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stories to tell to children-第14章

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bound with a thread either of red or green; the red denoting

the highest rank。  According to custom; they stripped the

dead; and threw their bodies over the precipice。  When their

comrades came; they found their corpses stark and gashed;

but round both wrists of every British hero was twined the

red thread!

This anecdote serves its purpose of illustration

perfectly well; but considered as a separate

story it is somewhat too explanatory in diction;

and too condensed in form。  Just as the long

story is analysed for reduction of given details;

so this must be analysed;to find the details

implied。  We have to read into it again all that

has been left between the lines。

Moreover; the order must be slightly changed;

if we are to end with the proper 〃snap;〃 the

final sting of surprise and admiration given by

the point of the story; the point must be prepared

for。  The purpose of the original is equally

well served by the explanation at the end; but

we must never forget that the place for the

climax; or effective point in a story told; is the

last thing said。  That is what makes a story

〃go off〃 well。

Imagining vividly the situation suggested; and

keeping the logical sequence of facts in mind;

shall we not find the story telling itself to boys

and girls in somewhat this form?


'1' See also The Red Thread of Honour; by Sir Francis Doyle;

in Lyra Heroica;

This story which I am going to tell you is a

true one。  It happened while the English troops

in India were fighting against some of the native

tribes。  The natives who were making trouble

were people from the hill…country; called

Hillsmen; and they were strong enemies。  The

English knew very little about them; except

their courage; but they had noticed one peculiar

custom; after certain battles;the Hillsmen had

a way of marking the bodies of their greatest

chiefs who were killed in battle by binding a red

thread about the wrist; this was the highest

tribute they could pay a hero。  The English;

however; found the common men of them quite

enough to handle; for they had proved themselves

good fighters and clever at ambushes。

One day; a small body of the English had

marched a long way into the hill country; after

the enemy; and in the afternoon they found

themselves in a part of the country strange

even to the guides。  The men moved forward

very slowly and cautiously; for fear of an

ambush。  The trail led into a narrow valley with

very steep; high; rocky sides; topped with woods

in which the enemy might easily hide。

Here the soldiers were ordered to advance

more quickly; though with caution; to get out

of the dangerous place。

After a little they came suddenly to a place

where the passage was divided in two by a big

three…cornered boulder which seemed to rise

from the midst of the valley。  The main line

of men kept to the right; to save crowding the

path; a sergeant and eleven men took the left;

meaning to go round the rock and meet the rest

beyond it。

They had been in the path only a few minutes

when they saw that the rock was not a single

boulder at all; but an arm of the left wall of the

valley; and that they were marching into a deep

ravine with no outlet except the way they came。

Both sides were sheer rock; almost perpendicular;

with thick trees at the top; in front of

them the ground rose in a steep hill; bare of

woods。  As they looked up; they saw that the

top was barricaded by the trunks of trees; and

guarded by a strong body of Hillsmen。  As the

English hesitated; looking at this; a shower of

spears fell from the wood's edge; aimed by

hidden foes。  The place was a death trap。

At this moment; their danger was seen by the

officer in command of the main body; and he

signalled to the sergeant to retreat。

By some terrible mischance; the signal was

misunderstood。  The men took it for the signal

to charge。  Without a moment's pause; straight

up the slope; they charged on the run; cheering

as they ran。

Some were killed by the spears that were

thrown from the cliffs; before they had gone

half way; some were stabbed as they reached

the crest; and hurled backward from the precipice;

two or three got to the top; and fought

hand to hand with the Hillsmen。  They were

outnumbered; seven to one; but when the last

of the English soldiers lay dead; twice their

number of Hillsmen lay dead around them!

When the relief party reached the spot; later

in the day; they found the bodies of their

comrades; full of wounds; huddled over and in the

barricade; or crushed on the rocks below。

They were mutilated and battered; and bore

every sign of the terrible struggle。  BUT ROUND



The Hillsmen had paid greater honour to

their heroic foes than to the bravest of their

own brave dead。

Another instance is the short poem; which;

while being perfectly simple; is rich in suggestion

of more than the young child will see for

himself。  The following example shows the

working out of details in order to provide a

satisfactorily rounded story。


'1' Adapted from The Elf and the Dormouse; by Oliver

Herford; in A Treasury of Verse for Little Children。

(Harrap。  1s。 net。)

Once upon a time a dormouse lived in the

wood with his mother。  She had made a snug

little nest; but Sleepy…head; as she called her

little mousie; loved to roam about among the

grass and fallen leaves; and it was a hard task

to keep him at home。  One day the mother went

off as usual to look for food; leaving Sleepy…

head curled up comfortably in a corner of

the nest。  〃He will lie there safely till I

come back;〃 she thought。  Presently; however;

Sleepy…head opened his eyes and thought he

would like to take a walk out in the fresh

air。  So he crept out of the nest and through

the long grass that nodded over the hole in

the bank。  He ran here and he ran there; stopping

again an again to cock his little ears for

sound of any creeping thing that might be close

at hand。  His little fur coat was soft and silky

as velvet。  Mother had licked it clean before

starting her day's work; you may be sure。  As

Sleepy…head moved from place to place his long

tail swayed from side to side and tickled the

daisies so that they could not hold themselves

still for laughing。

Presently something very cold fell on Sleepy…

head's nose。  What could it be?  He put up

his little paw and dabbed at the place。  Then

the same thing happened to his tail。  He

whisked it quickly round to the front。  Ah; it

was raining!  Now Sleepy…head couldn't bear

rain; and he had got a long way from home。

What would mother say if his nice furry coat

got wet and draggled?  He crept under a bush;

but soon the rain found him out。  Then he ran

to a tree; but this was poor shelter。  He began

to think that he was in for a soaking when

what should he spy; a little distance off; but

a fine toadstool which stood bolt upright just

like an umbrella。  The next moment Sleepy…

head was crawling underneath the friendly

shelter。  He fixed himself up as snugly as he

could; with his little nose upon his paws and his

little tail curled round all; and before you could

count six; eight; ten; twenty; he was fast asleep。

Now it happened that Sleepy…head was not

the only creature that was caught by the rain

that morning in the wood。  A little elf had

been flitting about in search of fun or mischief;

and he; too; had got far from home when the

raindrops began to come pattering through the

leafy roof of the beautiful wood。  It would never

do to get his pretty wings wet; for he hated to

walkit was such slow work and; besides; he

might meet some big wretched animal that could

run faster than himself。  However; he w
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