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the scouts of the valley-第51章

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; begged William Gray to keep a strict watch lest the Iroquois attack from ambush。  He knew that the rashness and confidence of the borderers; especially when drawn together in masses; had often caused them great losses; and he was resolved to prevent a recurrence at the present time if he could。  He had made these urgent requests of Gray; instead of Colonel Butler; because of the latter's youth and willingness to take advice。

〃I'll have the forest beat up continually all about the town;〃 he said。  〃We must not have our triumph spoiled by any afterclap。〃

Henry and his comrades; wrapped in their blankets; lay in a row almost at the edge of the forest。  The heat from the fire was still great; but it would die down after a while; and the October air was nipping。  Henry usually fell asleep in a very few minutes; but this time; despite his long exertions and lack of rest; he remained awake when his comrades were sound asleep。  Then he fell into a drowsy state; in which be saw the fire rising in great black coils that united far above。  It seemed to Henry; half dreaming and forecasting the future; that the Indian spirit was passing in the smoke。

When he fell asleep it was nearly daylight; and in three or four hours be was up again; as the little army intended to march at once upon another Indian town。  The hours while he slept had passed in silence; and no Indians had come near。  William Gray had seen to that; and his best scout had been one Cornelius Heemskerk; a short; stout man of Dutch birth。

〃It was one long; long tramp for me; Mynheer Henry;〃 said Heemskerk; as he revolved slowly up to the camp fire where Henry was eating his breakfast;〃 and I am now very tired。  It was like walking four or five times around Holland; which is such a fine little country; with the canals and the flowers along them; and no great; dark woods filled with the fierce Iroquois。〃

〃Still; I've a notion; Mynheer Heemskerk; that you'd rather be here; and perhaps before the day is over you will get some fighting hot enough to please even you。〃

Mynheer Heemskerk threw up his hands in dismay; but a half hour later he was eagerly discussing with Henry the possibility of overtaking some large band of retreating Iroquois。

Urged on by all the scouts and by those who had suffered at Wyoming; Colonel Butler gathered his forces and marched swiftly that very morning up the river against another Indian town; Cunahunta。  Fortunately for him; a band of riflemen and scouts unsurpassed in skill led the way; and saw to it that the road was safe。  In this band were the five; of course; and after them Heemskerk; young Taylor; and several others。

〃If the Iroquois do not get in our way; we'll strike Cunahunta before night;〃 said Heemskerk; who knew the way。

〃It seems to me that they will certainly try to save their towns;〃 said Henry。  〃Surely Brant and the Tories will not let us strike so great a blow without a fight。〃

〃Most of their warriors are elsewhere; Mynheer Henry;〃 said Heemskerk; 〃 or they would certainly give us a big battle。  We've been lucky in the time of our advance。  As it is; I think we'll have something to do。〃

It was now about noon; the noon of a beautiful October day of the North; the air like life itself; the foliage burning red on the hills; the leaves falling softly from the trees as the wind blew; but bringing with them no hint of decay。  None of the vanguard felt fatigue; but when they crossed a low range of hills and saw before them a creek flowing down to the Susquehanna; Henry; who was in the lead; stopped suddenly and dropped down in the grass。  The others; knowing without question the significance of the action; also sank down。

〃What is it; Henry ?〃 asked Shif'less Sol。

〃You see how thick the trees are on the other side of that bank。  Look a little to the left of a big oak; and you will see the feathers in the headdress of an Iroquois。  Farther on I think I can catch a glimpse of a green coat; and if I am right that coat is worn by one of Johnson's Royal Greens。  It's an ambush; Sol; an ambush meant for us。〃

〃But it's not an ambush intended for our main force; Mynheer Henry;〃 said Heemskerk; whose red face began to grow redder with the desire for action。  〃I; too; see the feather of the Iroquois。〃

〃As good scouts and skirmishers it's our duty; then; to clear this force out of the way; and not wait for the main body to come up; is it not?〃 asked Henry; with a suggestive look at the Dutchman。

〃What a goot head you have; Mynheer Henry!〃 exclaimed Heemskerk。  〃Of course we will fight; and fight now!〃

〃How about them blue plates?〃 said Shif'less Sol softly。  But Heemskerk did not hear him。

They swiftly developed their plan of action。  There could be no earthly doubt of the fact that the Iroquois and some Tories were ambushed on the far side of the creek。  Possibly Thayendanegea himself; stung by the burning of Oghwaga and the advance on Cunahunta; was there。  But they were sure that it was not a large band。

The party of Henry and Heemskerk numbered fourteen; but every one was a veteran; full of courage; tenacity; and all the skill of the woods。  They had supreme confidence in their ability to beat the best of the Iroquois; man for man; and they carried the very finest arms known to the time。

It was decided that four of the men should remain on the hill。  The others; including the five; Heemskerk; and Taylor; would make a circuit; cross the creek a full mile above; and come down on the flank of the ambushing party。  Theirs would be the main attack; but it would be preceded by sharpshooting from the four; intended to absorb the attention of the Iroquois。  The chosen ten slipped back down the hill; and as soon as they were sheltered from any possible glimpse by the warriors; they rose and ran rapidly westward。  Before they had gone far they heard the crack of a rifle shot; then another; then several from another point; as if in reply。

〃It's our sharpshooters;〃 said Henry。  〃 They've begun to disturb the Iroquois; and they'll keep them busy。〃

〃Until we break in on their sport and keep them still busier;〃 exclaimed Heemskerk; revolving swiftly through the bushes; his face blazing red。

It did not take long for such as they to go the mile or so that they intended; and then they crossed the creek; wading in the water breast high; but careful to keep their ammunition dry。  Then they turned and rapidly descended the stream on its northern bank。  In a few minutes they heard the sound of a rifle shot; and then of another as if replying。

〃The Iroquois have been fooled;〃 exclaimed Heemskerk。  〃Our four good riflemen have made them think that a great force is there; and they have not dared to cross the creek themselves and make an attack。〃

In a few minutes more; as they ran noiselessly through the forest; they saw a little drifting smoke; and now and then the faint flash of rifles。  They were coming somewhere near to the Iroquois band; and they practiced exceeding caution。  Presently they caught sight of Indian faces; and now and then one of Johnson's Greens or Butler's Rangers。  They stopped and held a council that lasted scarcely more than half a minute。  They all agreed there was but one thing to do; and that was to attack in the Indian's own way…that is; by ambush and sharpshooting。

Henry fired the first shot; and an Iroquois; aiming at a foe on the other side of the creek; fell。  Heemskerk quickly followed with a shot as good; and the surprised Iroquois turned to face this new foe。  But they and the Tories were a strong band; and they retreated only a little。  Then they stood firm; and the forest battle began。  The Indians numbered not less than thirty; and both Braxton Wyatt and Coleman were with them; but the value of skill was here shown by the smaller party; the one that attacked。  The frontiersmen; trained to every trick and wile of the forest; and marksmen such as the Indians were never able to become; continually pressed in and drove the Iroquois from tree to tree。  Once or twice the warriors started a rush; but they were quickly driven back by sharpshooting such as they had never faced before。  They soon realized that this was no band of border farmers; armed hastily for an emergency;
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