appointed a day

when all should come together to try at the

stone;kings from far and near。  In the meantime;

splendid jousts were held; outside London;

and both knights and commons were bidden。

Sir Ector came up to the jousts; with others;

and with him rode Kay and Arthur。  Kay

had been made a knight at Allhallowmas; and

when he found there was to be so fine a joust

he wanted a sword; to join it。  But he had left

his sword behind; where his father and he had

slept the night before。  So he asked young

Arthur to ride for it。

〃I will well;〃 said Arthur; and rode back for

it。  But when he came to the castle; 
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