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perils of certain english prisoners-第12章

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moment of my going by。

〃Hold up; my brave fellow;〃 says Captain Carton; clapping me on the

shoulder like a friend; and giving me a flask。  〃Put your lips to

that; and they'll be red again。  Now; boys; give way!〃

The banks flew by us as if the mightiest stream that ever ran was

with us; and so it was; I am sure; meaning the stream to those men's

ardour and spirit。  The banks flew by us; and we came in sight of

the raftsthe banks flew by us; and we came alongside of the rafts…

…the banks stopped; and there was a tumult of laughing and crying;

and kissing and shaking of hands; and catching up of children and

setting of them down again; and a wild hurry of thankfulness and joy

that melted every one and softened all hearts。

I had taken notice; in Captain Carton's boat; that there was a

curious and quite new sort of fitting on board。  It was a kind of a

little bower made of flowers; and it was set up behind the captain;

and betwixt him and the rudder。  Not only was this arbour; so to

call it; neatly made of flowers; but it was ornamented in a singular

way。  Some of the men had taken the ribbons and buckles off their

hats; and hung them among the flowers; others had made festoons and

streamers of their handkerchiefs; and hung them there; others had

intermixed such trifles as bits of glass and shining fragments of

lockets and tobacco…boxes with the flowers; so that altogether it

was a very bright and lively object in the sunshine。  But why there;

or what for; I did not understand。

Now; as soon as the first bewilderment was over; Captain Carton gave

the order to land for the present。  But this boat of his; with two

hands left in her; immediately put off again when the men were out

of her; and kept off; some yards from the shore。  As she floated

there; with the two hands gently backing water to keep her from

going down the stream; this pretty little arbour attracted many

eyes。  None of the boat's crew; however; had anything to say about

it; except that it was the captain's fancy。

The captainwith the women and children clustering round him; and

the men of all ranks grouped outside them; and all listeningstood

telling how the Expedition; deceived by its bad intelligence; had

chased the light Pirate boats all that fatal night; and had still

followed in their wake next day; and had never suspected until many

hours too late that the great Pirate body had drawn off in the

darkness when the chase began; and shot over to the Island。  He

stood telling how the Expedition; supposing the whole array of armed

boats to be ahead of it; got tempted into shallows and went aground;

but not without having its revenge upon the two decoy…boats; both of

which it had come up with; overhand; and sent to the bottom with all

on board。  He stood telling how the Expedition; fearing then that

the case stood as it did; got afloat again; by great exertion; after

the loss of four more tides; and returned to the Island; where they

found the sloop scuttled and the treasure gone。  He stood telling

how my officer; Lieutenant Linderwood; was left upon the Island;

with as strong a force as could be got together hurriedly from the

mainland; and how the three boats we saw before us were manned and

armed and had come away; exploring the coast and inlets; in search

of any tidings of us。  He stood telling all this; with his face to

the river; and; as he stood telling it; the little arbour of flowers

floated in the sunshine before all the faces there。

Leaning on Captain Carton's shoulder; between him and Miss Maryon;

was Mrs。 Fisher; her head drooping on her arm。  She asked him;

without raising it; when he had told so much; whether he had found

her mother?

〃Be comforted!  She lies;〃 said the Captain gently; 〃under the

cocoa…nut trees on the beach。〃

〃And my child; Captain Carton; did you find my child; too?  Does my

darling rest with my mother?〃

〃No。  Your pretty child sleeps;〃 said the Captain; 〃under a shade of


His voice shook; but there was something in it that struck all the

hearers。  At that moment there sprung from the arbour in his boat a

little creature; clapping her hands and stretching out her arms; and

crying; 〃Dear papa!  Dear mamma!  I am not killed。  I am saved。  I

am coming to kiss you。  Take me to them; take me to them; good; kind


Nobody who saw that scene has ever forgotten it; I am sure; or ever

will forget it。  The child had kept quite still; where her brave

grandmamma had put her (first whispering in her ear; 〃Whatever

happens to me; do not stir; my dear!〃); and had remained quiet until

the fort was deserted; she had then crept out of the trench; and

gone into her mother's house; and there; alone on the solitary

Island; in her mother's room; and asleep on her mother's bed; the

Captain had found her。  Nothing could induce her to be parted from

him after he took her up in his arms; and he had brought her away

with him; and the men had made the bower for her。  To see those men

now; was a sight。  The joy of the women was beautiful; the joy of

those women who had lost their own children; was quite sacred and

divine; but; the ecstasies of Captain Carton's boat's crew; when

their pet was restored to her parents; were wonderful for the

tenderness they showed in the midst of roughness。  As the Captain

stood with the child in his arms; and the child's own little arms

now clinging round his neck; now round her father's; now round her

mother's; now round some one who pressed up to kiss her; the boat's

crew shook hands with one another; waved their hats over their

heads; laughed; sang; cried; dancedand all among themselves;

without wanting to interfere with anybodyin a manner never to be

represented。  At last; I saw the coxswain and another; two very

hard…faced men; with grizzled heads; who had been the heartiest of

the hearty all along; close with one another; get each of them the

other's head under his arm; and pommel away at it with his fist as

hard as he could; in his excess of joy。

When we had well rested and refreshed ourselvesand very glad we

were to have some of the heartening things to eat and drink that had

come up in the boatswe recommenced our voyage down the river:

rafts; and boats; and all。  I said to myself; it was a very

different kind of voyage now; from what it had been; and I fell into

my proper place and station among my fellow…soldiers。

But; when we halted for the night; I found that Miss Maryon had

spoken to Captain Carton concerning me。  For; the Captain came

straight up to me; and says he; 〃My brave fellow; you have been Miss

Maryon's body…guard all along; and you shall remain so。  Nobody

shall supersede you in the distinction and pleasure of protecting

that young lady。〃  I thanked his honour in the fittest words I could

find; and that night I was placed on my old post of watching the

place where she slept。  More than once in the night; I saw Captain

Carton come out into the air; and stroll about there; to see that

all was well。  I have now this other singular confession to make;

that I saw him with a heavy heart。  Yes; I saw him with a heavy;

heavy heart。

In the day…time; I had the like post in Captain Carton's boat。  I

had a special station of my own; behind Miss Maryon; and no hands

but hers ever touched my wound。  (It has been healed these many long

years; but; no other hands have ever touched it。)  Mr。 Pordage was

kept tolerably quiet now; with pen and ink; and began to pick up his

senses a little。  Seated in the second boat; he made documents with

Mr。 Kitten; pretty well all day; and he generally handed in a

Protest about something whenever we stopped。  The Captain; however;

made so very light of these papers; that it grew into a saying among

the men; when one of them wanted a match for his pipe; 〃Hand us over

a Protest; Jack!〃  As to Mrs。 Pordage; she still wore the nightcap;

and she now had cut all the lad
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