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stories to tell to children-第26章

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sky with crimson and scarlet and gold; he had

disappeared into his fleecy bed; the various

creatures of the forest had sought their holes

and resting…places; the last sound had rumbled

its rumble; the last bee had mumbled his mumble;

and the last bear had grumbled his grumble;

even the grasshoppers that had been chirruping;

chirruping; through all the long hours without

a pause; at length had ceased their shrill music;

tucked up their long legs; and given themselves

to slumber。

There on a nodding grass…blade; a tiny Gnat

had made a swinging couch; and he too had folded

his wings; closed his tiny eyes; and was fast asleep。

Darker; darker; darker became the night until

the darkness could almost be felt; and over all

was a solemn stillness as though some powerful

finger had been raised; and some potent voice

had whispered; 〃HUSH!〃

Just when all was perfectly still; there came

suddenly from the far away depths of the

forest; like the roll of thunder; a mighty


In a moment all the beasts and birds were

wide awake; and the poor little Gnat was nearly

frightened out of his little senses; and his little

heart went pit…a…pat。  He rubbed his little eyes

with his feelers; and then peered all around

trying to penetrate the deep gloom as he

whispered in terror〃WHATWASTHAT?〃

What do YOU think it was? 。 。 。  Yes; a

LION!  A great; big lion who; while most other

denizens of the forest slept; was out hunting for

prey。  He came rushing and crashing through

the thick undergrowth of the forest; swirling

his long tail and opening wide his great jaws;

and as he rushed he RO…AR…R…R…ED!

Presently he reached the spot where the little

Gnat hung panting at the tip of the waving

grass…blade。  Now the little Gnat was not afraid

of lions; so when he saw it was only a lion; he

cried out

〃Hi; stop; stop!  What are you making that

horrible noise about?〃

The Lion stopped short; then backed slowly

and regarded the Gnat with scorn。

〃Why; you tiny; little; mean; insignificant

creature you; how DARE you speak to ME?〃 he


〃How dare I speak to you?〃 repeated the

Gnat quietly。  〃By the virtue of RIGHT; which

is always greater than MIGHT。  Why don't you

keep to your own part of the forest?  What

right have you to be here; disturbing folks at

this time of night?〃

By a mighty effort the Lion restrained his

angerhe knew that to obtain mastery over

others one must be master over oneself。

〃What RIGHT?〃 he repeated in dignified tones。


I can do no wrong; for all the other creatures of

the forest are afraid of me。  I DO what I please;

I SAY what I please; I EAT whom I please; I GO

where I pleasesimply because I'm King of the


〃But who told you you were King?〃 demanded

the Gnat。  〃Just answer me that!〃

〃Who told ME?〃 roared the Lion。  〃Why;

everyone acknowledges itdon't I tell you that

everyone is afraid of me?〃

〃Indeed!〃 cried the Gnat disdainfully。

〃Pray don't say ALL; for I'm not afraid of you。

And further; I deny your right to be King。〃

This was too much for the Lion。  He now

worked himself into a perfect fury。

〃YouyouYOU deny my right as King?〃

〃I DO; and; what is more; you shall never be

King until you have fought and conquered me。〃

The Lion laughed a great lion laugh; and a

lion laugh cannot be laughed at like a cat laugh;

as everyone ought to know。

〃Fightdid you say fight?〃 he asked。

〃Who ever heard of a lion fighting a gnat?

Here; out of my way; you atom of nothing!

I'll blow you to the other end of the world。〃

But though the Lion puffed his cheeks until

they were like great bellows; and then blew

with all his might; he could not disturb the

little Gnat's hold on the swaying grass…blade。

〃You'll blow all your whiskers away if you

are not careful;〃 he said; with a laugh〃but

you won't move me。  And if you dare leave this

spot without fighting me; I'll tell all the beasts

of the forest that you are afraid of me; and

they'll make ME King。〃

〃Ho; ho!〃 roared the Lion。  〃Very well;

since you will fight; let it be so。〃

〃You agree to the conditions; then?  The

one who conquers shall be King?〃

〃Oh; certainly;〃 laughed the Lion; for he

expected an easy victory。  〃Are you ready?〃

〃Quite ready。〃

〃ThenGO!〃 roared the Lion。

And with that he sprang forward with open

jaws; thinking he could easily swallow a million

gnats。  But just as the great jaws were about

to close upon the blade of grass whereto the

Gnat clung; what should happen but that the

Gnat suddenly spread his wings and nimbly

flewwhere do you think?right into one of

the Lion's nostrils!  And there he began to

sting; sting; sting。  The Lion wondered; and

thundered; and blunderedbut the Gnat went

on stinging; he foamed; and he moaned; and he

groanedstill the Gnat went on stinging; he

rubbed his head on the ground in agony;

he swirled his tail in furious passion; he roared;

he spluttered; he sniffed; he snuffedand still

the Gnat went on stinging。

〃O my poor nose; my nose; my nose!〃 the

Lion began to moan。  〃Come down; come

DOWN; come DOWN!  My nose; my NOSE; my

NOSE!!  You're King of the Forest; you're

King; you're Kingonly come down。  My nose;

my NOSE; my NOSE!〃

So at last the Gnat flew out from the Lion's

nostril and went back to his waving grass…

blade; while the Lion slunk away into the

depths of the forest with his tail between his

legsBEATEN; and by a tiny Gnat!

〃What a fine fellow am I; to be sure!〃

exclaimed the Gnat; aa he proudly plumed his

wings。  〃I've beaten a liona LION!  Dear

me; I ought to have been King long ago; I'm so

clever; so big; so strongOH!〃

The Gnat's frightened cry was caused by

finding himself entangled in some silky sort of

threads。  While gloating over his victory; the

wind had risen; and his grass…blade had swayed

violently to and fro unnoticed by him。  A

stronger gust than usual had bent the blade

downward close to the ground; and then something

caught it and held it fast and with it the

victorious Gnat。  Oh; the desperate struggles

he made to get free!  Alas! he became more

entangled than ever。  You can guess what it

wasa spider's web; hung out from the over…

hanging branch of a tree。  Thenflipperty…

flopperty; flippertyflopperty; flop; flip; flop

down his stairs came cunning Father Spider

and quickly gobbled up the little Gnat for his

supper; and that was the end of him。

A strong Lionand what overcame him?  A


A clever Gnatand what overcame him?  A

SPIDER'S WEB!  He who had beaten the strong

lion had been overcome by the subtle snare of

a spider's thread。



Once there was a cat; and a parrot。  And they

had agreed to ask each other to dinner; turn

and turn about: first the cat should ask the

parrot; then the parrot should invite the cat;

and so on。  It was the cat's turn first。

Now the cat was very mean。  He provided

nothing at all for dinner except a pint of milk;

a little slice of fish; and a biscuit。  The parrot

was too polite to complain; but he did not have

a very good time。

When it was his turn to invite the cat; he

cooked a fine dinner。  He had a roast of meat;

a pot of tea; a basket of fruit; and; best of all;

he baked a whole clothes…basketful of little

cakes!little; brown; crispy; spicy cakes!  Oh;

I should say as many as five hundred。  And he

put four hundred and ninety…eight of the cakes

before the cat; keeping only two for himself。

Well; the cat ate the roast; and drank the

tea; and sucked the fruit; and then he began

on the pile of cakes。  He ate all the four

hundred and ninety…eight cakes; and then he

looked round and said:

〃I'm hungry; haven't you 
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