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stories to tell to children-第30章

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in a horrid mud house in the middle of a dark


Now when the first baby was born to the king

and queen; her father and mother decided to

name her 〃Daylight;〃 because she was so bright

and sweet。  And of course they had a christening

party。  And of COURSE they invited the fairies;

because the good fairies had always been at

the christening party when a princess was born

in the palace; and everybody knew that they

brought good gifts。

But; alas; no one knew about the swamp fairy;

and she was not invited;which really pleased

her; because it gave her an excuse for doing

something mean。

The good fairies came to the christening party;

and; one after another; five of them gave little

Daylight good gifts。  The other two stood among

the guests; so that no one noticed them。  The

swamp fairy thought there were no more of them;

so she stepped forward; just as the archbishop

was handing the baby back to the lady…in…waiting。

〃I am just a little deaf;〃 she said; mumbling

a laugh with her toothless gums。  〃Will your

reverence tell me the baby's name again?〃

〃Certainly; my good woman;〃 said the bishop;

〃the infant is little Daylight。〃

〃And little Daylight it shall be; forsooth;〃

cried the bad fairy。  〃I decree that she shall

sleep all day。〃  Then she laughed a horrid

shrieking laugh; 〃He; he; hi; hi!〃

Everyone looked at everyone else in despair;

but out stepped the sixth good fairy; who by

arrangement with her sisters had remained in

the background to undo what she could of any

evil that the swamp fairy might decree。

〃Then at least she shall wake all night;〃 she

said; sadly。

〃Ah!〃 screamed the swamp fairy; 〃you spoke

before I had finished; which is against the law;

and gives me another chance。〃  All the fairies

started at once to say; 〃I beg your pardon!〃

But the bad fairy said; 〃I had only laughed ‘he;

he!' and ‘hi; hi!'  I had still ‘ho; ho!' and ‘hu;

hu!' to laugh。〃

The fairies could not gainsay this; and the

bad fairy had her other chance。  She said;

〃Since she is to wake all night; I decree that

she shall wax and wane with the moon!  Ho;

ho; hu; hu!〃

Out stepped the seventh good fairy。  〃Until

a prince shall kiss her without knowing who

she is;〃 she said; quickly。

The swamp fairy had been prepared for the

trick of keeping back one good fairy; but she

had not suspected it of two; and she could not

say a word; for she had laughed 〃ho; ho!〃 and

〃hu; hu!〃

The poor king and queen looked sad enough。

〃We don't know what you mean;〃 they said to

the good fairy who had spoken last。  But the

good fairy smiled。  〃The meaning of the thing

will come with the thing;〃 she said。

That was the end of the party; but it was

only the beginning of the trouble。  Can you

imagine what a queer household it would be;

where the baby laughed and crowed all night;

and slept all day?  Little Daylight was as

merry and bright all night as any baby in the

world; but with the first sign of dawn she fell

asleep; and slept like a little dormouse till dark。

Nothing could waken her while day lasted。

Still; the royal family got used to this; but the

rest of the bad fairy's gift was a great deal

worse;that about waxing and waning with

the moon。  You know how the moon grows

bigger and brighter each night; from the time

it is a curly silver thread low in the sky till it

is round and golden; flooding the whole sky

with light?  That is the waxing moon。  Then;

you know; it wanes; it grows smaller and

paler again; night by night; till at last it

disappears for a while; altogether。  Well; poor

little Daylight waxed and waned with it。  She

was the rosiest; plumpest; merriest baby in the

world when the moon was at the full; but as

it began to wane her little cheeks grew paler;

her tiny hands thinner; with every night; till

she lay in her cradle like a shadow…baby; without

sound or motion。  At first they thought

she was dead; when the moon disappeared; but

after some months they got used to this too;

and only waited eagerly for the new moon; to

see her revive。  When it shone again; faint and

silver; on the horizon; the baby stirred weakly;

and then they fed her gently; each night she

grew a little better; and when the moon was

near the full again; she was again a lively; rosy;

lovely child。

So it went on till she grew up。  She grew

to be the most beautiful maiden the moon ever

shone on; and everyone loved her so much; for

her sweet ways and her merry heart; that someone

was always planning to stay up at night; to

be near her。  But she did not like to be watched;

especially when she felt the bad time of waning

coming on; so her ladies…in…waiting had to be

very careful。  When the moon waned she became

shrunken and pale and bent; like an old;

old woman; worn out with sorrow。  Only her

golden hair and her blue eyes remained

unchanged; and this gave her a terribly strange

look。  At last; as the moon disappeared; she

faded away to a little; bowed; old creature;

asleep and helpless。

No wonder she liked best to be alone!  She

got in the way of wandering by herself in the

beautiful wood; playing in the moonlight when

she was well; stealing away in the shadows

when she was fading with the moon。  Her

father had a lovely little house of roses and

vines built for her; there。  It stood at the edge

of a most beautiful open glade; inside the wood;

where the moon shone best。  There the princess

lived with her ladies。  And there she danced

when the moon was full。  But when the moon

waned; her ladies often lost her altogether; so

far did she wander; and sometimes they found

her sleeping under a great tree; and brought her

home in their arms。

When the princess was about seventeen years

old; there was a rebellion in a kingdom not far

from her father's。  Wicked nobles murdered

the king of the country and stole his throne;

and would have murdered the young prince;

too; if he had not escaped; dressed in peasant's


Dressed in his poor rags; the prince wandered

about a long time; till one day he got into a

great wood; and lost his way。  It was the wood

where the Princess Daylight lived; but of course

he did not know anything about that nor about

her。  He wandered till night; and then he came

to a queer little house。  One of the good fairies

lived there; and the minute she saw him she

knew all about everything; but to him she

looked only like a kind old woman。  She gave

him a good supper and a bed for the night; and

told him to come back to her if he found no

better place for the next night。  But the prince

said he must get out of the wood at once; so in

the morning he took leave of the fairy。

All day long he walked; and walked; but at

nightfall he had not found his way out of the

wood; so he lay down to rest till the moon

should rise and light his path。

When he woke the moon was glorious; it

was three days from the full; and bright as

silver。  By its light he saw what he thought

to be the edge of the wood; and he hastened

toward it。  But when he came to it; it was

only an open space; surrounded with trees。  It

was so very lovely; in the white moonlight; that

the prince stood a minute to look。  And as he

looked; something white moved out of the trees

on the far side of the open space。  It was

something slim and white; that swayed in the dim

light like a young birch。

〃It must be a moon fairy;〃 thought the

prince; and he stepped into the shadow。

The moon fairy came nearer and nearer;

dancing and swaying in the moonlight。  And

as she came; she began to sing a soft; gay little


But when she was quite close; the prince saw

that she was not a fairy after all; but a real

human maiden;the loveliest maiden he had

ever seen。  Her hair was like yellow corn; and

her smile made all the place merry。  
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