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perils of certain english prisoners-第14章

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a nobler nature than youtook such gifts from ladies; and did all

their good actions for the givers' sakes。  If you will do yours for

mine; I shall think with pride that I continue to have some share in

the life of a gallant and generous man。〃

For the second time in my life she kissed my hand。  I made so bold;

for the first time; as to kiss hers; and I tied the ring at my

breast; and I fell back to my place。

Then; the horse…litter went out at the gate with Sergeant Drooce in

it; and the horse…litter went out at the gate with Mrs。 Belltott in

it; and Lieutenant Linderwood gave the word of command; 〃Quick

march!〃 and; cheered and cried for; we went out of the gate too;

marching along the level plain towards the serene blue sky; as if we

were marching straight to Heaven。

When I have added here that the Pirate scheme was blown to shivers;

by the Pirate…ship which had the Treasure on board being so

vigorously attacked by one of His Majesty's cruisers; among the West

India Keys; and being so swiftly boarded and carried; that nobody

suspected anything about the scheme until three…fourths of the

Pirates were killed; and the other fourth were in irons; and the

Treasure was recovered; I come to the last singular confession I

have got to make。

It is this。  I well knew what an immense and hopeless distance there

was between me and Miss Maryon; I well knew that I was no fitter

company for her than I was for the angels; I well knew; that she was

as high above my reach as the sky over my head; and yet I loved her。

What put it in my low heart to be so daring; or whether such a thing

ever happened before or since; as that a man so uninstructed and

obscure as myself got his unhappy thoughts lifted up to such a

height; while knowing very well how presumptuous and impossible to

be realised they were; I am unable to say; still; the suffering to

me was just as great as if I had been a gentleman。  I suffered

agonyagony。  I suffered hard; and I suffered long。  I thought of

her last words to me; however; and I never disgraced them。  If it

had not been for those dear words; I think I should have lost myself

in despair and recklessness。

The ring will be found lying on my heart; of course; and will be

laid with me wherever I am laid。  I am getting on in years now;

though I am able and hearty。  I was recommended for promotion; and

everything was done to reward me that could be done; but my total

want of all learning stood in my way; and I found myself so

completely out of the road to it that I could not conquer any

learning; though I tried。  I was long in the service; and I

respected it; and was respected in it; and the service is dear to me

at this present hour。

At this present hour; when I give this out to my Lady to be written

down; all my old pain has softened away; and I am as happy as a man

can be; at this present fine old country…house of Admiral Sir George

Carton; Baronet。  It was my Lady Carton who herself sought me out;

over a great many miles of the wide world; and found me in Hospital

wounded; and brought me here。  It is my Lady Carton who writes down

my words。  My Lady was Miss Maryon。  And now; that I conclude what I

had to tell; I see my Lady's honoured gray hair droop over her face;

as she leans a little lower at her desk; and I fervently thank her

for being so tender as I see she is; towards the past pain and

trouble of her poor; old; faithful; humble soldier。


{1}   Dicken's didn't write the second chapter and it is omitted in

this edition。  In it the prisoners are firstly made a ransom of for

the treasure left on the Island and then manage to escape from the


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