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perils of certain english prisoners-第6章

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I hold my commission by the allowance of God; and not that I have

received it direct from the Devil; I shall certainly use it; with

all avoidance of unnecessary suffering and with all merciful

swiftness of execution; to exterminate these people from the face of

the earth。  Let me recommend you to go home; sir; and to keep out of

the night…air。〃

Never another syllable did that officer say to the Commissioner; but

turned away to his men。  The Commissioner buttoned his Diplomatic

coat to the chin; said; 〃Mr。 Kitten; attend me!〃 gasped; half choked

himself; and took himself off。

It now fell very dark; indeed。  I have seldom; if ever; seen it

darker; nor yet so dark。  The moon was not due until one in the

morning; and it was but a little after nine when our men lay down

where they were mustered。  It was pretended that they were to take a

nap; but everybody knew that no nap was to be got under the

circumstances。  Though all were very quiet; there was a restlessness

among the people; much what I have seen among the people on a race…

course; when the bell has rung for the saddling for a great race

with large stakes on it。

At ten; they put off; only one boat putting off at a time; another

following in five minutes; both then lying on their oars until

another followed。  Ahead of all; paddling his own outlandish little

canoe without a sound; went the Sambo pilot; to take them safely

outside the reef。  No light was shown but once; and that was in the

commanding officer's own hand。  I lighted the dark lantern for him;

and he took it from me when he embarked。  They had blue lights and

such like with them; but kept themselves as dark as Murder。

The expedition got away with wonderful quietness; and Christian

George King soon came back dancing with joy。

〃Yup; So…Jeer;〃 says he to myself in a very objectionable kind of

convulsions; 〃Christian George King sar berry glad。  Pirates all be

blown a…pieces。  Yup!  Yup!〃

My reply to that cannibal was; 〃However glad you may be; hold your

noise; and don't dance jigs and slap your knees about it; for I

can't abear to see you do it。〃

I was on duty then; we twelve who were left being divided into four

watches of three each; three hours' spell。  I was relieved at

twelve。  A little before that time; I had challenged; and Miss

Maryon and Mrs。 Belltott had come in。

〃Good Davis;〃 says Miss Maryon; 〃what is the matter?  Where is my


I told her what was the matter; and where her brother was。

〃O Heaven help him!〃 says she; clasping her hands and looking up

she was close in front of me; and she looked most lovely to be sure;

he is not sufficiently recovered; not strong enough for such


〃If you had seen him; miss;〃 I told her; 〃as I saw him when he

volunteered; you would have known that his spirit is strong enough

for any strife。  It will bear his body; miss; to wherever duty calls

him。  It will always bear him to an honourable life; or a brave


〃Heaven bless you!〃 says she; touching my arm。  〃I know it。  Heaven

bless you!〃

Mrs。 Belltott surprised me by trembling and saying nothing。  They

were still standing looking towards the sea and listening; after the

relief had come round。  It continuing very dark; I asked to be

allowed to take them back。  Miss Maryon thanked me; and she put her

arm in mine; and I did take them back。  I have now got to make a

confession that will appear singular。  After I had left them; I laid

myself down on my face on the beach; and cried for the first time

since I had frightened birds as a boy at Snorridge Bottom; to think

what a poor; ignorant; low…placed; private soldier I was。

It was only for half a minute or so。  A man can't at all times be

quite master of himself; and it was only for half a minute or so。

Then I up and went to my hut; and turned into my hammock; and fell

asleep with wet eyelashes; and a sore; sore heart。  Just as I had

often done when I was a child; and had been worse used than usual。

I slept (as a child under those circumstances might) very sound; and

yet very sore at heart all through my sleep。  I was awoke by the

words; 〃He is a determined man。〃  I had sprung out of my hammock;

and had seized my firelock; and was standing on the ground; saying

the words myself。  〃He is a determined man。〃  But; the curiosity of

my state was; that I seemed to be repeating them after somebody; and

to have been wonderfully startled by hearing them。

As soon as I came to myself; I went out of the hut; and away to

where the guard was。  Charker challenged:

〃Who goes there?〃

〃A friend。〃

〃Not Gill?〃 says he; as he shouldered his piece。

〃Gill;〃 says I。

〃Why; what the deuce do you do out of your hammock?〃 says he。

〃Too hot for sleep;〃 says I; 〃is all right?〃

〃Right!〃 says Charker; 〃yes; yes; all's right enough here; what

should be wrong here?  It's the boats that we want to know of。

Except for fire…flies twinkling about; and the lonesome splashes of

great creatures as they drop into the water; there's nothing going

on here to ease a man's mind from the boats。〃

The moon was above the sea; and had risen; I should say; some half…

an…hour。  As Charker spoke; with his face towards the sea; I;

looking landward; suddenly laid my right hand on his breast; and

said; 〃Don't move。  Don't turn。  Don't raise your voice!  You never

saw a Maltese face here?〃

〃No。  What do you mean?〃 he asks; staring at me。

〃Nor yet; an English face; with one eye and a patch across the


〃No。  What ails you?  What do you mean?〃

I had seen both; looking at us round the stem of a cocoa…nut tree;

where the moon struck them。  I had seen that Sambo Pilot; with one

hand laid on the stem of the tree; drawing them back into the heavy

shadow。  I had seen their naked cutlasses twinkle and shine; like

bits of the moonshine in the water that had got blown ashore among

the trees by the light wind。  I had seen it all; in a moment。  And I

saw in a moment (as any man would); that the signalled move of the

pirates on the mainland was a plot and a feint; that the leak had

been made to disable the sloop; that the boats had been tempted

away; to leave the Island unprotected; that the pirates had landed

by some secreted way at the back; and that Christian George King was

a double…dyed traitor; and a most infernal villain。

I considered; still all in one and the same moment; that Charker was

a brave man; but not quick with his head; and that Sergeant Drooce;

with a much better head; was close by。  All I said to Charker was;

〃I am afraid we are betrayed。  Turn your back full to the moonlight

on the sea; and cover the stem of the cocoa…nut tree which will then

be right before you; at the height of a man's heart。  Are you


〃I am right;〃 says Charker; turning instantly; and falling into the

position with a nerve of iron; 〃and right ain't left。  Is it; Gill?〃

A few seconds brought me to Sergeant Drooce's hut。  He was fast

asleep; and being a heavy sleeper; I had to lay my hand upon him to

rouse him。  The instant I touched him he came rolling out of his

hammock; and upon me like a tiger。  And a tiger he was; except that

he knew what he was up to; in his utmost heat; as well as any man。

I had to struggle with him pretty hard to bring him to his senses;

panting all the while (for he gave me a breather); 〃Sergeant; I am

Gill Davis!  Treachery!  Pirates on the Island!〃

The last words brought him round; and he took his hands of。  〃I have

seen two of them within this minute;〃 said I。  And so I told him

what I had told Harry Charker。

His soldierly; though tyrannical; head was clear in an instant。  He

didn't waste one word; even of surprise。  〃Order the guard;〃 says

he; 〃to draw off quietly into the Fort。〃  (They called the enclosure

I have before mentioned; the Fort; though it was not much of that。)

〃Then get you
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