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the foundations of personality-第86章

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y everybody will see through my pose;and then where will I be?〃 Hide…and…go…seek is one of the great games of adults as well as of children。 We hide our own defects and seek the defects of others in order to avoid inferiority and to feel competitive superiority。 But there is a deep contradiction in our natures: we seek to display ourselves as we are to those who we feel love us; and we hide our real self from the enemy or the stranger。 The protective marking of birds and insects 〃amateurish compared to the protective marking we apply to ourselves。 I forbear from depicting further character types。 People are not as easily classified as automobiles; and the combinations possible exceed computation。 Character growth; in each individual human being; is a growth in likeness to others and a growth in unlikeness; as well。 As we move from childhood to youth; and thence to middle and old age; qualities appear and recede; and the personality passes along to unity and harmony or else there is disintegration。 He who believes as I do that the Grecian sage was immortally right when he enjoined man to know himself will agree that though understanding character is a difficult discipline it is the principal science of life。 We are only starting such a science; we need to approach our subject with candor and without prejudice。 Though our subject brings us in direct contact with the deepest of problems; the meaning of life; the nature of the Ego and the source of consciousness; these we must ignore as out of our knowledge。 Limiting ourselves to a humble effort to know our fellow men and our own selves; we shall find that our efforts not only add to our knowledge but add unmeasurably to our sympathy with and our love for our fellows。

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